出国旅行行李清单 出国旅行小费知多少

出国旅行行李清单 出国旅行小费知多少



Depending on the amount of luggage, tip $ 1 to $ 2 to the doorman who takes your bags and turns them over to a bellman. If you are visiting and have no luggage, you naturally do not tip him for simply opening the door for you. Tip him again when you leave with your luggage as he takes it from the bellman and assists you in loading it in your car or into your taxi. When the doorman obtains a taxi for you, tip him $1 to $3 (the higher amount if he must stand in the rain for a period of time to get it).



Tip $1 a bag but not less than $2 to the bellman who carries or delivers your luggage to your room. When the bellman does something special for you, such as make a purchase or bring something you have requested to your room, but not room service deliveries, he or she should be tipped $ 2 to $ 3 for every service, at the time it is provided.



For stays of one night or more, the maid should be tipped $2 per night per person in a large hotel; $ 1 per night per person in a less expensive hotel. Give the maid her tip in person, if she can be found. If not, put it in a sealed envelope marked "chambermaid".



Valet services are added to your bill, so there is no need to tip for pressing or cleaning when items are left in your room. If you are in when your cleaning and pressing is delivered, however, tip $ 1 for the delivery for one or two items, more when several items are being delivered.


Dining room staff餐厅服务员

Tips for dining room staff are exactly the same as they are in any other restaurant -15 to 18 percent except in the most elegant dining rooms where tips are 18 to 20 percent. If you are staying in an American -plan hotel where your meals are included in your total bill, tips are as usual, and an additional tip should be given to the maitre d' who has taken care of you during your stay. This tip ranges anywhere from $ 10 to $ 15 for a weekend for a family or group of four people to $ 20 to $ 30 for a longer stay or larger group.



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/252861/573479543.html


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