威武的英语例句:1. The old veteran had a martial bearing.
2. Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him ; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle ; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him.
富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移, 威武不能屈.
3. Poor Catherine was not defiant ; she had no genius for bravado.

4. The slum now began to stir into life , and the factory hooter sounded its imperious summons.
5. Unclean, unkempt, clothed in rags and hunger and madness, he saw himself victorious, heroic and beautiful.
尽管他一身腌臜,没梳没洗, 衣服褴褛,饥肠辘辘,疯子似的, 在他自己眼中也立时变成英俊, 威武的胜利者.
6. His features are strong and masculine, with an Austrian lip and arched nose, his complexion olive.
他的仪表威武英俊, 有着奥地利人的嘴唇、鹰钩鼻子 、 棕黄色面皮.
7. I am in the drums loud and grand , the thousandrous hooves across Nagrand.
8. While follow eyes the keel , the vessel grim and daring.
目迎着我们的船从容返航,我们的船威武, 而且勇敢.
9. I've always thought he looked very manly in his uniform.
10. Farewell plumed troop, and the big wars, That make ambition virtue!
永别了, 威武的大军 、 激发壮志的战争!
11. Standing straight towards the blue sky, kapok looks very tall and strong.
耸立向天, 木棉给人一种高大威武的震撼感觉.
12. They are dreaded and feared; Their justice and authority originate with themselves.
哈1:7他 威武 可畏.断和势力、任意发出.
13. Farewell the plumed troop, and the big wars, That make ambition virtue!
永别了, 威武的大军 、 发壮志的战争!
14. You really do look so imposing.
15. Leopards and tigers and leaping lions!