Learn toSay"No"Probably "no" is one of thehardest,shortest words to say in ourdailylife.Sometimesitsounds a little cold,but the true answer to our problemlies in one word "no".We had betterlearn tosay no in some cases.China is a traditional countrywith longhistory. Golden mean is a virtuein ourhistory.Peopleisfond to say "yes",notadvocated to say "no"inoursociety.It is a pursuit ofpeaceful,harmonious,balanced relations.But times is changing.The tideturns,we should go with the tide."Say No" is askill, an art, an ability.The trick is not to say no toeverything,just those things that youreally don'twant to do or those things thatyoudisagree with.If you want to be successful, to beworth. You had better to learnto sayno in some cases.Learning to sayno is the needs ofinnovation society.Every innovatorshould dare to challenge thetradition,classics,authority, innovatingin thought,science and technology.We will do our effort to make our countryinto amore advanced,prosperousone.Learning to sayno,dare to say no,just say no insome cases.You can'tbe everything to everyone.The mostimportant thing we can doin life is to doonly what we feel to beright.You must listento your heart.You must followyour heart.God give every bird its food,butdoesn't throwitinto its nest.Everything is truly up toyou!My friends,for yourfuture,learn to say no!