(1)一种用作现在分词,是强调正在进行,尤其是在被动语态中的使用,这个时候,being只是一个描述进行时态的符号,如,Thetrees are being planted,这种用法比较简单,我们也很好分辨。
(2)用作现在分词的时候.being用于作定语中,一般和过去分词连用,放在被说明名词后,表示进行时被动意义:Thehouse being built will be our newlaboratory.
(3)being用于状语,一般有逗号,翻译时常加表示状语的词汇,如“由于……”、“……时”等:Beingvery tiny, aunts cannot often be seen byus.
1.There are a large number of differentshapes of files, each being made for some particular kind ofwork.(伴随情况)各种锉刀的形状大不相同,每一种都是为特殊的一类加工而制作的。
2.The resistance being very high, the currentin the circuit islow.(条件状语)如果电阻很大,则电路内电流就小。
3.Pumps are built in various types, theirfunctions being thesame.(让步状语)泵可制成各种形式,虽然其功能相同。
4.That being the case, we will have to makesome alternations in theplan.(原因状语)情况既然这样,我们就得把计划作一些更改。
5.The temperature being 100℃, water boils andturns intosteam.(时间状语)当温度为100℃时,水就沸腾并变为蒸气。
1.The pressure of a gas varies inversely asits volume, with temperature beingconstant.在温度不变条件下,气体压力是和其体积成反比的。
2.The current produced isthe result of chemical energy being changed to electricenergy.所产生的电流是化学能变为电能的结果。
3.They insisted upon theirdevice being tested under operatingconditions.他们坚持他们的装置要在运转条件下进行试验。
4.We are pleased at thembeingsuccessful.(用their代替them,则后面being为动名词。)我们为他们成功而感到高兴。
1.Water has the property of dissolving sugar,sugar (has)the property of being dissolved bywater.(介词宾语)水具有溶解糖的特性,糖则具有被水溶解的特性。
2.The object is at rest andresists being moved quickly.(动词宾语)物体静止时,它就阻止对它的迅速移动。
3.This compound is readilydecomposed by being heated.(介词宾语)这种化合物(通过)受热就易分解。

4.On being heated, the twosubstances form a new compound.(介词宾语)这两种物质一遇热就生成新的化合物。
1.He is not being modesttoday.他今天这样不太谦虚。
2.They are beingfriendly.他们这样做就是为了表示友好。(意译)
3.He is being a good boytoday.他今天可是个好孩子。
Many substances are capable of beingdissolved in water.许多物质能(被)溶于水。(句中去掉being dissolved inwater,则介词of就缺少宾语,故这个being……为动名词短语。)
The rate of heat production depends also inthe power being used in the heating element, this power beingmeasured inwatts.(第一个being短语为定语,第二个being结构为独立分词结构。)热量产生的速率也决定于加热元件内所用的功率,而该功率以瓦特计量之。
(3)注意带being的固定词组“for thetime being(暂时)”:
1.He will be in charge of that work for thetime being.他将暂时负责那项工作。
2.For the time being, you can’t tell himabout the news.你暂时还不能把这消息告诉他。