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有关英语故事小短文:The New Student


“She's very stylish and she can speak several Latin dialects,” Jane commented.


“Did you see her wearing that elegant diaphanous jacket today?


The sheer material diffuses the light like a diamond.


I heard that she is major in dietetics.”

英语美文欣赏小短文 有关英语故事小短文欣赏


“She's as pretty as a dictator's wife,” replied Mary.


“However, I'm more impressed with her dialectic method of thinking in philosophy class.


She's very clever.


Yesterday, she explained the dichotomy between the active principle of yang and the passive principle of yin.


I have no doubt she would make a good dietitian.


She's so slim.


She must be on a special low-fat diet.”


“I think she's as ugly as a frog,” said Sally.


“Maybe she can speak several dialects but she probably has very poor diction.


If I had the dictatorial power in a dictatorship, I would dictate that she be kept in detention for appearing too pretentious.


Besides, I've seen her eat a lot of junk food that is bad for digestion.


My guess is that she doesn't digest it.


She probably does a lot of vomiting.


“Sally, that was an unwarranted diatribe against her!” Jane said with a laugh.


“You're just jealous because the diameter of your stomach is probably twice that of her stomach.


Remember the dictum our professor taught us, ‘diffidence leads to envy which gives rise to spite.'”


Sally rolled her eyes.


“I hate her because all the men I like are attracted to her.


I'd be less diffident if the men wouldn't differentiate between us all the time.”



Shane's mother filled his backpack with books, and toys. He was only six years old and he was flying half way across the country all by himself. When Shane was two his parents got a divorce and since then they've had shared custody. This year Shane's dad had moved to Washington, so Shane was flying out to meet him. His dad would be there at the airport to pick him up.


His mother drove him out to the airport and walked him to the check out gate. She gave him a big hug and asked the flight attendant to take good care of him.


Inside the plane Shane explored everything. The flight attendant gave him earphones to watch movies. They gave him as much Coke as he wanted and at dinnertime he asked for two desserts.


He watched the movie and then pressed his nose to the window as the landscape passed beneath him. Soon, he felt asleep. When he woke up he had arrived and the flight attendant had carried him out to where his father was waiting. Shane couldn't wait to tell his dad all about his trip.



From the time they were in high achool, Wendy and Tina awore that after graduation they would work to save up enough money for two tickets to Las Vegas. Once there they would spent all their money gambling in fancy casinos and drinking facy drinks with pink umbrellas. And now they were here, star-stuck by the lights of Las Vegas. They had never seen anything like it before.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/252461/131496297.html


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