小说翻译TheLotteryByShirleyJackson 兄弟齐心小说by虚墟

The Lottery
By Shirley Jackson


The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmthof a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and thegrass was richly green. The people of the village began to gatherin the square, between the post office and the bank, around teno'clock; in some towns there were so many people that the lotterytook two days and had to be started on June 26th. but in thisvillage, where there were only about three hundred people, thewhole lottery took less than two hours, so it could begin at teno'clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow thevillagers to get home for noon dinner.


The children assembled first, of course. School was recently overfor the summer, and the feeling of liberty sat uneasily on most ofthem; they tended to gather together quietly for a while beforethey broke into boisterous play, and their talk was still of theclassroom and the teacher, of books and reprimands. Bobby Martinhad already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boyssoon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundeststones; Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix — the villagers pronounced this name “Dellacroy” — eventuallymade a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guardedit against the raids of the other boys. The girls stood aside,talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at the boys,and the very small children rolled in the dust or clung to thehands of their older brothers or sisters.


Soon the men began to gather. surveying their own children,speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes. They stoodtogether, away from the pile of stones in the corner, and theirjokes were quiet and they smiled rather than laughed. The women,wearing faded house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after theirmenfolk. They greeted one another and exchanged bits of gossip asthey went to join their husbands. Soon the women, standing by theirhusbands, began to call to their children, and the children camereluctantly, having to be called four or five times. Bobby Martinducked under his mother's grasping hand and ran, laughing, back tothe pile of stones. His father spoke up sharply, and Bobby camequickly and took his place between his father and his oldestbrother.


The lottery was conducted--as were the square dances, the teenclub, the Halloween program--by Mr. Summers. who had time andenergy to devote to civic activities. He was a round-faced, jovialman and he ran the coal business, and people were sorry for him.because he had no children and his wife was a scold. When hearrived in the square, carrying the black wooden box, there was amurmur of conversation among the villagers, and he waved andcalled. "Little late today, folks." The postmaster, Mr. Graves,followed him, carrying a three- legged stool, and the stool was putin the center of the square and Mr. Summers set the black box downon it. The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space betweenthemselves and the stool. and when Mr. Summers said, "Some of youfellows want to give me a hand?" there was a hesitation before twomen. Mr. Martin and his oldest son, Baxter. came forward to holdthe box steady on the stool while Mr. Summers stirred up the papersinside it.


The original paraphernalia for the lottery had been lost long ago,and the black box now resting on the stool had been put into useeven before Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town, was born. Mr.Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box,but no one liked to upset even as much tradition as was representedby the black box. There was a story that the present box had beenmade with some pieces of the box that had preceded it, the one thathad been constructed when the first people settled down to make avillage here. Every year, after the lottery, Mr. Summers begantalking again about a new box, but every year the subject wasallowed to fade off without anything's being done. The black boxgrew shabbier each year: by now it was no longer completely blackbut splintered badly along one side to show the original woodcolor, and in some places faded or stained.


Mr. Martin and his oldest son, Baxter, held the black box securelyon the stool until Mr. Summers had stirred the papers thoroughlywith his hand. Because so much of the ritual had been forgotten ordiscarded, Mr. Summers had been successful in having slips of papersubstituted for the chips of wood that had been used forgenerations. Chips of wood, Mr. Summers had argued, had been allvery well when the village was tiny, but now that the populationwas more than three hundred and likely to keep on growing, it wasnecessary to use something that would fit more easily into theblack box. The night before the lottery, Mr. Summers and Mr. Gravesmade up the slips of paper and put them in the box, and it was thentaken to the safe of Mr. Summers’ coalcompany and locked up until Mr. Summers was ready to take it to thesquare next morning. The rest of the year, the box was put way,sometimes one place, sometimes another; it had spent one year inMr. Graves’s barn and another yearunderfoot in the post office, and sometimes it was set on a shelfin the Martin grocery and left there.


There was a great deal of fussing to be done before Mr. Summersdeclared the lottery open. There were the lists to make up--ofheads of families. heads of households in each family. members ofeach household in each family. There was the proper swearing-in ofMr. Summers by the postmaster, as the official of the lottery; atone time, some people remembered, there had been a recital of somesort, performed by the official of the lottery, a perfunctory.tuneless chant that had been rattled off duly each year; somepeople believed that the official of the lottery used to stand justso when he said or sang it, others believed that he was supposed towalk among the people, but years and years ago this part of theritual had been allowed to lapse. There had been, also, a ritualsalute, which the official of the lottery had to use in addressingeach person who came up to draw from the box, but this also hadchanged with time, until now it was felt necessary only for theofficial to speak to each person approaching. Mr. Summers was verygood at all this; in his clean white shirt and bluejeans,with one hand resting carelessly onthe black box. He seemed very proper and important as he talkedinterminably to Mr. Graves and the Martins.


