Low CarbonLife
Low-carbon life, do you knowwhat it means?
Yes, it means that we should try ourbest to reduce the energy that we used in the rhythms of life .Sothat we can reduce the carbon, especially carbon dioxide emissions,reducing the pollution of the atmosphere, slowing the ecologicaldeterioration. Absolutely there is a diversity of measures we can take soas to lead such an environmental-friendly life, mainlyfrom aspects of energy saving and recycling solar termto change the details of life!
Now, our government is trying to make our economic developmentto a low carbon economy state.
Low-carboneconomy is under the guidance of the concept of sustainabledevelopment, through technical innovation, system innovation,industrial restructuring, new energy development and manyother measuresto minimize high-carbon coal, oil and other energyconsumption, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. And then we willsee that our economic and social development and ecologicalenvironment protection have achieved a win-win economic developmentpatterns.
In my opinion, ourgovernment should introducedsome policies to restrict private cars, develop the new energyvehicles, improve the urban public transport, encourage cycling,walking and other green travel to contribute to low-carbonlife.
Well goes a saying thatprotecting the earth is protecting ourselves. At the same time weare supposed to undertake the responsibility to lead a low-carbonlifestyle, which is of great significance. Needless to say,low-carbon lifestyle means a lot to our society. First of all, sogreat a method is it to control the global warming that we arebound to make good use of it. Moreover, to some degree, itcontributes a lot to our health.
As we all know the low-carbonlife is good for ourselves, but do you know what we can do for thelow-carbon life?
For one thing, it is known to us allthat large quantities of greenhousegases are produced mostly by motor vehicles so that we, ifpossible, can walk or ride to school instead of depending on carsall the time. For another, we should spare no efforts to reduceenergy in our daily life, for energy in the world today isdecreasing rapidly. For instance, we can turn off electricalappliances if not necessary as well as using recycled materials.Furthermore, at our leisure, we can seek opportunities to plantmore trees which can absorb carbon-dioxide. Last but not least, weare responsible for calling on others to lead low-carbonlifestyles.

Low-carbonlife let more and more people aware of the importance of the socialenvironment for their own life. It has been promoting socialharmony. As far as I’m concerned, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choicefor us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationshipwith the environment.