supply_consumption = -1.00research_points_modifier = 10000war_exhaustion = -100leadership_modifier = 10000factory_output = 1000local_factory_output = 1000construction_speed = 100farm_rgo_ef = 1000farm_rgo_size = 1000mine_rgo_ef = 1000mine_rgo_size = 1000leadership = 10000diplomatic_points_modifier = 10000research_points = 10000local_rgo_output = 1000local_repair = 1000org_regain = 10000land_organisation = 100naval_organisation = 100unit_start_experience = 100rgo_output = 100reinforce_speed = 100global_pop_militancy_modifier = -1.00max_war_exhaustion = 100assimilation_rate = 100prestige = 100badboy = -100
备注:poor_life_needs 穷人的生活需求middle_life_needs 中等阶层的生活需求rich_life_needs 富人的生活需求prestige 威望pop_consciousness_modifier 人口的意识形态global_pop_consciousness_modifier 海外人口的意识形态core_pop_militancy_modifier 本国认同的人口战斗性non_accepted_pop_militancy_modifier 不被本国认同的人口的战斗性global_pop_militancy_modifier 全球人口的战斗性population_growth 人口增长farm_rgo_ef 农业资源采集效率farm_rgo_size 农业资源采集规模mine_rgo_ef 矿井资源采集效率mine_rgo_size 矿井资源采集规模immigrant_attract 对移民的吸引力global_immigrant_attract 海外领地对移民吸引life_rating 生活质量poor_vote 穷人投票率middle_vote 中等阶层投票率rich_vote 富人投票率poor_everyday_needs 穷人每日所需leadership 基础领导力leadership_modifier 领导力点数diplomatic_points_modifier 外交点数research_points 研究点数research_points_modifier 研究点数local_rgo_output 本土资源采集产量war_exhaustion 厌战度max_war_exhaustion 最大厌战度mobilisation_economy_impact 发动动员时对经济的影响mobilisation_size 发动动员时的规模tax_efficiency 税收的效率assimilation_rate 同化率badboy 恶名local_repair 本土损坏的东东的修复效率local_ship_build 本土船只的建造效率factory_owner_cost 工厂拥有者的花费factory_output 工厂产量local_factory_output 本土工厂产量org_regain 组织度的恢复land_organisation 陆军的组织度naval_organisation 海军的组织度unit_start_experience 军队的初始经验supply_consumption 补给的消耗量loan_interest 贷款的利息rgo_output 产量max_tariff 最大关税max_military_spending 最大军事开销max_attrition 最大消耗supply_limit 供给上限import_cost 进口产品时的花费
用记事本打开游戏目录historycountriesCHI - China.txt,将全部内容替换为以下内容:
capital = 1612primary_culture = manchuculture = beifarenreligion = mahayanagovernment = absolute_monarchyplurality = 0.0nationalvalue = nv_orderliteracy = 1.00civilized = yes
ruling_party = CHI_conservativeupper_house = {fascist = 0liberal = 10conservative = 75reactionary = 15anarcho_liberal = 0socialist = 0communist = 0}
# Starting Consciousnessconsciousness = 5nonstate_consciousness = 1
oob = "CHI_oob.txt"1861.1.1 = {oob = "/1861/CHI_oob.txt"}1861.1.1 = {
# Technologiespost_napoleonic_thought = 1strategic_mobility = 1point_defense_system = 1deep_defense_system = 1infiltration = 1modern_army_doctrine = 1flintlock_rifles = 1muzzle_loaded_rifles = 1breech_loaded_rifles = 1machine_guns = 1bolt_action_rifles = 1modern_divisional_structure = 1bronze_muzzle_loaded_artillery = 1iron_muzzle_loaded_artillery = 1iron_breech_loaded_artillery = 1steel_breech_loaded_artillery = 1indirect_artillery_fire = 1heavy_armament_dunno = 1military_staff_system = 1military_plans = 1military_statistics = 1military_logistics = 1military_directionism = 1aeronautics = 1army_command_principle = 1army_professionalism = 1army_decision_making = 1army_risk_management = 1army_nco_training = 1great_war_experience = 1private_banks = 1stock_exchange = 1business_banks = 1investment_banks = 1bank_inspection_board = 1mutual_funds = 1no_standard = 1ad_hoc_money_bill_printing = 1private_bank_money_bill_printing = 1central_bank_money_bill_printing = 1modern_central_bank_system = 1market_determined_exchange_rates = 1early_classical_theory_and_critique = 1late_classical_theory = 1collectivist_theory = 1the_historical_theory = 1neoclassical_theory = 1keynesian_economics = 1freedom_of_trade = 1market_structure = 1business_regulations = 1market_regulations = 1economic_responsibility = 1government_interventionism = 1guild_based_production = 1organized_factories = 1scientific_management = 1time_saving_measures = 1management_strategy = 1organizational_development = 1classicism_n_early_romanticism = 1romanticism = 1realism = 1impressionism = 1expressionism = 1mass_culture_n_the_avant_garde = 1late_enlightenment_philosophy = 1idealism = 1empiricism = 1analytic_philosophy = 1phenomenology_n_hermeneutic = 1anti__rationalism = 1malthusian_thought = 1positivism = 1functionalism = 1biologism = 1social_science = 1social_alienation = 1enlightenment_thought = 1ideological_thought = 1state_n_government = 1nationalism_n_imperialism = 1revolution_n_counterrevolution = 1mass_politics = 1introspectionism = 1associationism = 1phenomenalism = 1experimental_psychology = 1psychoanalysis = 1behaviorism = 1water_wheel_power = 1practical_steam_engine = 1high_n_low_pressure_steam_engines = 1steam_turbine = 1combustion_engine = 1electrical_power_generation = 1publishing_industry = 1mechanical_production = 1interchangeable_parts = 1semi_automatization = 1assembly_line = 1shift_work = 1mechanized_mining = 1clean_coal = 1cheap_iron = 1cheap_steeladvanced_metallurgy = 1electric_furnace = 1experimental_railroad = 1early_railroad = 1iron_railroad = 1steel_railroad = 1integral_rail_system = 1limited_access_roads = 1basic_chemistry = 1medicine = 1inorganic_chemistry = 1organic_chemistry = 1electricity = 1synthetic_polymers = 1post_nelsonian_thought = 1battleship_column_doctrine = 1raider_group_doctrine = 1blue_and_brown_water_schools = 1high_sea_battle_fleet = 1modern_naval_doctrine = 1clipper_design = 1steamers = 1iron_steamers = 1steel_steamers = 1steam_turbine_ships = 1oil_driven_ships = 1naval_design_bureaus = 1fire_control_systems = 1weapon_platforms = 1main_armament = 1advanced_naval_design = 1modern_naval_design = 1alphabetic_flag_signaling = 1naval_plans = 1naval_statistics = 1naval_logistics = 1naval_directionism = 1naval_integration = 1the_command_principle = 1naval_professionalism = 1naval_decision_making = 1naval_risk_management = 1naval_nco_training = 1modern_naval_training = 1}
my = {limit = { ai = no }chance = { base = 100}effect = { farm_rgo_size = 10 mine_rgo_size = 1 army_base = { attack =1000 defence = 1000 maximum_speed = 150 build_time = -1000 build_cost = -100 supply_cost = -100 default_organisation =100 }}}
my2 = {limit = { ai = no }chance = { base = 100}effect = { navy_base = { gun_power= 1000 hull = 1000 maximum_speed = 200 build_time = -1000 build_cost = -100 supply_cost = -100 default_organisation =100 }}}
用记事本打开游戏目录unitstank.txt文件,将reconnaissance = 0改为reconnaissance =100,以加快坦克的占领速度。
用记事本打开游戏目录commondefines.lua文件,将BASE_TRUCE_MONTHS =60修改为BASE_TRUCE_MONTHS = 1,即可减少休战时间。
用记事本打开游戏目录commondefines.lua文件,将LIFE_RATING_GROWTH_BONUS =0.0002改为LIFE_RATING_GROWTH_BONUS = 0.00002。
用记事本打开游戏目录commonissues.txt文件,将global_population_growth =0.005改为global_population_growth = 0.0005,将global_population_growth= 0.0075改为global_population_growth =0.00075,将global_population_growth = 0.01改为global_population_growth= 0.001,将global_population_growth = 0.015改为global_population_growth= 0.0015。
country_event = { id = 800001 title = "统一中国" desc = "统一中国" picture = "greatpowers"
trigger = { year = 3000 } mean_time_to_happen = { days = 1 }
option = { name = "天佑中华" inherit = YNN inherit = GXI inherit = XIN inherit = MGL inherit = TIB inherit = MCK inherit = XBI any_owned = { remove_core = YNN remove_core =GXI remove_core = XIN remove_core = MGL remove_core = TIBremove_core = MCK remove_core = XBI } } }
YNN 云南GXI 广西XIN 新疆MGL 蒙古TIB 西藏MCK 满洲XBI 青海
用记事本打开游戏目录commoncb_types.txt文件,查找所有construction_speed =数字,将其全部删除。再依次查找下列段首名:
ConquestSphere of Influence GainAcquire Core StateAnnex Core CountryGain control of Substate regionGain control of StatePlace in the SunCut Down to sizeFree PeoplesRelease PuppetMake PuppetBecome IndependentHumiliateDemand ConcessionEstablish ProtectorateUnification HumiliateUnification Demand StateUnification AnnexBad BoyInstall Communist Government
在该段下面的months =12下一行插入以下内容:
construction_speed = 200

用记事本打开游戏目录commoncb_types.txt文件,查找# Conquest,删除下列内容:
can_use = {NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }# only one state or uncivOR = {AND = {civilized = noNOT = { number_of_states = 5 }}NOT = { number_of_states = 2 }}is_independant = yes}
查找# MakePuppet,删除下列内容:
can_use = {NOT = { is_our_vassal = THIS }is_greater_power = nois_vassal = no}