Just as Mr. Summers finally left off talking and turned to theassembled villagers, Mrs. Hutchinson came hurriedly along the pathto the square, her sweater thrown over her shoulders, and slid intoplace in the back of the crowd. "Clean forgot what day it was," shesaid to Mrs. Delacroix, who stood next to her, and they bothlaughed softly. "Thought my old man was out back stacking wood,"Mrs. Hutchinson went on. "and then I looked out the window and thekids was gone, and then I remembered it was the twenty-seventh andcame a-running." She dried her hands on her apron, and Mrs.Delacroix said, "You're in time, though. They're still talking awayup there."


Mrs. Hutchinson craned her neck to see through the crowd and foundher husband and children standing near the front. She tapped Mrs.Delacroix on the arm as a farewell and began to make her waythrough the crowd. The people separated good-humoredly to let herthrough: two or three people said in voices just loud enough to beheard across the crowd, "Here comes your, Missus, Hutchinson," and"Bill, she made it after all." Mrs. Hutchinson reached her husband,and Mr. Summers, who had been waiting, said cheerfully. "Thought wewere going to have to get on without you, Tessie." Mrs. Hutchinsonsaid grinning, "Wouldn't have me leave m'dishes in the sink, now,would you, Joe?," and soft laughter ranthrough the crowd as the people stirred back into position afterMrs. Hutchinson's arrival.


"Well, now." Mr. Summers said soberly, "guess we better getstarted, get this over with, so's we can go back to work. Anybodyain't here?"


"Dunbar." several people said. "Dunbar.Dunbar."


Mr. Summers consulted his list. "Clyde Dunbar." he said. "That'sright. He's broke his leg, hasn't he? Who's drawing forhim?"


"Me. I guess," a woman said. and Mr. Summers turned to look at her."Wife draws for her husband." Mr. Summers said. "Don't you have agrown boy to do it for you, Janey?" Although Mr. Summers andeveryone else in the village knew the answer perfectly well, it wasthe business of the official of the lottery to ask such questionsformally. Mr. Summers waited with an expression of polite interestwhile Mrs. Dunbar answered.


"Horace's not but sixteen yet." Mrs. Dunbar said regretfully."Guess I gotta fill in for the old man this year." "Right." Sr.Summers said. He made a note on the list he was holding. Then heasked, "Watson boy drawing this year?"

“霍雷斯还不滿十六岁呢。” 丹巴太太遗憾地说。”我想今年我得替老伴抽奖。”“是啊。”萨摩斯先生说。他在手中的名单上做了个记号。然后问道,“华森家儿子今年来抽奖吗?”

A tall boy in the crowd raised his hand. "Here," he said. "I mdrawing for my mother and me." He blinked his eyes nervously andducked his head as several voices in the crowd said things like"Good fellow, Jack." and "Glad to see your mother's got a man to doit."

小说翻译TheLotteryByShirleyJackson 兄弟齐心小说by虚墟

"Well," Mr. Summers said, "guess that's everyone. Old Man Warnermade it?"


"Here," a voice said. and Mr. Summersnodded.


A sudden hush fell on the crowd as Mr. Summers cleared his throatand looked at the list. "All ready?" he called. "Now, I'll read thenames--heads of families first--and the men come up and take apaper out of the box. Keep the paper folded in your hand withoutlooking at it until everyone has had a turn. Everythingclear?"

萨摩斯先生清嗓子看名单之际,突如其来的静寂落到人群中。“都准备好了?”他喊道。“现在,我读名字---先是各家户主—- 男人们上来从箱子里取张纸片。不轮完最後一个,不许看手中的折疊纸片。都说明白了吗?”

The people had done it so many times that they only half listenedto the directions: most of them were quiet. wetting their lips. notlooking around. Then Mr. Summers raised one hand high and said,"Adams." A man disengaged himself from the crowd and came forward."Hi. Steve." Mr. Summers said. and Mr. Adams said. "Hi. Joe." Theygrinned at one another humorlessly and nervously. Then Mr. Adamsreached into the black box and took out a folded paper. He held itfirmly by one corner as he turned and went hastily back to hisplace in the crowd. where he stood a little apart from his family.not looking down at his hand.


"Allen." Mr. Summers said. "Anderson....Bentham."

"Seems like there's no time at all between lotteries any more."Mrs. Delacroix said to Mrs. Graves in the backrow.

