复活节英语作文 有关复活节的初中英语作文


复活节英语作文 有关复活节的初中英语作文


Easter is celebrated by exchange of Easter Eggs and other nifty gifts. Gift range may vary from anything between money, clothes, chocolate or go on holidays together. Some people make Easter bonnets or baskets, which have things like daffodils in them or mini eggs. Children sometimes go to a local community center to enter an Easter bonnet competition to see whose bonnet is the best and the winner gets an Easter egg.

The Easter bunny is very much a part of the Easter tradition in British. The shops are filled with thousands which people buy to give to each other. The Easter bunny hides the eggs in the houses and children on Easter Sunday search to find these treats.

Hot-cross buns are popular foods on Good Friday. These are sweet fruit buns with crosses on top. Some people still make these with yeast, but shops now sell dozens in the week before Easter.


Easter is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his death by crucifixion some 2,000 years ago. For Christians, Easter is a day of religious services and the gathering of family.

The genesis of Easter was rooted in pagan gods that were worshiped prior to Canada‘s existence; but for Canada, Easter began and continues to be celebrated as a Christian event.

In many churches Easter is preceded by a season of prayer, abstinence, and fasting called Lent. This is observed in memory of the 40 days‘ fast of Christ in the desert. In Eastern Orthodox churches Lent is 50 days. In Western Christendom Lent is observed for six weeks and four days.


easter is celebrated on the weekend after the first full moon that follows march 21. that means in some years it‘s in late march, and other years in april. the word easter comes from the old english name for the saxon1 goddess of dawn called eostre. she was worshipped(敬奉) in the spring. in canada, the easter season is also a time for celebrating the rebirth of nature. the long cold winter is beginning to melt into(融合) spring.

while all canadians celebrate the return of the warm weather, there is another meaning to easter. christians rejoice2 because they believe that jesus christ rose from the dead on easter sunday three days after he was crucified(钉十字架上处死) on good friday. to celebrate the miracle3 of his resurrection(复活), they attend churches filled with candles and white lilies (百合花) on easter sunday. the lilies symbolize (象征) hope and rebirth. a lot of communities (社会) have easter parades (游行), some religious, others with brightly decorated floats(彩车), costumes4 and hats.


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