whoseregistered office is at_____(hereinafter called "the Principal")and__________
其注册登记营业处设在(以下简称为“委托人” 与
whoseregistered office at______(hereinafter called "the Agent") IT ISAGREED AS FOLLOWS
Art. 1 Territory and Products第一条 地区与产品
1.1. ThePrincipal appoints the Agent, who accepts, as his commercial agentto promote the sale of the products listed in Annex 1, §1(hereinafter called "the Products") in the territory defined inAnnex 1, §2 (hereinafter called "the Territory").
1.2. Ifthe Principal decides to sell any other products in the Territory,he shall inform the Agent in order to discuss the possibility ofincluding them within the Products defined under article 1.1.However, the above obligation to inform the Agent does not applyif, in consideration of the characteristics of the new products andthe specialization of the Agent, it is unreasonable to expect thatsuch products may be represented by the Agent (e.g. products of acompletely different range).
Art. 2 Good faith and fairdealing第二条 诚信与公平
2.1. Incarrying out their obligations under this agreement the partieswill act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing.
2.2. Theprovisions of this agreement, as well as any statements made by theparties in connection with this agency relationship, shall beinterpreted in good faith.
Art. 3 Agent's functions 第三条 代理人的职责
3.1. TheAgent agrees to use his best endeavours to promote the sale of theProducts in the Territory in accordance with the Principal'sreasonable instructions and shall protect the Principal's interestswith the diligence of a responsible businessman.
3.2. TheAgent shall not solicit orders from outside the Territory unlesspermitted to do so by the Principal. Where the Agent negotiateswith customers in the Territory business which results in contractsof sale with customers established outside the Territory, article15.2. shall apply. E.g. for goods to be sold to subsidiaryestablished in another country: the agent is acting within histerritory, hat the sale is made to a foreign customer, and theagent would have (in absence of article 15.2) no right tocommission.
3.3.Unless otherwise specifically agreed, the Agent has no authority tomake contracts on behalf of, or in any way to bind the Principaltowards third parties. He only solicits orders from customers forthe Principal, who is free (save as set forth in article 4.2.hereafter) to accept or to reject them. The other alternative, i.e.to give the agent the authority to conclude contracts on behalf ofthe principal has not been considered in the model form, since itis rather uncommon in international trade. Of course, if theparties have special reasons for permitting the agent to makecontracts on behalf of the principal, they can so provide inarticle 3.3. It should be noted that in certain cases the thirdparty (customer) may rely on the apparent authority of the agentthis means that, especially in legal systems where it is commonthat the agent is authorized to act on behave of the principal, theexclusion of any such authority provided for in the contractbetween principal
and agent(like art. 3.3. of this model form) does not necessarily bind athird party which had good reasons to rely on the apparentauthority of the agent. It is, therefore, recommended that theprincipal avoids any action which may give third parties theimpression that the agent has representative powers, and that heinforms, if necessary and possible, third parties that the agenthas no authority to bind the principal.
3.4. Whennegotiating with customers, the Agent shall offer Products strictlyin accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract of salewhich the Principal has communicated to him. This is to ensure thatorders by the customers conform to the Principals terms andconditions (e.g. prices, delivery terms, etc.): if this is not thecase (because the agent has given incorrect information to theprospective customer) the principal will be in an embarrassingsituation (at least from the commercial point of view) if therefuses the order.
3.5. TheAgent is not entitled to receive payments on the Principal's behalfwithout prior written authorization from the Principal to thateffect. When the Agent has been so authorized, he must transmitthem as soon as possible to the Principal and until then hold themseparately on deposit on the Principal's behalf.
Art. 4 Acceptance of orders by thePrincipal第四条 委托人接受定单
4.1. ThePrincipal shall inform the Agent without undue delay of hisacceptance or rejection of the orders transmitted by the latter.The Principal may accept or reject any individual order transmittedby the Agent at his own discretion.