"Seems like we got through with the last one only lastweek."

"Time sure goes fast.“-- Mrs. Gravessaid.

"Clark.... Delacroix"

"There goes my old man." Mrs. Delacroix said. She held her breathwhile her husband went forward.
“轮到我家老头子了。” 德拉克瓦太太说。她家那口子走上前时,她屏紧呼吸。

"Dunbar," Mr. Summers said, and Mrs. Dunbar went steadily to thebox while one of the women said. "Go on. Janey," and another said,"There she goes."

"We're next." Mrs. Graves said. She watched while Mr. Graves camearound from the side of the box, greeted Mr. Summers gravely andselected a slip of paper from the box. By now, all through thecrowd there were men holding the small folded papers in their largehand. turning them over and over nervously。Mrs. Dunbar and her two sons stood together, Mrs.Dunbar holding the slip of paper.


"Harburt.... Hutchinson."

"Get up there, Bill," Mrs. Hutchinson said. and the people near herlaughed.
“比尔,过去呀,“巴金森太太说。 旁边的人們哄然大笑。


"They do say," Mr. Adams said to Old Man Warner, who stood next tohim, "that over in the north village they're talking of giving upthe lottery."


Old Man Warner snorted. "Pack of crazy fools," he said. "Listeningto the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing youknow, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody workany more, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying about'Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.' First thing you know, we'dall be eating stewed chickweed and acorns. There's always been alottery," he added petulantly. "Bad enough to see young Joe Summersup there joking with everybody."


"Some places have already quit lotteries." Mrs. Adamssaid.
“有些地方已经停止摸奖了。“ 亚当斯先生说。

"Nothing but trouble in that," Old Man Warner said stoutly. "Packof young fools."

"Martin." And Bobby Martin watched his father go forward."Overdyke.... Percy."

"I wish they'd hurry," Mrs. Dunbar said to her older son. "I wishthey'd hurry."

"They're almost through," her son said.
“他們就快抽完了。“ 她儿子说。

"You get ready to run tell Dad," Mrs. Dunbarsaid.
“你准备好跑去告诉你爹,” 丹巴太太说。

Mr. Summers called his own name and then stepped forward preciselyand selected a slip from the box. Then he called,"Warner."

"Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery," Old Man Warner saidas he went through the crowd. "Seventy-seventhtime."

"Watson" The tall boy came awkwardly through the crowd. Someonesaid, "Don't be nervous, Jack," and Mr. Summers said, "Take yourtime, son."


After that, there was a long pause, a breathless pause, until Mr.Summers. holding his slip of paper in the air, said, "All right,fellows." For a minute, no one moved, and then all the slips ofpaper were opened. Suddenly, all the women began to speak at once,saying. "Who is it?," "Who's got it?," "Is it the Dunbars?," "Is itthe Watsons?" Then the voices began to say, "It's Hutchinson. It'sBill," "Bill Hutchinson's got it."

接下来,一阵连呼吸都听不到的長長的静寂之后,萨摩斯先生把手里的纸片举起来,“好了,老乡们。”足足一分钟,谁也没动,然后所有的纸片都打开了。突然,所有女人立刻开始七嘴八舌,“是谁呀?”“谁摸到了?”“是丹巴家吗?”“是华生家吗?”然後,一些声音说,“是哈金森家。 是比尔,”“比尔中獎了。”

"Go tell your father," Mrs. Dunbar said to her olderson.
“去告诉你爹,” 丹巴太太吩咐大儿子。

People began to look around to see the Hutchinsons. Bill Hutchinsonwas standing quiet, staring down at the paper in his hand.Suddenly. Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr. Summers. "You didn'tgive him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. Itwasn't fair!"


"Be a good sport, Tessie." Mrs. Delacroix called, and Mrs. Gravessaid, "All of us took the same chance."

"Shut up, Tessie," Bill Hutchinson said.

"Well, everyone," Mr. Summers said, "that was done pretty fast, andnow we've got to be hurrying a little more to get done in time." Heconsulted his next list. "Bill," he said, "you draw for theHutchinson family. You got any other households in theHutchinsons?"


"There's Don and Eva," Mrs. Hutchinson yelled. "Make them taketheir chance!"
“還有丹和伊娃,” 哈金森太太扯着嗓门大喊,“让他们也碰碰运气!”

"Daughters draw with their husbands' families, Tessie," Mr. Summerssaid gently. "You know that as well as anyoneelse."

"It wasn't fair," Tessie said.

"I guess not, Joe." Bill Hutchinson said regretfully. "My daughterdraws with her husband's family; that's only fair. And I've got noother family except the kids."

