Have you ever heard the “NIKE 10k” in Guangzhou, specificallyin
higher education mega center. Nearly 10 thousand runners from21
famous cities gathered in Guangzhou to attend this human race.It
sounds amazing, right? Conversely, a survey found thatnearly
three-quarters of children do not take part in the recommendedhour of
daily activity outside school. So here I would like todescribe
three benefits by jogging.
First of all, Jogging is beneficial because it makeit possible for people
to lose weight. According to a recent research, onein seven children
and over one in five adults in the South West arealready clinically
obese and if current trends continue, it ispredicted by 2050, 60% of
men, 50% of woman, and 25% of children will beobese. So, if you are
obese or to keep slim, jogging is something thatyou should care
about. It can lower lipid levels and the amount ofcholesterol, part of
what we called fat. What’s more, exercise canabsolutely burn

calories, especially by aerobic exercise, whichmeans jogging in some
sense. It is found that jogging for an hour canconsume 655 calories,
compared with 300 calories for fitness. So, keepjogging rather than
fitness, if you want to lose weight.
Besides, jogging is beneficial because it can keeppeople from
disease. Maybe when it comes to jogging, you willthink of losing
weight. But it is far from that. Evidence showsthat jogging can tone
the muscles and bones. This is critical inpreventing muscle and bone
loss. You will find very few joggers who end upsuffering from
osteoporosis, a medical condition in which thebones become brittle
and fragile from loss of tissue. It can also keeppeople from heart
disease or stroke. A good jog really gets the heartpumping and the
blood flowing, causing the circulatory systems intip-top shape.
However, the mental benefit is the benefit ofjogging that most people
are totally unaware of. Studies have shownconclusively that people
who jog simply have a better outlook on life andare generally a lot
happier. It's the sense of accomplishment thatmakes people feel
good, relevant to the great feeling and thedistance of your running .
What’s more, with jogging, people will feelcompletely
relaxed and conscious for later works or tasks.Suppose you are
jogging for a long distance, with a gentle breezeblowing, you will feel
very comfortable soon. It will be better whentaking some pleasant
music with you. Then life is good, with no pressureand workload at all.
Above all, it is unquestionable that jogging workswonders for your
body and mind. So guys, why not join us to exerciseor you can march
just as NIKE has done, a long human race.