4.2. ThePrincipal may not however unreasonably reject the orderstransmitted by the Agent. In particular, a repeated refusal oforders contrary to good faith (e.g. if made for the only purpose ofhindering the Agent's activity) shall be considered as a breach ofcontract by the Principal.
Art. 5 Undertaking not tocompete第五条 保证不进行竞争
5.1.Without the prior written authorization of the Principal, the Agentshall not represent, manufacture or distribute any products whichare in competition with the Products, for the entire term of thiscontract.
5.2. TheAgent may represent, distribute or manufacture any products whichare not competitive with the Products, provided he informs thePrincipal in advance of such activity. However, the aboveobligation to inform the Principal does not apply if, inconsideration: (i) of the characteristics of the products which theAgent wants to represent, and (ii) of the field of activity of theprincipal for whom the Agent wishes to act, it is unreasonable toexpect that the Principal's interests may be affected.
5.3. TheAgent shall refrain from representing or distributingnon-competitive products of a manufacturer who is a competitor ofthe Principal, if requested to do so by the Principal, provided thelatter's request is reasonable, taking into account all thecircumstances of the case. E.g. if there are reasons to fear thatthe collaboration with a competitor may impair the confidencebetween the parties or the protection of confidentialinformation.
5.4. TheAgent declares that he represents (and/or distributes ormanufactures, directly or indirectly) the products listed in AnnexII on the date on which this contract is signed.
Art. 6 Sales organization, Advertising andFairs第六条 销售机构、广告和展销
6.1. TheAgent shall provide an adequate organization for sales and, whereappropriate, after-sale service, with all necessary means andpersonnel, in order to ensure the fulfillment of his obligationsthroughout the Territory under this agreement.
6.2. Theparties may agree on the advertising to be jointly made in theTerritory. The contents of any advertising must be approved by thePrincipal. The cost of advertising carried out by the Agent shallbe apportioned between the parties as indicated in AnnexIII, §1.
6.3. Theparties shall agree on their participation in fairs or exhibitionswithin the Territory. The cost of the Agent's participation in suchfairs and exhibitions shall be apportioned between the parties asindicated in Annex III, §2.
Art. 7 Sales Targets-Guaranteed MinimumTarget
第七条 销售目标 保证完成的最低目标
Adistinction is made between a "sales target" (7.1., 7.2.) thenon-attainment of which does not, in principle, involve a contractbreach, and o "guaranteed minimum target" (7.3.), which implies apossible contract termination (or other consequences) in case ofnon-attainment. If the parties wish to agree upon such "guaranteedminimum target", they must fill in Annex IV.
7.1. Theparties may agree annually on the sales targets for the forthcomingyear.
7.2. Theparties shall make their best efforts to attain the targets agreedupon but the non attainment shall not be considered as a breach ofthe contract by a party, unless that party is clearly atfault.
7.3. InAnnex IV the parties may agree on a Guaranteed Minimum Target andon the consequences of its non-attainment.
Art 8 Sub-agents 第八条 分代理人
(In certaincircumstances it may be advisable to add a clause providing thateach party agrees not to engage subagents and/or employees of theother party. ) The Agent may engage sub-agent. The Agent must carryout agents, provided he informs his activity without recourse thePrincipal at least one month before the engagement to sub-agents.The Agent shall be responsible for the activities of hissubagents.
Art. 9 Principal to be keptinformed 第九条 向委托人通报情况
9.1. TheAgent shall exercise due diligence to keep the Principal informedabout his activities, market conditions and the state ofcompetition within the Territory. He shall answer any reasonablerequest for information made by the Principal.
9.2. TheAgent shall exercise due diligence to keep the Principal informedabout:
(i) thelaws and regulations which are to apply in the Territory to whichthe Products must conform (e.g. import regulations, labeling,technical specifications, safety requirements, etc.),and
(ii) thelaws and regulations concerning his activity, as far as that theyare relevant for the Principal.
