“Smart” buildings and highways. Environmental monitoring. Sensornetworks. Hybrid systems. These are but a few of the many ways inwhich electrical and systems engineering are converging, especiallyat Penn. Proof of this exciting synergy is evident in the recentmerger of our Electrical and Systems Engineering Departments. TheM.S.E. Program in Systems Engineering (SE), grounded in theintersection of electrical and systems engineering, is bestpositioned to give students the in-depth theoretical foundation andinterdisciplinary skills required by the growing complexity oftechnological systems. Our flexible curriculum allows you to tailoryour studies to your personal interests and goals. From signalprocessing, optimization, simulation, control and cybernetics tocomplex adaptive systems, stochastic processes and decisionsciences. Our graduates are found in leadership positions in majorcompanies like Lockheed-Martin or pursuing doctoral degrees at Pennor other major research universities. The M.S.E. Program isdesigned for highly-qualified students who will become leaders inthe increasingly complex field of systems engineering. Enteringstudents generally have baccalaureate degrees in the engineering,mathematical, physical or economic sciences. Students with degreesin other fields who have expertise in quantitative and computeranalyses also enter the program.
SystemsEngineering MSE Curriculum
Students must complete a total of ten graduate course units: fourrequired core courses, two ESE courses, one SEAS course and threeelectives in SEAS, SAS or Wharton.
Required core courses: