首先上场的是有机护肤油(Aura Cacia分类中的Organic skincare oil)。这个系列一共有五种产品,除了下图所示的四种外,还有玫瑰果油。
号称Moisturizing的Baobaboil(猴面包油)。这个居然在wiki上都没有找到相关词条,还是找到某芳香产品公司的网站才得到广告一样的说明~大家随便看看就好了。This exquisiteoil is cold pressed from the seeds of Baobab fruit trees growing inAfrica. The normal lifespan of a Baobab tree is 500 years, with theoldest trees reaching the age of 5000 years and a height of 20meters. Known to the locals in its natural habitat as "The Tree OfLife”, Baobab's bark, leaves and fruit pulp are also used. Itslovely white flowers emit a smell of rotting meat, which attractspollinating moths, flies and ants; however, the seed oil itselfpossesses a light, nutty, almost floral scent. Rich in vitamins A,E and F and sterols, baobab oil absorbs quickly and is a wonderfuloil to use in dry skin treatments and products designed tomoisturize dry hair. Certified Organic by OregonTilth.
还有Nourishing作用的Tamanu(一种长得有点像青核桃的果子):TheOil of Tamanu offered by Mountain Rose Herbs is 100% pure and isextracted by a cold pressed method from the whole organic nuts ofthe Polynesian Tamanu tree. Tamanu oil has been thoroughlyresearched, and the conclusive evidence on its ability to healdamaged skin is overwhelming. Its benefits are notable for thetreatment for scarring, stretch marks, minor cuts and abrasions,rashes, sores and much more. Can be used directly on the skin ormixed within formulations.
Protecting的Macadamiaoil(澳洲坚果油):This fine oil comes from thepressed nuts of the Macadamia tree. It is a priceless delight forthe skin and has proven itself to be one of the best regenerativeoils available.
It is highin monounsaturated fatty acids, and closely resembles sebum (theoil naturally produced by one's skin to help protect it). Macadamiaoil is a fabulous, protective oil with a high absorption rate andhas been successfully used as a healing oil for scars, sunburns,minor wounds and other irritations.
可以Rejuvenating的Arganoil(最近很火的阿甘油):This rare and exquisite oil ismeticulously expeller pressed from the fruit kernels of theMoroccan Argan tree. Argan oil is rich in natural tocopherols(vitamin E) and phenols, carotenes, squalene and fatty acids,making it a truly luxurious oil. Argan oil absorbs quickly and isoften used in skin, nail and hair treatments to deliver deephydration, strengthen brittle hair and nails, and prevent/reducestretch marks.Certified Organic through OTCO.
argan oil
baobab oil
macadamia oil
tamanu oil