Art. 10 Financialresponsibility第十条 财务责任
10.1. TheAgent shall satisfy himself, with due diligence, of the solvency ofcustomers whose orders he transmits to the Principal. He shall nottransmit orders from customers of which he knows or ought to knowthat they are in a critical financial position, without informingthe Principal in advance of such fact.
10.2. TheAgent shall act as a del credere agent only if, and to the extent, the parties haveexpressly agreed thereto. In that case they should complete andsign Annex V.
Art. 11 Principal's trademarks and symbols第十一条 委托人的商标和标志
11.1. TheAgent shall use the Principal's trademarks, trade names or anyother symbols, but for the only purpose of identifying andadvertising the Products, within the scope of this contract and inthe Principal's sole interest.
11.2. TheAgent hereby agrees neither to register, nor to have registered,any trademarks, trade names or symbols of the Principal (or whichare confusingly similar with the Principal's ones), in theTerritory or elsewhere.
11.3. Theright to use the Principal's trademarks, trade names or symbols, asprovided for under the first paragraph of this article, shall ceaseimmediately for the Agent, on the expiration or termination, forany reason, of the present contract.
11.4. TheAgent shall notify the Principal of any infringement of thePrincipal's trademarks, trade names or symbols that comes to hisnotice.
Art. 12 Complaints by Customers第十二条 顾客投诉
The Agentshall immediately inform the Principal of any observations orcomplaints received from customers in respect of the Products. Theparties hereto shall deal promptly and properly with suchcomplaints. The Agent has no authority to engage in any way thePrincipal, unless after he has received a specific authorization tosuch effect.
Art. 13 Exclusivity 第十三条 排他性
13.1. ThePrincipal shall not, during the life of this contract, grant anyother person or undertaking within the Territory the right torepresent or sell the Products.
13.2. ThePrincipal is however entitled to deal directly, without the Agent'sintervention (provided he informs the latter) with customerssituated in the Territory; in respect of any sales arisingtherefrom, the Agent shall be entitled to the commission providedfor in this contract.
13.3. ThePrincipal shall be entitled to deal directly with the specialcustomers listed in Annex VI, §2; in respect of the sales to suchcustomers the Agent shall be entitled to the reduced commissionprovided for in Annex VI, §2. Paragraph 13.3. shall not apply if §2of Annex VI (Special customers/Reduced commission) has not beenfilled in by the parties.
Art. 14 Agent to bekept informed 第十四条 向代理人通报情况
14.1. ThePrincipal shall provide the Agent with all necessary writteninformation relating to the Products (such as price lists,brochures, etc.) as well as with the information needed by theAgent for carrying out his obligations under thecontract.
14.2. Heshall furthermore inform the Agent without undue delay of hisacceptance, refusal and/or non-execution of any businesstransmitted by the Agent.
14.3. ThePrincipal shall keep the Agent informed of any relevantcommunication with customers in the Territory.
14.4. Ifthe Principal expects that his capacity of supply will besignificantly lower than that which the Agent could normallyexpect, he will inform the Agent within a reasonabletime.
Art. 15 Agent's commission第十五条 代理人佣金
15.1. TheAgent is entitled to the commission provided for in Annex VI, §1,on all sales of the Products which are made during the life of thiscontract to customers established in the Territory.
15.2. Ifthe Agent, when dealing with customers established in theTerritory, solicits orders resulting in contracts of sale withcustomers established outside the Territory, and if the Principalaccepts such orders, the Agent shall be entitled to receive areduced commission, the amount of which shall be decided on a caseby case basis. Similarly, the Agent's commission shall be reducedwhen an other agent solicits orders with customers establishedoutside the Territory resulting in contracts of sale with customersestablished within the Territory.
15.3. Areduced commission may be agreed in advance between the Principaland the Agent in appropriate circumstances where a customer is tobe granted terms or conditions which are more favorable than thePrincipal's standard conditions. If the parties have filled in §3of Annex, VI the figures indicated therein shall apply in therespective situations.
