Thirty-four years ago, she was a debutante with all the rightconnections. He was Britain's most eligible bachelor. It was at apolo match in 1970 that she met Prince Charles.
That rainy August day, when Charles approached with his pony atthe Smith's Lawn near Windsor, Camilla took the lead and saidhello. "That's a fine animal, sir!" were her opening words,delivered with a teasing smile. Charles turned around to look ather and this confident young girl broke into the prince'sworld.
Weeks later they were both guests at a dinner party where theywere formally introduced by Lucia Santa Cruz, one of his old flamesfrom college days. She introduced herself with the immortal line:"My great-grandmother was the mistress of your great-grandfather -so how about it?" Charles, surrounded since birth by thedeferential, was smitten by the directness of the reference toEdward VII and his mistress Alice Keppel.
In the autumn of 1972 romance blossomed as the pair spentunforgettable times together at Broadlands, the Mountbatten familyhome in Hampshire. Charles and Camilla became inseparable and for awhile they were the happy young couple seen in London's hottestspots together. But her hopes of marriage were dashed when theprince joined the Royal Navy and set sail for the Caribbean. Somefriends blame his great-uncle, Lord Mountbatten, for persuading himthat a "bedded-can't-be-wedded" rule for women still applied to theroyal family.
Her hand was finally won by her long-standing admirer, Armyofficer Andrew Parker Bowles, a dashing military man. He frustratedher by playing the field and dating other women, but they marriedin 1973. When Charles heard of the engagement of Camilla and AndrewParker Bowles, he suddenly realized how much she meant to him. Hemiserably wrote to Lord Mountbatten: "I suppose the feeling ofemptiness will pass eventually."
Camilla's relationship with Charles continued as friendship.Charles was a regular guest at the Parker Bowles' home and becamegodfather to Parker Bowles' firstborn. As a friend of Charles,Camilla knew Diana Spencer, whom Charles married in 1981. Shereportedly played a part in encouraging the match between Charlesand Lady Diana Spencer, and it is thought the prince proposed toDiana in the Parker Bowles' vegetable garden.
Camilla was present at the wedding at St Paul's Cathedral, andthe sight of her in the 6th row was like a dagger through Diana'sheart. The princess famously said later: "There were three of us inthe marriage - it was rather crowded."
Her connection with Charles seemed to fade over the first fewyears of his marriage with Diana. But in 1984, rumors began tosurface that Charles and Diana were growing apart and that Camillawas back in Charles's life. By the late 1980s the fairytalemarriage was crumbling and Charles was close to Camilla once more.But to the public she remained anonymous.
That was to change in 1992 when Andrew Morton's book, "Diana:Her True Story", revealed that the princess had suffered frombulimia (暴食症) and attempted suicide. Diana identified Camilla, whomshe branded the Rottweiler, as the third person in the marriage.And then came the humiliating newspaper publication of the"Camillagate" tapes in 1993, when, during an intimate phoneconversation, Charles said he would like to "live inside yourtrousers", musing that he wanted to transmogrify into a tampon.
The seemingly inoffensive socialite,Camilla, was suddenly publicenemy No 1, the "other woman" who dared to trash a fairytale. Shewas at the center of an international soap opera, sufferingvilification in the press and reportedly being pelted with breadrolls in a Wiltshire supermarket. But life went on. Camilladivorced Andrew in 1995; three years after Charles and Dianaannounced their separation. In 1996, Prince Charles and Diana'sdivorce was finalized.
After the divorce, she moved to Raymill House, a 30-minute drivefrom Prince Charles's Highgrove home. Having met discreetly foryears in the country homes of friends, the two were now able to betogether.
She became patron of UK's National Osteoporosis Society andseemed to be on the verge of entering public life at Charles's sidewhen all the careful PR work was undone by Diana's unexpected deathin 1997. The tragic death of Diana forced Camilla to withdraw frompublic life to avoid the fury that sprang up against her.
The rehabilitation project resumed with a carefully plannedseries of "casual" appearances orchestrated by the prince's spindoctor, Mark Bolland. In 1999 Charles and Camilla made their firstpublic appearance together at a party at the Ritz Hotel in London,In the same year, Camilla met Prince William and Prince Harry forthe first time, and she and the teenagers later hosted a glitteringparty at Highgrove for 200 guests to celebrate Charles's 50thbirthday. And in 2002, they kissed in public for the first time,shortly before her first royal engagement. Gradually andimperceptibly, she assumed the role of the prince's consort.
In February of 2005, 56-year-old Prince Charles sank to one kneein front of the woman he loved and popped the very importantquestion. The prince had reportedly been told to stop dithering bythe Queen and Prince Philip. Later their engagement wasannounced.
The Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles were married onApril 9, 2005, at Windsor Guildhall, formalizing a relationshipthat has spanned nearly 35 years. The simple and low-key ceremonywas very different from previous royal weddings. The civilceremony, attended by just 28 guests, was not witnessed by theQueen, but she later attended a televised blessing service at St.George's Chapel in nearby Windsor Castle.
Whether the recent years of careful planning and control ofpublicity surrounding this couple have paid off, or whether thepublic gave in to the romanticism of a royal wedding, Camilla'spublic approval has improved.
Broderick Munro-Wilson, 59, a merchant banker, has known Camillafor half a century, longer than Charles himself. He said: "When Imet her I was 9 or 10. I remember Camilla vividly. She was quitecommanding and would always have other girls around her. 'Milla',as she was known, was a regular tomboy with an extrovertpersonality. She was the focus of attention, not because she wasdazzlingly beautiful but because she was so bright and bubbly."
Camilla was athletic, she enjoyed the outdoors and traditionslike hunting and fishing. A friend of hers recalls that she wasn'tparticularly clothes-conscious and never spent much time on herhair or her nails. Although never a stunner, she was slim, blondeand bosomy and better still, she was the sort of girl who "threwher knickers around". She is also a comfy, low-maintenance loverwho doesn't expect much. In short, she was every young officer andgentleman's dream.
From interviews with "Milla's" friends and biographers, apicture emerges of a woman different in almost every respect fromDiana, "the People's princess". Instead of the "touchy-feely"appeal of Diana, Camilla, harks back to values of aristocraticreserve with which Charles is more comfortable. Passionate aboutfox hunting, polo, horses, horticulture and the countryside, notfilm premieres and the paparazzi, she is more like the prince'smother, Queen Elizabeth, than his ex-wife. Charles could find withher the warmth, understanding and firmness he always longed for butfailed to get from others.
This is not a wicked witch: the average Englishwoman has farmore in common with Camilla than the "fairytale princess". She willbe just as touchy feely, she will chat away with AIDS victims -just give her a chance. According to a close source, "Camilla hasno great ambitions to be Queen. All she wants is for people not tohate her. She takes the view she's only got this far by keeping hermouth shut. Like the Queen, nobody knows how she feels aboutanything."
Nine years ago Prince Charles finally got the girl. He marriedCamilla Parker Bowles, the woman he was said to have loved fornearly 35 years. Their wedding seemed to prove the fairy-tale adagethat, in the end, true love between a prince and his royal bridewill always triumph.
Like any couple they have their ups and downs after gettingmarried. Camilla has found, just as Diana did before her, that ifyou marry the Prince of Wales you are no longer your own person.She has apparently been struggling for some time to reconcile herlove for Charles with the royal duties that are required of hisconsort.
Although some rumors suggest they are leading separate lives, oreven that the couple is allegedly going to divorce, it is not truethat Charles and Camilla are hardly ever at each other's side. Juston July 17, they were visiting the surfing mecca of Watergate Baynear Newquay, Cornwall. Next week, Prince Charles and his wife, theDuchess of Cornwall, will join the Queen in Scotland for theopening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.