Americanfamily insidethetimemachine

"Please pass the turkey and dressing." What does this simplerequest make you think about? If you are an American, you thinkabout Thanksgiving. A turkey dinner symbolizes Thanksgiving forAmericans. What does Thanksgiving remind Americans of? Theirfamilies. Thanksgiving is a family time. On this holiday, familiesgather to gobble up the gobbler and stuff themselves with stuffing.Family members enjoy watching parades and football games on TV andjust being together. What does "family" mean to Americans?


  The traditional American family is a "nuclear family." A nuclearfamily refers to a husband and wife and their children. The averageAmerican family today has two or three children (and maybe a fewpets). In some cultures, people live close to their extendedfamily. Several generations may even live together. In America,only in a few cases does more than one household live under oneroof.


  American values receive a warm welcome in the home. Many homesare run like a democracy. Each family member can have a say. Asense of equality often exists in American homes. Instead offearing Mom and Dad, children may think of them as good friends.Husbands and wives often share household chores. In many cases, achild can enjoy privacy in his or her own bedroom. From an earlyage, children gain responsibility in handling money. They mayreceive a weekly allowance or even work part-time jobs. Oftenparents give children freedom to make their own decisions.Preschoolers choose what clothes to wear or which toys to buy.Young adults generally make their own choices about what career topursue and whom to marry.


  Families in America, like those in every culture, face manyproblems. Social pressures are breaking apart more and moreAmerican homes. Over half of U.S. marriages now end in divorce.More than one in four American children are growing up insingle-parent homes. As a result, many people believe the Americanfamily is in trouble.


  Even so, there is still reason for hope. Many organizations areworking hard to strengthen families. Americans almost unanimouslybelieve that the family is one of the most important parts of life.The vast majority also feel that the traditional two-parent familyis best for children. They realize that problems in family life inrecent years have brought about serious consequences. As a result,more and more people are making their family a priority. Many womenare quitting their jobs to stay home with their children. Familiesare going on vacations and outings together. Husbands and wives aremaking a concentrated effort to keep their marriages solid.


  The United Nations has declared 1994 the "International Year ofthe Family." Not just in America, but all over the world, peoplerecognize the importance of strong families. How do you strengthenthe family bond? Do special things for each other. Talk to eachother. Play together. Spend time together. Oh, and one more thing:be thankful for each other. If you have a family, every day shouldbe Thanksgiving.


Meet Mitsuaki. He recently arrived in the United States to enteruniversity. He wants to do well in his studies and adjust to thenew culture. But Mitsuaki has a problem. It's not his roommates.It's not his school fees. It's not even his English ability.Mitsuaki's problem is that he doesn't have a car. And in America,that really makes him a foreigner. Mitsuaki has already discovereda basic fact of American culture: Driving is a way of life.

  It's not that there's no public transportation in America. Manycities have taxis, buses and subways to help commuters get to andfrom work. Some large universities even have buses to take studentsto classes across campus. But most people find it much moreconvenient to drive, even if they do have to deal with traffic.Nowadays busy families often have more than one vehicle. Manypeople view their car as a status symbol. But no matter theirsocial status, people without wheels feel tied down.


  When Mitsuaki first arrived, he was amazed at how young manyAmerican drivers there were. Young people in America often gettheir driver's license around age 16 by passing a written test anda driving test. In many cases, before they can get their license,they have to take a driver education course. This course givesstudents hands-on practice with driving. It also helps to reducethe high cost of insurance. For teenagers, being able to drive--andin some cases, have their own car--is a big deal. It gives them asense of power and freedom. Many young Americans consider adriver's license a right, not a privilege. It's rare to find anAmerican teenager without one.


  Mitsuaki finally decides that he needs a car. His host familyhelps him find a good used car to buy. But before he gets hislicense and starts driving, he has to understand that the Americanstyle of driving is defensive, not offensive. He also needs tolearn some of the basic rules of the road that good driversfollow.

10 Commandments of Good Driving in America:
1. Yield to vehicles who have the right of way.
2. Don't cut in front of other vehicles.
3. Drive within the speed limit.
4. Obey all road signs and police officers.
5. Pull over to the side of the road when you hear a siren.
6. Stop completely at red lights and stop signs.
7. Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
8. Park only in a designated parking space.
9. Use your turn signals when turning or changing lanes.
10. Don't drink and drive.


