寓言故事ppt素材 英语初中寓言故事ppt素材



Once Zang and Gu shepherded together and they both lost their sheep.

Zang said he lost his sheep while he was reading. Gu said he was playing chess.

Although reading is more elegant than playing chess, they both did something they should not have done. So it makes no difference as far as the fact they lost the sheep is concerned.


Meng jiu is a kind of bird that lives in the south. It always makes its delicate nest with beautiful feathers, and fastens the nest to the spikes of reeds(芦苇).

Whenever there is a big wind, the nest always falls to the ground when the reeds break. All the eggs and young birds are killed.

Disaster happens not because the nest Meng Jiu makes is not fast enough, but the reed that the nest is fastened to is too weak.


A person in the state of Song was good at making a medicine that can prevent skin chaps. It was his family tradition to bleach cotton to make a living.

A merchant heard of this medicine and offered him a hundred pieces of gold. The Song person thought a hundred pieces of gold was a lot of money, so he gave him the recipe.

The merchant brought this recipe to the King of the state of Wu and persuaded the king to produce this medicine.

Once the state of Wu went into war with the state of Yue. The king appointed the merchant to be the general to fight the Yue soldiers in the river in winter times.

寓言故事ppt素材 英语初中寓言故事ppt素材

Because the Wu soldiers had used that medicine and wasn't bothered by water, they defeated the Yue army.

The king of the state of Wu awarded the merchant a fief(封地) for his exploits. Having the same feat, someone used it to get an award while someone continued to bleach cotton.

It was all because how the feat was used.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/251361/998143334.html


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