生日: January 13, 1984
身高: 186 cm
出生地: 丹麦 哥本哈根
代言过的品牌:Gucci, Dior, Hermes, Boss,Kenzo, Jil Sander, CK, Lacoste......
现在喜欢:The Recruit
下面是一个采访视频,你可以听到Mathias自我介绍"My nameis Mathias.","I play football"...他会在视频后半段出现.
HE Magazine S/S 2006Interview
model: mathias
Mathias Lauridsen was born Friday 13th of January 1984 inCopenhagen and started modeling in 2003. His second job ever wasfor Another Magazine hailing him to be the next big thing and histhird a Jil Sander campaign. Here he shares with us what goes on inthat pretty head of his.
First job?(第一份工作?)
Something called 'Shoe Magazine.' Don't ask!
What do you aspire to become?(你期望变成什么样的人?)
When do you feel like amodel?(什么时候你觉得自己是个模特?)
On my way home from a show.(当我离开秀场回家时)
Who's your favourite photographer?(你喜欢的摄影师?)
David Sims and Tom Munro.
What's your money shot?
My left profile -- works every time.
(Faith: The scar, duh.)
Do you like to strike a pose?
Oh yes, but it takes me three hours to warm up.
When did you last say: Excuse me, but I'm like -- a model!
Hmmm, come to think of it, I never have.
Who's a b**** and who's a bigger b****?
George Cortina is the big b**** and MalcomEdwards from Holy Cow is the bigger b****.
What's it like to roll in dough?
It's very nice thank you!
What's the worst thing about modeling?(当模特最不好的一面)
No food on monkey class.
What's the best thing about modeling?(当模特最好的一面)

So much free time.(有许多空闲时间)
What are you wearing right now?
JBS Tank top, t-shirt from American Apparel, Dior sweater, AcneJeans and Kawasaki Shoes.
Who's your hero?(你心目的英雄是??)
Damon Albarn
Who's your fashion icon?(你的时尚偶像是???)
A lot of the people I've met in fashion. People who don'tnecessarily wear something alike, but prove that there are otherstyles around.(许多我在时尚圈内碰到的人)
What don't you ever travel without?(你旅行时一定要带的东西是??)
My iPod and my toothbrush.(iPod和牙刷)
Do you think 'clothes maketh the man?'(你对"衣着造就一个人"有什么看法??)
Yes, if you're dressed properly, and according to how you are.As opposed to those who try something which looks phony on them.I.E. I would never dress like a bling bling hip hopper -- youknow.(是的,如果你穿着适当,并且符合你的身份.我不赞成那些
What's your most cherished possession?(你最珍贵的财富是什么?)
I would like to think that I could live without any of mymaterial things without missing anything, so I deliberately don'thave any.(我向往能够活着没有任何物质的东西,这样就不会失去任何东西,所以我故意不拥有任何财富..)
Do you read fashion magazines?(你看时尚杂志吗?)
Yes when they're around, but I never buy them. However, it's agood way to use excesstime.(如果身边正好有我会看,但我从来不买.不过,这是打发时间的好办法)
What's on your iPod?(你的iPod里放了些什么人的歌?)
Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins, Jenny Wilson, Kings ofLeon.
What's the latest book read?(你最近看的一本书?)
Whoahh! I don't remember, it's been so long - Perhaps itwas Harry Potter 2 when the book came out and that's a long timeago.(我都不记得了!那已经过去很长时间,可能是哈利波特2...)看来不是喜欢读书的类型...
Do you eat food?(你吃东西吗?)汗///什么问题.....
Oh yes all thetime.(是的,一直吃...)
What's your favourite food?(你喜欢吃什么??)
Mashed Potatoes.(土豆泥)晕...我明天就去吃土豆泥!!
What's your favorite scent?(你喜欢的香水??)
Aqua di Gio.(ARMANI的,中文名叫"寄情水")
How many shoes do you own?(你有多少双鞋子?)
10 Pairs, but only use three.(10双,但我只穿3双)
What's the first thing you bought with your modelmoney?(你用当模特赚来的钱买的第一样东西是??)
A round of beer for my friends.(请我的朋友们喝啤酒)
Where are you off to?(你要去什么地方?)
To a soccer match in my club called FC Sailor Boys. It's aprivate club with a bunch offriends.(去一个私人足球俱乐部组织的足球比赛,那里有有我的一堆朋友)
(You will not believe how much I spent on this magazine:P)
"Probably is the most gorgeous guythat i ever seen in my life.
I was waiting for him, outside the gucci show today and when i sawhim...he was like a pure angel:a little polite boy! He s so damnsweet and nice. Happy that i met my favourite model, and for all ofyou:live he is morebeautiful!!"(就是说他很有礼貌,人很好,很亲切之类的,总之感觉像个天使~~...)
"hes very sweet, i saw him a fewtimes at fashion week in milan, i think he's quite shythough"
"this is fun ; one of my friendsused to date him(!!!), but it was years ago now. i remember hertalking about him being a fantastic kisser(!!!吐血)- no wonder, thoselips"(大意是说发贴人的一个朋友曾经和Mathias约会过,而且说他是个"接吻高手"...妈妈呀~~~)
"OMG OMG I was reading a magazinelast night and my best friend who isn't in to fashion at all wasreading it with me...While looking at a ed with MathiasLauridsen shesaid: "Hm...oh, he went to our school...what was his name...?Mathias I think"---And I was like ... "WUUAT?!!"...And she said:"Yearh...we used to tease him and he once stole my mittensand hit them and I started crying..." ...I now onlyremember him vaguely..but as far as I remember he was very...Well,in danish it's called a pop-guy...you can say preppy and shy...andhad bad skin...
Next week I will visit my school and see if I can borrow the classphotograpy of his year and then scan it...hihi-..soFUNNY!!!"(大意说发贴人曾经和Mathias在一个学校呆过,他在生活中非常害羞,所以女生们会欺负他....汗一个...)
Runway pics
Backstage pics看到后来,我突然有不祥的预感:这家伙该不会是GAY吧。。。