1. 礼让有先行权的车子。
2. 不超车。
3. 行车不超速。
4. 遵守所有的路标和交通警察的指挥。
5. 听到警笛声时,立即靠边停车。
6. 遇到红灯和停止标志时要完全停下来。
7. 在行人穿越道上要礼让行人。
8. 只能在指定的停车地区内停车。
9. 转弯或换车道时要打方向灯。
10. 不要酒后驾车。

  As a car owner, Mitsuaki has the responsibility of maintaininghis car. He knows that regular maintenance checkups can help toprevent many serious problems. But no matter how careful themaintenance, all vehicles need to be repaired sometimes. ManyAmericans take their cars to a garage for maintenance and repairs.Others like to work on their own vehicles. Not Mitsuaki. He decidesthat being a student is enough work for him.


  Driving is to Americans what flying is to birds. It's almost partof their nature. For many Americans, being behind the wheel is liketheir natural habitat. But if they don't drive carefully, they canbecome an endangered species.


Christmas in America means different things to different people.To some people, Christmas means brightly wrapped packages under adecorated tree. To others, it means family reunions and a wonderfulmeal together. To Christians, it means Jesus' birthday. Christmasalso means lending a helping hand to people in need. Along with allthe hubbub of shopping for presents and sending Christmas cards,many people in America take time to help others.


  In America and around the world, Christmas offers manyopportunities to spread "peace on earth, good will toward men." Forexample, Salvation Army bell ringers are a familiar sight to mostChristmas shoppers. They stand outside malls and stores collectingmoney for the needy. Many churches and other organizations collecttoys and clothes as Christmas gifts for poor families. Goingcaroling is another traditional way to bring cheer toneighbors--especially the elderly and people who can't get outmuch. The Christmas spirit encourages people to help each other inmany large and small ways.


Americanfamily insidethetimemachine
  The spirit of helping others isn't limited to Christmas, however.Americans help others year-round. Civic clubs such as the Lion'sClub, the Elk's Club and the Rotary Club take part in localcommunity projects. Many organizations exist just to help others.The Make a Wish Foundation gives terminally ill children a chanceto have their dream come true. Habitat for Humanity helps poorpeople build their own houses. And besides supporting worthy causeswith their money, thousands of Americans donate their time byserving as volunteers in hospitals, homeless shelters andschools.

  然而,助人的精神并不只有在圣诞节才能发挥。美国人一年到头都在帮助他人。像狮子会(Lion's Club)、角鹿社(Elk'sClub)、扶轮社(RotaryClub)这样的市民会社,都参与了地方社区的计划活动。很多机构的设立就是为了要助人。许愿基金会(Make a WishFoundation)给罹患末期疾病的孩童们一个美梦成真的机会;仁爱之家(Habitat forHumanity)则帮助穷苦的人们建盖属于他们自己的房子。成千上万的美国人除了以金钱支持一些有意义的事情之外,他们也献出自己的时间在医院、流浪者之家和学校作义工服务。

  Christmas in America means different things to different people.To some people, Christmas means brightly wrapped packages under adecorated tree. To others, it means family reunions and a wonderfulmeal together. To Christians, it means Jesus' birthday. Christmasalso means lending a helping hand to people in need. Along with allthe hubbub of shopping for presents and sending Christmas cards,many people in America take time to help others.


  In America and around the world, Christmas offers manyopportunities to spread "peace on earth, good will toward men." Forexample, Salvation Army bell ringers are a familiar sight to mostChristmas shoppers. They stand outside malls and stores collectingmoney for the needy. Many churches and other organizations collecttoys and clothes as Christmas gifts for poor families. Goingcaroling is another traditional way to bring cheer toneighbors--especially the elderly and people who can't get outmuch. The Christmas spirit encourages people to help each other inmany large and small ways.


  The spirit of helping others isn't limited to Christmas, however.Americans help others year-round. Civic clubs such as the Lion'sClub, the Elk's Club and the Rotary Club take part in localcommunity projects. Many organizations exist just to help others.The Make a Wish Foundation gives terminally ill children a chanceto have their dream come true. Habitat for Humanity helps poorpeople build their own houses. And besides supporting worthy causeswith their money, thousands of Americans donate their time byserving as volunteers in hospitals, homeless shelters andschools.

