

日常英语口语对话练习:Watching the Olympics

Dialogue one.


W: Do you usually watch Olympics on TV?

M: If I have the opportunity to, I do. When will the next Olympics take place?

W: It takes place every 4 years. So the next one is 2 years from now.

M: I can’t wait until our city will host the Olympic games. It will be so exciting.

W: Do you think the open ceremony will be a success?

M: Our country has been waiting for years to host the Olympics. So I think it will be fantastic.

W: Do you think we will get any gold medals?

M: I am sure we will. I think we will get gold medals in gymnastics, diving and shooting. What do you think?

W: We might also get one in rolling. Don’t you think?

M: Maybe. I think everyone here wants our athletes to win as many gold medals as possible.

W: I think most people hope to see at least one person from their country win.

M: That’s true.

W: Do you know what the motto is of the next game?

M: I think it’s something like new Beijing, great Olympics.

W: Do you think we will be able to get tickets for the games?

M: My dad told me that he will be able to get some through his company. I can get you a few tickets if you want.

W: Oh, thanks. You are great friend.

M: Don’t mention it. That’s what friend’s afford.

Dialogue two.

M: Do you know what happens at the opening ceremony for the Olympics?

W: I think that is when some of the athletes bring the torch in for everyone to watch the flames.

M: Why do they do that?

W: The Olympic flame is a symbol that reminiscence of the ancient Olympic games.

M: Do the winter and summer Olympics take place in the same year?

W: No. The Olympic games consist of the games of the Olympia, which takes place in the summer of one year. And the Olympic winter games which take place in the winter 2 years later.

M: Do they both take place every 4 years?

W: Yes. I wish they took place more often though. I really love watching all the different athletes from around the world.

M: Do you know which cities are the candid cities for the next Olympic games?

W: I think it’s Paris, Frankfurt, New York, and Stockholm.

M: Who do think will win?

W: I think Paris might. Because they have been the candidate city for the last 2 or 3 games.

M: If you are able to get the tickets to see a game in Paris would you go?

W: Of course I would. I will do anything to go and see the Olympics in any country.

日常英语口语对话练习:Truck and Fill the Events

Dialogue One

W:What happened? Why didn't he win?

M:Didn't you hear? He was disqualified.

W:How do that happen? He is so talented, I thought he had a great chance of winning a gold medal.

M:If he didn't have any drugs, he would have one.

W:What? What kind of drug he's using?

M:He was taking stimulant to make him stronger and faster.

W:I thought that all athletes were supposed to regularly test for drugs.

M:They are, the only reason he didn't disqualified until after the race was because result from the test come back afterwards.

W:That's so disappointing, I don't know why top athlete was feugning to take drugs.

M:I don't think it's right, but I can understand why they might. Imaging how much pressure they would do win for your country.

W:Regardless how much pressure you under, it's never a good reason to take drugs.

M:I agree, hopefully with the new regulations, few athletes tryed to cheat with drugs.

W:Let's hope so.

Dialogue Two

M:How is she doing?

W:She is in a good form.

M:How many laps does she have to go?

W:There are just three laps to go, but she's wholly say free, so she's got a good chance of winning.

M:Did you ever win any competitions when you are on your university women's team?

W:I won a few, I was quite good at 400-meter butterfly, what about you? Did you ever compete in high school or university?

M:I was a long distance runner, I enjoyed it but I wasn't very good at it.

W:It's not all but winning, is it?

M:To present whom you ask.

W:Oh, look, it looks like she was really pushing herself of the final lap.

M:Is she going to make it? She is stopping back.

W:Oh, no, the Stranling(国家名)woman passed her, how did that happen?

M:I don't know, do you think she could still win?

W:There is no way, I don't know if she can even win the finishing the top three now.

M:What a disappointment, she has so much promise.

W:There must be something wrong with her, she is swimming strengthly.

M:That's true, she doesn't look very comfortable.

W:That's it, the Stranling got first, the German got second and she got third.

M:At least she's passed the trails, I can't wait to hear what happened to her, and I'm sure it will be interesting.

日常英语口语对话练习:Ball Sports

Dialogue One

W:What did you do last night?

M:I just stayed at home and watched TV.

W:Did you watch the Basling versus Merged game?

M:Yes, it was very evenly matched game.

W:What was the result of the game?

M:It ended in tie.

W:What was the actually score?

M:It was three all.

W:Really, I thought Basling was going to win, they are a much better team than Merged.

M:If Basling has played normally they do, they should win.

W:What happened?

M:Their goal keeper got injuried after the first goal, but they kept on playing anyway.

W:That explains it.

M:How many more games are left season?

W:That was the last game before the play-off.

M:When would the play-off start?

W:In a few weeks, are you planning on watching them?

M:Of course, I really love watching football games on TV.

W:Me too, do you want to come over and watch the next game at my place, I'm planning on having a few people over to watch it together.

M:Sure, that would be great.

W:OK, let's date then.

Dialogue Two

M:So, which sport do you prefer, basketball or baseball?

W:To be honest, I don't really care for either one.

M:I thought everyone might basketball, why don't you like it?

W:I used to play basketball when I was little and I never scored a goal, every time when I watch the basketball game, I think about how hard ball I was at it.

M:That makes sense.

W:How about you, what's your favorite sport of all time?

M:My absolutely favorite is ice hockey.

W:Have you seen alive game?

M:Sure, many times, it's an exciting game for expected to watch.

W:I've never really understood the game.

M:It's not that difficult, if you want to watch a game with, I can explain the rules while we are watching.

W:Thanks, that will be nice, when's the next time ice hockey game on?

M:Not for a while, but we can watch old one on the internet, so I can explain the game to you.

W:That's a good idea.

M:Let's watch the Canadian team, they have a good manager and a great coach.



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