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博士个人简历表格 英文 博士英文简历模板

Name Date of Birth Sex Male XXX ***

Graduated from Zhejiang University, academic institutions, professional Dr animal nutrition and feed science

2007-07 English proficiency graduation time CET6

Origin, marital status *** *** *** political landscape

Personal evaluation

I am honest sincere, character, cheerful, mature self-confidence, positive; good communication, a strong team spirit and sense of responsibility, strong organizational skills; thinking active, good at innovation, a strong practical ability, suitable for scientific research and development, teaching and business management aspects of the work of



Learning experiences

Zhejiang University 2004.9-2007.7 animal nutrition and feed science PhD

2001.9-2004.7 ******

1997.9-2001.7 *****

Foreign language

CET-6. Solid foundation in English, I heard that a strong reading and writing skills, read a foreign language periodicals, literature, good at English writing

Professional skills

To proficiency in organization and cell culture

Proficiency in immunocytochemical technology

Good animal husbandry management and feed resources development, use of

Familiar with commonly used office software and feed formulas, SAS statistical software, etc., to carry out the maintenance of local area network

Main Courses

Molecular and Cellular Biology of animal, animal cell engineering, control the topic of animal nutrition, animal nutrition and feed the progress of scientific research, basic research techniques, such as veterinary science

Engaged in research projects

2006.1 ~ 2007.6, to participate in the National Natural Science Foundation Project "somatic cell-induced embryonic germ stem cell proliferation and differentiation mechanism of" research subjects engaged in regulation of reproductive stem cells work.

2006.1 ~ 2007.6, to participate in the Ministry of Education project "poultry reproductive stem cells as the carrier of the bio-reactor research platform," the study subjects engaged in the work of stem cell transplantation.

2005.1 ~ 2007.6, Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province to participate in the project "reproductive stem cells for the vector of avian bioreactor platform for the establishment of" research subjects engaged in regulation of reproductive stem cells work.

2006.7 ~ 2007.6, Zhejiang Province Office of Education to participate in the project "Effects of ginsenosides on the proliferation of chicken primordial germ cells of the very mechanism of the impact of" the subject of research, the proliferation of primordial germ cells engaged in the work of regulation.

Research experience

Mammalian oocytes and early embryos in vitro

Embryonic stem cells and primordial germ cells in vitro

Oocyte maturation and type A spermatogonia proliferation control


BIRTHDATE : December 1, 1950

AGE : 57

GENDER : Female




OBJECTIVE: To seek an excellence in profession, growth in career and be associated with an organization offering a responsible position whereby my traditional Chinese medical specialty can be utilized.

KEY COMPETENCE: Traditional Chinese and western medicine experience for over 20 years, especially be skilled in treating many difficult diseases by traditional Chinese medical science, such as Cerebrovascular diseases, Rheumatism, Gynecological diseases, Immune system diseases, and so on; be good at orthopedics & traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage; Computer skill (Microsoft office), passionate, self-confidence, honest, dedicated, hardworking and can be work under pressure.



general practitioner

Datong ZhongYi Clinic (which is run by myself)

Shan xi province, China

June, 2006-present

To treat clinical diseases by traditional Chinese (including Chinese traditional medicine, orthopedics & traumatology of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and massage) and western medicine, including:

1.Pediatrics diseases

2.Internal medicine diseases

3.Cerebrovascular diseases


5.Gynecological diseases

6.Immune System diseases

resident doctor:

Datong Seventh Municipal People’s Hospital (Public hospital by government)

Shan xi province, China

September, 1976-September, 1986

As resident doctor in:

1.internal medicine department

2.pediatrics department

3.obstetrics and gynecology department

4.emergency department

rural doctor:

Dongguan Cun, Yangmingbao Xiang, Dai Xian

Shanxi Province, China

Main work is to treat common diseases for peasants.


3 Years clinical medicine

Graduate Year 1976

Shanxi Medical University

Key curriculums include Organic chemistry, Medical physics, Cell biology, Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Pathology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Medical Genetics, Diagnosis, internal medicine science, Surgery science, Obstetrics and gynecology science, Pediatrics science, Neurology and Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radiation Science, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Chinese traditional medicine, and so on.


Attending doctor for traditional Chinese medicine

Attending doctor for Chinese-western combined medicine

Attending doctor for pediatrics


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/252261/462422835.html


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