15.4.Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the commission covers anyexpenses incurred by the Agent in fulfilling his obligations underthis contract (such as telephone, telex, office, travel expenses,etc.)
Art. 16 Method of calculation commission andpayment第十六条 佣金和报酬的计算方法
16.1.Commission shall be calculated on the net amount of the involves,i.e. on the effective sales price (any discount other than cashdiscounts being deducted) clear of any additional charges (such aspacking, transportation, insurance) and clear of all tariffs ortaxes (including value added tax) of any kind, provided that suchadditional charges, tariffs and taxes are separately stated in theinvoice.
16.2. TheAgent shall acquire the right to commission after full payment bythe customers of the invoiced price. In case of partial paymentmade in compliance with the sales contract, the Agent shall beentitled to a proportional advance payment. In case the Principalis insured against the risk of non-payment by his customers, theparties may agree that a commission be paid on the sums obtained bythe Principal from the insurer, by filling in Annex VI,4.1.
16.3. ThePrincipal shall provide the Agent with a statement of thecommissions due in respect of each quarter and shall set out allthe business in respect of which such commission is payable. Thecommission shall be paid not later than the last day of the monthfollowing the relevant quarter.
16.4. TheAgent is entitled to all the information, and in particularextracts from the Principal's books, in order to check the amountof the commission due to him. The Principal shall permit anindependent auditor appointed for that purpose by the Agent toinspect the Principal's books for the purpose of checking the datarelevant for the calculation of the Agent's commission. The costsof such inspection shall be borne by the Agent.
16.5.Should any governmental authorization (e.g. due to exchange controlregulations in the Principal's country) be necessary for thePrincipal to transfer abroad the commission (or any other sum theAgent may be entitled to receive), then the payment of the amountshall be made after such authorization has been given. ThePrincipal shall take all necessary steps for obtaining the aboveauthorizations.
16.6.Except as otherwise agreed, the commission shall be calculated inthe currency of the sales contract in respect of which thecommission is due.
16.7. Anytaxes imposed on the Agent's commission in the Territory are forthe Agent's account.
Art. 17 Unconcluded business第十七条 未成交的业务
17.1. Nocommission shall be due in respect of offers or orders transmittedby the Agent and not accepted by the Principal.
17.2. If acontract made by the Principal as a result of orders transmitted bythe Agent is not thereafter put into effect, the Agent shall beentitled to commission unless non performance of the contract isdue to reasons for which the Principal is notresponsible.
Art. 18 Term of the Contract第十八条 合同条款
18.1. Thiscontract is concluded 18.1. This contract enters for an indefiniteperiod -------
and entersinto force on into force on the -------- and shall remain in force--------- until ---.
18.2. Thiscontract may be 18.2. This contract shall be terminated by eitherparty by automatically renewed for notice given in writing bysuccessive periods of one means of communication year, unlessterminated by ensuring evidence and date of either party by noticegiven receipt (e.g. registered mail in writing by means of withreturn receipt, special communication ensuring courier, telex), notless than evidence and date of receipt 4 months in advance. If the(e.g. registered mail with contract has lasted for more returnreceipt, special courier, than five years, the period of telex),not less than four than five years, the period of telex), not lessthan four notice will be of 6 months. months before the date of Theend of the period of expiry, by registered mail notice mustcoincide with the with return receipt. If the end of a calendarmonth. contract has lasted for more The parties may agree in thanfive years, the period of writing on longer periods of notice willbe of 6 months. notice. The parties may agree in writing on longerperiods of notice.
Art. 19 Unfinished business 第十九条 未完成的业务
19.1.Orders transmitted by the Agent or received by the Principal fromcustomers established in the Territory before the expiry ortermination of this contract and which result in the conclusion ofa contract of sale not more than six months after such expiration,shall entitle the Agent to commission.
19.2. Nocommission is due to the Agent for contracts of sale made on thebasis of orders received after the expiry or termination of thiscontract, save if such transaction is mainly attributable to theAgent's efforts during the period covered by the agency contractand if the contract was entered into within a reasonable periodafter the expiry or termination of this contract. The Agent musthowever inform the Principal in writing, before the expiry ortermination of this contract, of the pending negotiations which maygive rise to commission under this paragraph.
Art. 20 Earlier termination 第二十条 提前终止合同
20.1. Eachparty may terminate this contract with immediate effect, by noticegiven in writing by means of communication ensuring evidence anddate of receipt (e.g. registered mail with return receipt, specialcourier, telex), in case of a substantial breach by the other partyof the obligations arising out of the contract, of in case ofexceptional circumstances justifying the earliertermination.
20.2. Anyfailure by a party to carry out all or part of his obligationsunder the contract resulting in such detriment to the other partyas to substantially deprive him of what he is entitled to expectunder the contract, shall be considered as a substantial breach forthe purpose of article 20.1. above. Circumstances in which it wouldbe unreasonable to require the terminating party to continue to bebound by this contract, shall be considered as exceptionalcircumstances for the purpose of article above.
20.3. Theparties hereby agree that the violation of the provisions ------under 18 of the present contract is to -------- be considered inprinciple, unless the contrary is proved, as a substantial breachof the contract. Moreover, any violation of the contractualobligations may be considered as a substantial breach, if suchviolation is repeated notwithstanding a request by the other partyto fulfill the contract obligations. The parties may make referencehere to those particles for which a breach is consider ofparticular importance. This may be the case for articles 5 (noncompetition), 7.3. (Guaranteed minimum target: if agreed), 11.2.(unauthorized registration of the principal's trademarks by theagent), 13.1. (grant of exclusivity by the principal) and 15.1(payment of commission to the agent). It is recommended that theuse of this article should be limited to essential situationsonly.
20.4.Furthermore, the parties agree that the following situations shallbe considered as exceptional circumstances which justify theearlier termination by the other party: bankruptcy, moratorium,receivership, liquidation or any kind of composition between thedebtor and the creditors, or any circumstances which are likely toaffect substantially one party's ability to carry out hisobligations under this contract.
20.5. Ifthe parties have filled in Annex VII, the contract may also beterminated by the Principal with immediate effect in case of changeof control, ownership and or management of the agent- company,according to the provisions set forth in Annex VII.
20.6. If aparty terminates the contract according to this article, thearbitrators ascertain that the reasons put forward by that partydid not justify the earlier termination, the termination will beeffective, but the other party will be entitled to damages for theunjustified earlier termination. Such damages will be equal to theaverage commission for the period the contract would have lasted incase of normal termination, unless the damaged party proves thatthe actual damage is higher (or, respectively, the party havingterminated the contract proves that the actual damage is lower).The above damages are in addition to the indemnity which may be dueunder article 21.
Art. 21 Indemnity in case oftermination第二十一条 终止合同的补偿
21.1. TheAgent shall be en- 21.1. The Agent shall not be titled to anindemnity ("good-
entitledto an indemnity for will indemnity") if and to the goodwill orsimilar extent that:
compensation 20 ("goodwill indemnity") in caseof
a) he hasbrought the termination of the contract. Principal new customers orThis provision does not limit has significantly increased theAgent's right to claim the volume of business damages for breach ofcontract ness with existing customers as far as the termination byand the Principal the Principal amounts to such continues to derivea breach, and is not already substantial benefits from covered byarticle 20.6. the business with such customers, and
b) thepayment of this indemnity is equitable having regard to all thecircumstances and, in particular, the commission lost by the Agenton the business transacted with such customers.
21.2. Theamount of the in indemnity shall not exceed a figure equivalent toan indemnity for one year calculated from the Agent's averageannual remuneration over the preceding five years and, if thecontract lasted for less than five years, the indemnity shall becalculated on the average for the period in question.
