所以这里提醒做非常精确的时间统计的朋友,谨慎使用System.currentTimeMillis() 。
Returns the current time in milliseconds. Note that while theunit of time of the return value is a millisecond, the granularityof the value depends on the underlying operating system and may belarger. For example, many operating systems measure time in unitsof tens of milliseconds.
诚如上面所说返回值的粒度依赖于底层操作系统,那么它在不同的平台上到底能提供是么样的精度,是否像函数名所写的那样真正 精确到1毫秒呢?看下面一段测试程序:
public class ClockAccuracyTest {
public static voidmain(String args[]) {
SimpleDateFormat formatter = newSimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss:SSS"); int size = 4000000;
// create an array to hold millisecondtimes // and loop to capture them long times[] = new long[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { times[i] =System.currentTimeMillis(); }
// now display the unique times long time = times[0]; long previousTime = times[0]; long count = 0; Set deltas = new HashSet(); long delta = 0; long minDelta = Long.MAX_VALUE; long maxDelta = Long.MIN_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if(times[i] > time) { delta = time -previousTime; deltas.add(delta); if (delta > 0 &&delta < minDelta) { minDelta = delta; } else if (delta >maxDelta) { maxDelta = delta; }
System.out.print("raw="); System.out.print(time); System.out.print(" |formatted="); System.out.print(formatter.format(new Date(time))); System.out.print(" |frequency="); System.out.print(count); System.out.print(" |delta="); System.out.print(delta); System.out.println("ms");
previousTime = time; time = times[i]; count = 0; } else{ count++; } }
System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Minimum delta : " + minDelta+ "ms"); System.out.println("Maximum delta : " + maxDelta+ "ms");
这段程序循环调用 System.currentTimeMillis()方法, 记录并显示结果,在我机器(Windows XPSP3)上运行输出如下:
raw=1255659457187 | formatted=16-十月-2009 10:17:37:187 |frequency=147250 | delta=0msraw=1255659457203 | formatted=16-十月-2009 10:17:37:203 |frequency=447674 | delta=16msraw=1255659457218 | formatted=16-十月-2009 10:17:37:218 |frequency=436583 | delta=15msraw=1255659457234 | formatted=16-十月-2009 10:17:37:234 |frequency=439379 | delta=16msraw=1255659457250 | formatted=16-十月-2009 10:17:37:250 |frequency=426547 | delta=16msraw=1255659457265 | formatted=16-十月-2009 10:17:37:265 |frequency=447048 | delta=15msraw=1255659457281 | formatted=16-十月-2009 10:17:37:281 |frequency=459522 | delta=16msraw=1255659457296 | formatted=16-十月-2009 10:17:37:296 |frequency=414816 | delta=15msraw=1255659457312 | formatted=16-十月-2009 10:17:37:312 |frequency=458826 | delta=16ms
Minimum delta : 15msMaximum delta : 16ms
![[转载][ZZ]慎用System.currentTimeMillis() getcurrenttimemillis](http://img.aihuau.com/images/02111102/02070251t01ea7123b64e320d8d.jpg)
输出的四列从左到右分别是原始的毫秒值、格式化的时间、每个值循环的次数、与上一个不同值的差。可以看到在Windows上System.currentTimeMillis()方法并不能提供1ms的计时粒度,它的粒度为15~16ms,从网上的其它文章来看,这个结果基本上是一致的,这也验证了Javadoc上所写的“the granularity of the value depends on the underlying operatingsystem and may be larger”。在其他操作系统,如Linux、Solaris上,我没有进行测试,但从网上的一些测试结果看,currentTimeMillis方法在某些操作系统能够提供精确的1毫秒计时粒度。这是不是意味着Java在Windows上无法进行精确的毫秒计时了呢?当然不是,一种解决方案是采用JNI调用,利用Windows系统提供的函数计时;还有一个更简便的办法,就是使用JDK5.0加入的System.nanoTime()方法。Javadoc对该方法的描述如下:
Returns the current value of the most precise available systemtimer, in nanoseconds.
This method can only be used to measure elapsed time and isnot related to any other notion of system or wall-clock time. Thevalue returned represents nanoseconds since some fixed butarbitrary time (perhaps in the future, so values may be negative).This method provides nanosecond precision, but not necessarilynanosecond accuracy. No guarantees are made about how frequentlyvalues change. Differences in successive calls that span greaterthan approximately 292 years (263 nanoseconds) will not accuratelycompute elapsed time due to numerical overflow.
它返回系统能够提供的最为精确的计时,以纳秒(10亿分之一秒)为单位,但并不保证纳秒级精度。把上面的测试程序中黑体的一行改为“times[i]= System.nanoTime();”,并把所有的“ms”该成“ns”,循环次数改为10。运行输出如下:
raw=8705892679376 | formatted=17-十一月-2245 23:31:19:376 |frequency=1 | delta=0nsraw=8705892681053 | formatted=17-十一月-2245 23:31:21:053 |frequency=0 | delta=1677nsraw=8705892682449 | formatted=17-十一月-2245 23:31:22:449 |frequency=0 | delta=1396nsraw=8705892683846 | formatted=17-十一月-2245 23:31:23:846 |frequency=0 | delta=1397nsraw=8705892685522 | formatted=17-十一月-2245 23:31:25:522 |frequency=0 | delta=1676nsraw=8705892686919 | formatted=17-十一月-2245 23:31:26:919 |frequency=0 | delta=1397nsraw=8705892688316 | formatted=17-十一月-2245 23:31:28:316 |frequency=0 | delta=1397nsraw=8705892689713 | formatted=17-十一月-2245 23:31:29:713 |frequency=0 | delta=1397nsraw=8705892691110 | formatted=17-十一月-2245 23:31:31:110 |frequency=0 | delta=1397ns
Minimum delta : 1396nsMaximum delta : 1676ns
回到上面的问题,如何在windows上实现精确的毫秒计时呢。答案就是用“System.nanoTime()/1000000L”代替“System.currentTimeInMills()”。把测试程序黑体的一行代码改为"times[i]= System.nanoTime()/1000000L;",循环次数5000,运行输出结果如下:
raw=9487129 | formatted=01-一月-1970 10:38:07:129 |frequency=202 | delta=0msraw=9487130 | formatted=01-一月-1970 10:38:07:130 |frequency=704 | delta=1msraw=9487131 | formatted=01-一月-1970 10:38:07:131 |frequency=621 | delta=1msraw=9487132 | formatted=01-一月-1970 10:38:07:132 |frequency=618 | delta=1msraw=9487133 | formatted=01-一月-1970 10:38:07:133 |frequency=696 | delta=1msraw=9487134 | formatted=01-一月-1970 10:38:07:134 |frequency=695 | delta=1msraw=9487135 | formatted=01-一月-1970 10:38:07:135 |frequency=698 | delta=1msraw=9487136 | formatted=01-一月-1970 10:38:07:136 |frequency=698 | delta=1ms
Minimum delta : 1msMaximum delta : 1ms