



1 old_________2busy________3 hot__________4 slow____________

5 thin _______6clean_______7big ___________ 8 cold____________


1.Bob is ___________ thanTom.

A tall Btaller Ctallr Dtalles

2.Which is ___________ a hen or aducking?

A heavyB heavierC heavyerD heavyies

3.He is much ________ thanLily.

A goodB better CbestD bettest

4.Miss Chen is ________thanMr.Zhang.

A popularB more popular CpopularestD the more popular

5.Question A is ________ than QuestionB.

A easyB easier Ceasiest Deasyer

6.The chair is _________ than thebook.

A more expensive BexpensiverC expensivest D the moreexpensive

7.The basketball is ________ than thetennis.

A bigB bigger Cthe biggerD biggest

8.This dress is _______ than mydress.

A beautiful Bbeautifuler Cbeautifuller Dmore beautiful

9.She is __________ than mysister.

A younger Byoung Cyoungest Dthe younger

10.My hair is _______ than yourhair.

A long Blonger Clongest Dthe longer

11. The flower is ____ than thebees.

Amany Bmore Cmost D themost

12. My uncle drives much _____ thanmy mother.

Abetter Bmuch better Cbest D thebest

13. Winter is ______ thanautumn.

A cold Bcolder Ccoldest Dcolder

14. My father is _____than mymother.

A busy Bbusier Cbusyer Dbusiest

15. The pig is ____than themonkey.

A fat Bfatter Cfattest Dfater


1.You look much ______than before.(thin)

2.The cartoon is ____________than thebook. (interesting)

3.Summer is ________ than spring. (hot)

4.Lily is ______________ than Lucy. (beautiful )

5.The pizza is _______________ than thecake. ( delicious )

6.The monkey’s tail is ___________ thanthe rabbit’s tail. ( long )

7.My room is _________ than your room.(clean)

8.Our classroom is ____________ thanyours. ( big )

9.The orange is ____________ than theapple. ( small )

10.My book is _____________ than yours.( new )



1. old ________ ________ 2.busy _________ __________

3. thin __________ ________ 4. many________ __________

5. slow __________________ 6. delicious__________ ____________


1.She is ____ than _____

A busier usB busier we C more busy we

2.Jane is ____ one in ourclassroom.


A the tallestB taller Ctallest

3.China is ________ city in theworld.

A the largestB largestC larger

4.Which is _______ season inChina?

A thebetter Bbetter Cthe best

5.Which is _______, the sun, the moonor the earth?

A smallB smallerC the smallest

6.The air in Beijing is getting much_____ now than a few years ago.

A cleanB cleanerC cleanest

7.My book is ____ than thepencil.

A cheap Bcheapest Ccheaper

8.I study English as ________ as mybrother.

A hard B harder Chardest

9.Which is ________ , a hat ,a sweateror a down-filled coat?

A the mostexpensiveB the moreexpensiveC expensiver

10.He is the second _____ student in ourclassroom.

A taller Btall Ctallest

11.The Yellow River is one of _______river in China.

A long Blonger Cthe longest

12.He is the ______ one ofus.

A clever Bcleverer Cthe cleverest

13. Everest is _____ mountain in theworld.

A high Bhigher Cthe highest

14.My pink dress is the ______ one in mycloset.

A nice Bnicest Cnicer


1.His uncle is thiner than him.__________

2.My pen is the more expensive of allthe pens. _______

3.This story isinteresting than that one._________

4.Her English is gooder thanLily._______________

5.He is the stronger in my class.____________

6.Beccy is the cleverer girl in myclass. ___________


1.Bob is the ________(tall) boy in myclass.

2.Mom says Grandma is the ______ (kind)person in the world.

3.The red flower is the________________ (beautiful) of the three.

4.Taking a taxi is ___________ (easy)way to get to the airport.


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英语比较级知识讲解 比较级讲解视频



回顾:原级的构成和用法l)构成:形容词,副词的原级形式是形容词2)用法:表示双方在程度,性质,特征等某方面相等时,用" as 十原级形容词或副词十 as"的结构;表示双方不相等时,用" not so (as)十原级形容词或副词十 as"的结构;表示一方是另一方