21.3. TheAgent will lose the right to indemnity if he does not claim theindemnity in writing within one year from contracttermination.
21.4. TheAgent shall have no right to indemnity in the followingcases:
a) wherethe Principal has terminated the contract according to theconditions set out in article 20;
b) wherethe Agent has terminated the contract, unless the termination isjustified under article 20 or on grounds of age, infirmity orillness in consequence of which the Agent cannot reasonably berequired to continue his activities;
c) where,in accordance with article 26.2, the Agent assigns his rights andduties under the agency contract to another person.
21.5. Thegoodwill indemnity provided for under this article is in lieu ofany compensation for loss or damage arising out of the contractexpiration or termination (except damages for breach of contract).In some countries, such as EEC countries which have adopted the EECdirective or other countries with similar mandatory rules,alternative A would violate mandatory requirements. 20 This broaddefinition is meant to cover any compensation to be paid in case ofcontract termination independent from a breach of contract by thePrincipal, including payments which are not defined as an"indemnity", or "goodwill indemnity, see above, §2 of theintroduction.
Art. 22 Return of documents andsamples第二十二条 退回文件和样品
Uponexpiry of this agreement the Agent shall return to the Principalall advertising material and other documents and samples which havebeen supplied to him by the Principal and are in the Agent'spossession.
Art. 23 Arbitration, Applicablelaw第二十三条 仲裁--适用法律
23.1. Anydispute arising out of or in connection with the present Contractshall be finally settled in accordance with the Rules ofConciliation and Arbitration of the international Chamber ofCommerce by one or more arbitrators designated in accordance tosaid Rules.
23.2. Thearbitrators shall apply the provisions constrained in this contractand the principles of law generally recognized in internationaltrade as applicable to international agency contracts, with theexclusion - subject to article 23.3. hereunder of national laws. Ifthe Agent is established within the EEC, the mandatory provisionsof the EEC Directive of 18 December 1986 shall alsoapply.
23.3. Thearbitrators shall in any case consider such mandatory provisions ofthe law of the country where the Agent is established which wouldbe applicable even if the parties submit the agreement to a foreignlaw. The arbitrators will take the above provisions into account tothe extent they embody principles which are universally recognizedand provided their application appears reasonable in the context ofinternational trade.
Art. 24 Automatic inclusion under the presentcontract 第二十四条 本合同自动包含规则
24.1. Ifthe parties have not made a choice between the alternativesolutions provided in articles 8 and 18 under the letters A and B,by deleting one of the alternatives, and provided they have notexpressly made a choice by other means, alternative A shall beconsidered applicable.
24.2. Ifthe parties have not made a choice between the alternative solutionprovided in article 21 (goodwill indemnity in case of termination)under the letters A and B, by deleting one of the alternatives, andprovided they have not expressly made a choice by other eans,alternative A shall be considered applicable if the Agent isestablished in a country where a goodwill indemnity in case oftermination is recognized by mandatory law and alternative B shallapply in the opposite case.
24.3. Theannexes attached to this contract form an integral part of theagreement. Annexes or part of annexes which have not been filled inwill be effective only to the extent and under the conditionsindicated in this contract.
Art. 25 Previous agreements - Modifications -Nullity第二十五条 先前的协议•修改•废除
25.1. ThisContract replaces any other preceding agreement between the partieson the subject.
25.2. Noaddition or modification to this contract shall be valid unlessmade in writing. However a party may be precluded by his conductfrom asserting the invalidity of additions or modifications notmade in writing to the extent that the other party has relied onsuch conduct.
25.3. Thenullity of a particular clause of this contract shall not involvethe nullity of the whole agreement, unless such clause is to beconsidered as substantial, i.e. if the clause is of such importancethat the parties (or the party to the benefit of which such clauseis made) would not have entered into the contract if it knew thatthe clause would not be valid.