"Then, as far as drawing for families is concerned, it's you," Mr.Summers said in explanation, "and as far as drawing for householdsis concerned, that's you, too. Right?"

"Right," Bill Hutchinson said.

"How many kids, Bill?" Mr. Summers askedformally.

"Three," Bill Hutchinson said.

"There's Bill, Jr., and Nancy, and little Dave. And Tessie andme."

"All right, then," Mr. Summers said. "Harry, you got their ticketsback?"

Mr. Graves nodded and held up the slips of paper. "Put them in thebox, then," Mr. Summers directed. "Take Bill's and put itin."

"I think we ought to start over," Mrs. Hutchinson said, as quietlyas she could. "I tell you it wasn't fair. You didn't give him timeenough to choose. Everybody saw that."

Mr. Graves had selected the five slips and put them in the box. andhe dropped all the papers but those onto the ground. where thebreeze caught them and lifted them off.

"Listen, everybody," Mrs. Hutchinson was saying to the peoplearound her.

"Ready, Bill?" Mr. Summers asked. and Bill Hutchinson, with onequick glance around at his wife and children.nodded.
“比尔,准备好了吗?”萨摩斯先生问。 比尔.哈金森飞快地朝老婆和孩子们看了一眼,点点头。

"Remember," Mr. Summers said. "take the slips and keep them foldeduntil each person has taken one. Harry, you help little Dave." Mr.Graves took the hand of the little boy, who came willingly with himup to the box. "Take a paper out of the box, Davy." Mr. Summerssaid. Davy put his hand into the box and laughed. "Take just onepaper." Mr. Summers said. "Harry, you hold it for him." Mr. Gravestook the child's hand and removed the folded paper from the tightfist and held it while little Dave stood next to him and looked upat him wonderingly.


"Nancy next," Mr. Summers said. Nancy was twelve, and her schoolfriends breathed heavily as she went forward switching her skirt,and took a slip daintily from the box "Bill, Jr.," Mr. Summerssaid, and Billy, his face red and his feet overlarge, near knockedthe box over as he got a paper out. "Tessie," Mr. Summers said. Shehesitated for a minute, looking around defiantly. and then set herlips and went up to the box. She snatched a paper out and held itbehind her.


"Bill," Mr. Summers said, and Bill Hutchinson reached into the boxand felt around, bringing his hand out at last with the slip ofpaper in it.

The crowd was quiet. A girl whispered, "I hope it's not Nancy," andthe sound of the whisper reached the edges of the crowd.

"It's not the way it used to be." Old Man Warner said clearly."People ain't the way they used tobe."

"All right," Mr. Summers said. "Open the papers. Harry, you openlittle Dave's."

Mr. Graves opened the slip of paper and there was a general sighthrough the crowd as he held it up and everyone could see that itwas blank. Nancy and Bill. Jr.. opened theirs at the same time. andboth beamed and laughed. turning around to the crowd and holdingtheir slips of paper above their heads.


"Tessie," Mr. Summers said. There was a pause, and then Mr. Summerslooked at Bill Hutchinson, and Bill unfolded his paper and showedit. It was blank.
“泰茜,”萨摩斯先生说。 停顿了一下,萨摩斯先生看着比尔.哈金森。比尔打开并出示纸片,是空白的。

"It's Tessie," Mr. Summers said, and his voice was hushed. "Show usher paper. Bill."

Bill Hutchinson went over to his wife and forced the slip of paperout of her hand. It had a black spot on it, the black spot Mr.Summers had made the night before with the heavy pencil in the coalcompany office. Bill Hutchinson held it up, and there was a stir inthe crowd.


"All right, folks." Mr. Summers said. "Let's finishquickly."

Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost theoriginal black box, they still remembered to use stones. The pileof stones the boys had made earlier was ready; there were stones onthe ground with the blowing scraps of paper that had come out ofthe box Delacroix selected a stone so large she had to pick it upwith both hands and turned to Mrs. Dunbar. "Come on," she said."Hurry up."


Mrs. Dunbar had small stones in both hands, and she said. gaspingfor breath. "I can't run at all. You'll have to go ahead and I'llcatch up with you."

The children had stones already. And someone gave little DavyHutchinson few pebbles.

Tessie Hutchinson was in the center of a cleared space by now, andshe held her hands out desperately as the villagers moved in onher. "It isn't fair," she said. A stone hit her on the side of thehead. Old Man Warner was saying, "Come on, come on, everyone."Steve Adams was in the front of the crowd of villagers, with Mrs.Graves beside him.


"It isn't fair, it isn't right," Mrs. Hutchinson screamed, and thenthey were upon her.




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