两个人英语对话 两个人的简单英语对话



Todd: So, Shuan, you took a cruise and the cruise left the U.S.


Shuan: It left yeah. It left Florida.


Todd: OK, and did you only stay at sea or did you make stops on your cruise ship?


Shuan: We actually made 4 different stops. I cannot remember the last place but the first place we stopped was Key West. The second place we stopped was Peurta Vearta, and the third place was Cancun, and the last place I just can't remember the name.

肖恩:我们经停了4个城市。我不记得最后一个停靠城市了,第一个停靠的城市是基韦斯特。第二个城市是Peurta Vearta,第三个城市是坎昆,最后一个城市我不记得了。

Todd: Actually, what about Key West? Is Key West a nice place?


Shuan: Key West is a really nice place: all the different buildings and stores are actually constructed to make, or constructed to look like historical buildings. They are all made out of stone and wood.


Todd: Oh, I see, so they are supposed to look like the first people that came from Europe that built.


Shuan: Yeah, they look almost Gothic in style.


Todd: Now Key West, is that the U.S. or is that it's own little territory.


Shuan: Ah, Key West. I don't know.


Todd: I don't know. I don't know either and I'm American, so...


Shuan: I actually, if I think back, I do believe that everybody drove on the left-hand side of the road, and I think I recall somebody saying that it was part of the U. K.


Todd: Oh, really. OK, interesting. So anyway, besides the buildings, what's Key West like? Is it like a good place for adventure, a good place for night life?


Shuan: It's a good place for outdoor sea sports.


Todd: Oh, yeah, for example, like what can you do?


Shuan: Well, to tell the truth I was really sunburnt the day I got to Key West because I spent too much time on the cruise ship on the top deck.


Todd: Oh that's terrible.


Shuan: So I had to get in the water and I had to get in quick so the very first day we went to, me and my friend Jason, we just went to beach and swam around for most of the day. We went with snorkels and flippers. We basically just dived down to as deep as we could to avoid the sunlight.


Todd: Oh, smart move. Oh, that's nice. So did you actually do any scuba diving when you were in Key West?


Shuan: That's what I did on the second day, yeah. Jason and I, we really wanted to go and try some scuba diving, although we had to go with an instructor, it was still a really good experience.


Todd: So then you go down in the water. What happens? You go down in the water and what do you see and what's it like being underwater.


Shuan: To breathe underwater is one skill that I really wish I had and, but it was magnificent in Key West. We saw all these different kinds of fish. It was just so many colors, and it was just beautiful, the water was just sky blue all the way down and it was just absolutely, yeah, just beautiful.



Todd: So, Greg you were saying you had brothers and they always picked on you like all older brothers do. Do you have any stories about your brothers used to do to you?


Greg: Ah, yes, you know I think back on some of the crazy fights we had and it is absolutely amazing that we are all still alive. (Yeah) One time, I was closing the garage door and I didn't see my brother, my oldest brother walking behind me and I pulled the door down and it hit him in the head.


Todd: Right, ooh, ow!


Greg: A complete accident. (Yeah) but he just got so angry. He had a pair of shoes that he was holding in his hand, and I think he was going to polish them or something, and he just took the shoe and he smacked me as hard as he could right in the stomach.


两个人英语对话 两个人的简单英语对话

Todd: Oh, that's gotta hurt.


Greg: Oh, it hurt so much. I bent over and I got so angry and I looked in the garage and I saw a big piece of metal pipe.


Todd: Oh, no!


Greg: And I held it like a spear, and I ran after him, and he of course ran away. I was chasing him around the house and he ran into the front door, and I threw the spear, as hard as I could, and it went like a, I threw the pipe, and it went like a spear, through the air, and he closed the door right behind him, and it put a hole in the door.


Todd: Oh, man, it was gonna hit him. It would have hit him.


Greg: It would have hit him actually.


Todd: Wow. You don't even want to think what could have happened if it had hit him.


Greg: Yeah, it's amazing that we're still alive. We used to have fights with baseball bats and branches and things.


Todd: Well, it must have been good, made you tough and strong for all the other kids at school.


Greg: Yeah, they thought I was crazy.



Tom: I don't know what to do for my next holiday. Have you ever tried rafting?


Joel: Yeah, actually. I was a camp counselor one time for this high school program and we did a week long rafting trip in Utah. I can't remember the name of the river, but there was about 20 kids, and we carried all of our food and camping equipment on the raft, so we would pack, all the students would help pack up everything onto the rafts. We would go down the river for about three or four hours a day then we would stop at a camp stop. We would have to take all of the food, all of the camping equipment off and then the students would have different roles, so some students that day were in charge of cooking food for example, and they had prepared a menu, all the ingredients for that day. Other students were in charge of setting up all of the campground, you know, the tents. Other students were in charge of like building the fire.


Tom: Sounds like the students were doing a lot of work. What did you do?


Joel: We were organizing; making sure they were all on their roles.


Tom: Organizing!


Joel: Cracking the whip.


Tom: So you stayed in a different place each night.


Joel: Yeah, so we were, you know, camping. We had to carry every supply that we needed for an entire week and carry it all on the rafts.


Tom: Did anything go wrong?


Joel: Yeah, it got very cold for a few days, and a couple of students, actually, we went through rapids, so I don't know, do you call it the same (yeah) in British English? It's exciting but it was a very cold day and it's very rough so a few students fell in.


Tom: What happened?


Joel: It's very dangerous. You know, everyone wears a life vest, so I think they were all able to swim anyway, but you have to wear a life vest, and they teach you to try to face your feet down stream because there are many rocks and things like that.


Tom: Oh, so you don't hit your..


Joel: That's right. If you're going head first, then you could, the water's moving quickly so you could hit a rock or something, so you try to go feet first, and then, everyone has a paddle, so we try to paddle the raft over to them as quickly as we can, pull them back in, but you know, we're still maybe an hour and a half from where we are camping so being completely wet like that, you know, you're so cold until we get back.


Tom: It sounds like an incredible holiday. Did anyone take a camera?


Joel: Oh, of course. There's tons of pictures on it, but what I find most about trips like that, like sometimes when you're so cold and everything like that. You feel terrible. You feel miserable, but it's such a group experience, like you really get close to everyone, and you feel like, you feel so much closer to everyone after you've gone through a challenging experience like that.


Tom: To have to pull your friend out of the water.


Joel: That's right.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/251661/717553546.html


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