Art. 26 Prohibition ofassignment第二十六条 禁止转让
26.1. Thepresent contract cannot be assigned without prior written agreementbetween the two parties.
26.2. Ifarticle 21 A is applicable, and if there has been assignment by theAgent with the Principal's consent according to article 21.4(c),the goodwill indemnity of the new agent shall be calculated by alsotaking into account the activity of the old agent, according toarticle 21. It is expressly agreed that the amount that may havebeen paid by the new agent to the previous one shall not be takeninto account when calculating the indemnity. The purpose of thissentence is to make clear that the price paid by the new agent tothe old one (which price may be influenced by facts which are outof the scope of the agency agreement), is not a basis forcalculating the indemnity.
Art. 27 Authentic text 第二十七条 有效文本
TheEnglish text of this contract is the only authentictext.
Made in onthe ----------合同签订的地点日期
ThePrincipal委托人The Agent 代理人
If thecontract is written in another language this clause should ofcourse be modified to indicate the language of thecontract.
(Article1.1.) (第1.1款)
§1. Products§1.产品
If thisparagraph 1 of Annex I has not been filled in, all productsmanufactured and/or sold
by thePrincipal at present and in the future shall be considered as"Products" for the
purpose ofthis contract.----------
Ifthe parties choose this solution (including any future products inthe contract) problems may arise in case of conflict between newproducts from the manufacturer and products of other manufacturersalready represented by the agent. If such problems are foreseeable,the parties should define appropriate rules for solving theconflict.
如果附件一的本段1未经填写,委托人在目前和将来所制造和/或销售的所有产品都应视为本合同中的“产品”(注23)。 │
§2. Territory§2.地区
If thisparagraph 2 of Annex I has not been filled in, the whole territoryof the country where the Agent has his place of business will beconsidered as "Territory" for the purpose of thiscontract.
附件二 代理人所代理的产品和委托人
(Article5.4.) (第5.4节)
This Annexis applicable only if filled in by the parties.
The Agenthereby declares that he represents (and/or distributes ormanufactures) the following products, directly or indirectly, atthe time of the conclusion of the present contract:
§1. Advertising (art.6.2.) §1.广告(第6.2款)
Except asotherwise agreed in writing, the costs of agreed advertising shallbe shared between the parties as follows:
---------Principle: %委托人__%
---------Agent: %代理人___%
If thefigures left blank in the above paragraph are not filled in by, theparties, each party will bear the advertising expenses it hasincurred.
§2. Fairs andexhibitions (art. 6.3.) §2.交易会和展览会(第6.3款)
Except asotherwise agreed in writing, the costs for participation in fairsand exhibitions in the Territory shall be shared between theparties as follows:
---------Principal: %委托人__%
---------Agent: %代理人__%
If thefigures left blank in the above paragraph are not filled in by theparties, each party will bear the expenses for participation infairs and exhibitions it has incurred.
(Article7.3) (第7.3款)
This AnnexIV is applicable only if the parties have fixed the minimum targetby filling in
one of thealternative figures hereafter --------
The Agentundertakes, during each year, to transmit orders for not lessthan:
If thisalternative is chosen, care should be taken in order to avoid thatthe agreed sum is automatically reduced (from year to year) as aconsequence of inflation, e.g. by providing a yearly increase. Ifat the end of the year the above Guaranteed Minimum Target has notbeen attained, for
reasonsother than those for which the Principal can be held responsible,subject to giving one month's notice, the Principal shall beentitled at his choice, to terminate this contract, or to cancelthe Agent's exclusivity, or to reduce the extension of theTerritory. This right must however be exercised in writing notlater than two months after the end of the year in which theGuaranteed Minimum Target has not been attained. Unless the partieshereafter agree on different figures, the Guaranteed Minimum Targetindicated above shall also be applicable for each year of theduration (including the case of renewal) of thisagreement.
ANNEX V DEL CREDERE25附件五 担保买方支付(注25)
(Article10.2) (第10.2款)
Inchoosing the options parties should pay attention to the legalrules of the country where the agent is established. In some legalsystems (e.g. Great Britain) there are no limitations; in others(e.g. Germany) the del credere obligation must be limited tospecific business or customers and a special commission must bepaid; in other countries (e.g. Italy) del credere may be granted onall business, and without special commission, but only for apercentage of the loss.
This AnnexV is applicable only to the extent it is filled in and provided ithas been signed
by theparties
The Agentshall act as a del credere agent according to the conditions statedhereafter.
A delcredere obligation means that the Agent undertakes to reimburse tothe Principal the total or partial amount (according to thealternative solutions under §2 hereafter) of unpaid sums that thePrincipal is entitled to receive from customers and which have notbeen paid for reasons for which the Principal is not responsible.The del credere obligation does not cover the expenses incurred bythe Principal for recovering his credits.
1. Theagent shall be responsible: 代理人应负责:
.A for anybusiness transmitted by him所有由其转交的业务
.B. onlyfor business or customers expressly agreed case by case
2. Theagent's responsibility shall be: 代理人的责任应为:
.B limitedto ¡õ% of the sums not recovered26限于尚未收回金额的(注26)__%
.C limitedto ¡õtimes the agreed commission限于约定佣金的□□倍
Options2.B and 2.C may be used together: e.g. not more than 15% of thesums not recovered and not more than three times the agreedcommission.
3. Theagent shall be entitled to an extra commission of ¡õ% on allbusiness on which he has granted del credere.
4. No delcredere is due if the loss is due to reasons for which thePrincipal is clearly responsible.
5. TheAgent has no right to commission according to article 16.2.However, the del credere obligation shall in no case exceed thetotal amount due by the customer minus the Agent'scommission.
ThePrincipal委托商The Agent代理商
§1. Amount of commission(Art. 15.1.) §1.佣金金额(第15.1款)
1.1.Simple commission简单佣金
Amount ofcommission is ¡õ%佣金金额为------%
1.2.Different levels of commission according to the value of the salescontract.
§3. Negotiationmargins and discounts (Art. 15.3.) §3.谈判幅度和折扣(第15.3款)
3.1.Negotiation margins谈判幅度
The Agenthas a negotiation margin of ------% on the pricesset out in the price-list in force. Therefore, the Agent maypropose to customers any discount within such margins withoutreduction to his rate of commission.
3.2Authorized discount经认可的折扣
The Agentis entitled to propose to customers the following discounts, whichentail a reduction in his commission, in accordance with theschedule hereunder:
3.3.Discount to be agreed upon待商定的折扣
The Agentundertakes not to propose to the customers any discount higher thatthe maximum discount shown in the schedule set out in §3.2. above,without prior written authority from the Principal.
§4.Commission on insured credits (art. 16.2) 经保险的赊欠款的佣金(第16.2节)
If thePrincipal is insured against the insolvency of his customers, andhe is paid by the insurer (instead of receiving the price from thecustomer) the Agent is entitled:
to a halfcommission on the sums paid by the insurer按保险人支付总额计算的佣金的一半。
to thefull commission on the sums paid by the insurer, after deduction ofthe costs or expenses borne by the Principal with reference to thenon-payment.
附件七 代理公司改变控制权、所有权或管理权
(Article20.5) (第20.5款)
Theprincipal may terminate the agreement with immediate effect,if:
Mr. ceasesto own more than ------% of the sharesof the Agent company
Mr. ceasesto be the of the Agent company先生不再担任代理公司的___职务。
Specifyhere the position that the qualifying person has in the agentcompany, e.g. director, general manager, president of the board, asthe case may be. This clause may be dangerous for the agentcompany, particularly if the qualifying person is not the owner,but only an employee. At the same time, if alternative A of article21 is applicable, the Agent company may terminate this contract ongrounds of the --------- age, infirmity or illness of Mr. -------according to article 21.4 A, (b), without losing the right to thegoodwill indemnity under such provision.