老板不会告诉你的秘密 老板绝不会告诉你的事


Here are five common things that your manager generally won't tell you about.

1. Your job might be eliminated soon. When companies are planning layoffs, they're often tight-lipped until they've made definite decisions about whose jobs are being cut. In fact, many layoffs are announced on the same day that people are expected to leave. So even if your boss knows that you're going to lose your job—even if she knows that your whole department is losing their jobs, and that even she will be out of work—she generally isn't allowed to share that knowledge until the company makes an official announcement.

2. Your co-worker is in the process of being fired. If you've been wondering how your slacker co-worker who surfs the Internet all day still has a job, and you've been growing increasingly frustrated that your manager lets him get away with it, realize that your manager might be dealing with it behind the scenes. Managers don't generally broadcast their disciplinary actions to others, and in most cases, when someone is in the process of being fired, you won't know about it until it happens. So just because you don't see your manager addressing a performance problem, it doesn't mean that she's not.

3. There's a record of everything you do on your work computer. You have no privacy. Companies increasingly warn employees that they monitor computer usage, but employees often disregard this section of their employee manual—and then are shocked to learn that their employer monitors their email, their Internet usage, and any other activity they do on their work computer, including personal email. You should never use your work computer for anything you don't want your boss to know about—whether it's job-searching, online shopping, complaining about your job, or anything else.

老板不会告诉你的秘密 老板绝不会告诉你的事

4. You could get a raise if you asked for one. You might think that your company will offer you a raise if you deserve one. But more often, you need to ask. Sure, you might get the same cost-of-living increase as everyone else at the start of the year without having to ask for it, but if you want a more sizable raise, one that truly reflects the increase in your value to your employer, you generally need to speak up and ask for it. Don't wait around for your manager to give it to you on her own.

5.Your co-worker is making a lot more money than you because he asked for it. Think salaries are fair and set to equal amounts of money for equal amounts of work? Think again. Your co-worker might be doing the exact same work as you—or even less—but earning significantly more. If your co-worker negotiated better than you did when he was hired, and especially if you didn't negotiate at all, he could now be commanding a much higher salary. However…


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钨金专家不会说的秘密 富人不会告诉你的秘密


告诉你个秘密 货源批发商绝对不会告诉你的秘密!

有的朋友常问及货源,而且对于别人不能坦白颇有微词。于此,我有话要说。     服装货源就是批发商的生命,如果老实交待出来了,人家都绕过你直接去找上家了,坦诚倒是坦诚了,肚子怕也要平坦甚至要凹陷下去了。     合作,其实也有竞争

医生不会告诉你的秘密 男人绝不会告诉你的恋爱秘密

  1.男人对你有好感第一反应是你的电话  如果一个男人对你有好感,他头脑中第一反应到的是得到你的电话,而不是给你他的电话。但其实,男人要了你的电话也不代表他真的喜欢你,因为有超过四分之三的男人表示他们可能根本不会真的打。

医生不会告诉你的秘密 医生从没告诉你的三十个秘密

  有几十位医生应邀来说出自己的心里话,他们揭露的“真相”有的令人瞠目,有的则十分有趣。无论如何,做一个聪明的病人,对你和你的医生都有好处。  喝水这件事可不是多多益善  理论上来说,多喝水是可以帮助肾脏排毒,减轻肾脏负担,但

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