  然而,助人的精神并不只有在圣诞节才能发挥。美国人一年到头都在帮助他人。像狮子会(Lion's Club)、角鹿社(Elk'sClub)、扶轮社(RotaryClub)这样的市民会社,都参与了地方社区的计划活动。很多机构的设立就是为了要助人。许愿基金会(Make a WishFoundation)给罹患末期疾病的孩童们一个美梦成真的机会;仁爱之家(Habitat forHumanity)则帮助穷苦的人们建盖属于他们自己的房子。成千上万的美国人除了以金钱支持一些有意义的事情之外,他们也献出自己的时间在医院、流浪者之家和学校作义工服务。

"Of the people, by the people, and for the people." That's howAbraham Lincoln described the American government in his GettysburgAddress. These simple phrases capture the essence of Americandemocracy. Instead of ruling over U.S. citizens, the government isruled by them. Elected officials are known as public servants whorepresent their constituents. Americans can get involved ingovernment by voting, by writing letters to their representativesand even by organizing peaceful demonstrations to make their voicesheard. Each American citizen has a vested interest in how he or sheis governed. Former President Theodore Roosevelt expressed theAmerican view of government well: "The government is us."


  At first glance, it might seem that the U.S. president, as"leader of the free world," is the "ruler" of America. OnInauguration Day, the swearing in of President Bill Clinton for hissecond term will reflect the pomp and circumstance of a coronationceremony, with dignitaries from around the world in attendance.Even as far back as George Washington, who once rejected asuggestion to become "King of America," people have sought toascribe far-reaching powers to the president. But the Constitutionensures that the president will not become an all-powerfulruler.


  The U.S. government, as outlined by the Constitution, is dividedinto three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Thelegislative branch passes the laws, the executive enforces the lawsand the judicial interprets the laws. The legislative branch iscomprised of the two houses of Congress, the Senate and the Houseof Representatives. Thanks to CNN, C/SPAN and the nightly news,many lawmakers have almost become celebrities in their own right.The executive branch is represented by the president, who is calledthe chief executive or chief of state. Besides that, as commanderin chief of the armed forces, the president carries more than alittle clout in world affairs. The judicial branch is made up ofthe Supreme Court and about 100 other federal courts. The nineSupreme Court justices hold office for life.


  In order to prevent any one branch of government from becomingmore powerful than the other two, the Constitution has establisheda system of "checks and balances." For instance, when Congresspasses a bill, it must have the signature of the president in orderto become law. But even if the president rejects the bill, Congresscan override his veto with a two-thirds majority vote in both theHouse and the Senate. The Supreme Court, as final arbiter of theConstitution, can overturn legislative acts or executive orders ifit finds them to be unconstitutional. In this way, the powers ofgovernment are balanced, or held in check.


  In many countries, power rests with a strong centralizedgovernment. In contrast, under the American federal system, thenational government shares its power with the state governments.The federal government possesses only those powers clearlydelineated in the Constitution; all remaining powers are reservedfor the states.


  The English political theorist Thomas Paine wrote in 1776,"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; inits worst state, an intolerable one." The American government, likeevery government, has its share of thorny problems. An increasingnumber of governmental agencies and government workers has createdthe problem of bureaucracy, where a mountain of paperwork stiflesefficiency. Lobbyists make appeals to Congress on behalf of specialinterest groups. As a result, those with the biggest lobby--and themost money--tend to have the loudest voice in Washington.


  Americans harbor mixed feelings about their own government. Theyrecognize the need for it, but they remain suspicious of it. Tosome Americans, the government is Big Brother, an oppressiveorganization which delights in taxing its people and meddling intheir affairs. To others, the government is a rich Uncle Sam whoprovides for the poor and protects his people from bullies at homeand abroad. But no matter how they view their government, Americanswouldn't trade it for any other on the face of the earth.

"You are what you eat." Nutrition experts often use this saying topromote better eating habits. What we put in our mouths does becomea part of us. But we can look at this statement another way. Whatwe eat reflects who we are--as people and as a culture. Do you wantto understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about itsfood. Learning about American food can give us a real taste ofAmerican culture.



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