英文面试情景对话 关于面试英文情景对话



A: Could you tell me something about your work experience?


B: OK, previous to 2000 I worked as an assistant editor in Suzhou Evening Newspaper, where I was responsible for proofreading, rewriting, and composing short articles. I have been working for Trade Journal as editor since 2000,where my duties consist chiefly of typesetting, and composing articles.

B:好的,2000年以前我在苏州晚报社做助理 编辑,负责校对、改写和撰写短篇。2000年 后我一直在《贸易月刊》杂志社任编辑,主 要职责是排版、撰写各类文章。

A: Now please tell me something about your achievements?


B: My book entitled Light of Hope won the first-prize of national excellent books in 2002. And many of my monographs were awarded by China Writer Society.

B:我的一本名为《希望之光》的书曾获2002 年全国优秀书刊一等奖。我还有许多专著 受到中国作家协会的奖励。

A: Have you learned something about editing in English?


B: Certainly. I took the English editing course in university, and I learned a lot from this course.

B:当然。我在大学里专门学习过英文编辑 课程,我从中学到了很多东西。

A: Your resume mentioned that you had been holding the post of editor as a part-time job in a student journal. Would you please talk about your detailed duty and work content?

A:你的简历提及到你在学生杂志担任了很 长时间的兼职编辑,可否谈一下你的具 体职责和工作内容?

B: In the past two years, I have written for the student journal and proofread the Dvering notes in successions. Genera^ ly speaking, the editor will contact me and give me a specific theme. I will get familiar with this theme and define people I am to cover. If the covering is needed, I will participate in the covering in person and write after tidying up the covering notes.

B:在过去的两年当中我都陆续为这家杂 志社进行撰稿和采访笔录整理。一般而言,责编会联系我并给我一个特定的 主题。我会先熟悉一下这个主题,并确 定需要采访的相关人物,如果需要采访, 我会实地参与采访当中去,并在对采访 笔录整理后进行撰稿。

A: You are applying for the post as a edi-tor. Why do you think you are suitable for the post?

A:你应聘的是编辑的职位,你认为你为什 么适合这个职位?

B: Firstly, I am original. As an editor, you must constantly find topics of the readers’ appeal and the originality I have enables me to continuously have new ideas. This will do good to my work. At the same time,I have a good command of language. I can select the best articles and revise them. So I am qualified for this job.

B:首先有独创的能力。作为一名编辑,必 须不断地寻找读者感兴趣的话题,而独 创能力使我源源不断地有新的想法,这 对工作十分有帮助。同时,我也有相当 的文字把握能力,能在众多的稿件中选 择最优秀的,并且对其进行修改。所以, 我适合这个职位。

A: As to the pressure, I don’t know whether you can bear it. Journalists often have to work under the pressure. Can you work under that?

A:说到压力,我们对记者的要求很高,不知 道您能否承担压力?

B: Your newspaper is well known in the news field, and of course it has high demands on journalists. I’m ready for challenges, so I apply for the position. On the other hand, I have been used to living under the pressure. During the u-niversity days, I was the monitor in my class and chairman of the Student U-nion, as well The Renda Youth. Under such circumstance, my school reports always ranked among the top three in our class. I think I get used to such life under pressure. I will adjust myself to the step of your newspaper quickly, because like such life.

B:贵报在业内很有名气,对记者的要求自 然是很髙的,我喜欢挑战,所以才来应 聘这个职位。至于压力,我也基本习惯 了。大学期间,我既担任班长又担任学 生会主席,同时还是《人大青年》的记 者,在这种情况下,我的专业课成绩一 直是班内前三名。我想,我已经习惯了 在压力下生活。我喜欢紧张而又充实 的生活,我想我会很快适应贵报社的工 作节奏的。

A: How much do you know about our newspaper?


B: The character of your newspaper is fresh ideas and profound comments. Many of other newspapers can’t do that. So the circulation of you newspaper is always among top five. Besides, there are so many famous journalists in your newspaper office, such as Wang Ming and Pan Xiaolei, who are the successes I admire. If I am honored to work with them, I will make great progress.

B:我认为,你们报纸的特点是观点新颖, 分析深刻。这是很多报纸无法做到的, 也正因为如此,你们报纸的发行量在全 国一直是排在前五位。另外,你们报社 精英云集,有众多新闻界的大腕记者, 像王明和潘小雷等,这些都是我所仰慕的成功者,如果能够跟他们共事,将会 使我更快进步。

A: The position requires good ability in English. Now would you give me an introduction about your English?

A:我们这个职位要求记者具有相当高的 外语水平,能说说您的外语水平吗?

B: I have certificates on CET-6 and BEC, and I am familiar with Journalism English. As to the oral English, I can speak American English natively, and I won the third prize at an English contest. In addition, I organized and received a-broad students to visit our school several times.

B:我拥有大学英语六级证书和剑桥商务 英语证书,熟悉新闻英语。口语方面, 我能讲地道的美式英语,曾经参加过学 校的英语演讲比赛并获得三等奖。我 还多次组织和接待外国学生到我校参 观。


A: Why do you want to be a fashion magazine editor?


B: I am a sunny boy and what attract me most in my spare time are all kinds of fashion elements. Although some people have the misunderstanding that all the writers and editors of fashion magazines must be females, I insist that no matter who you are, you can be a fashion leader if you have this talent.

B:我是一个很阳光的男孩,在空余时间内 最吸引我的东西就是各种时尚元素。尽 管很多人都会有错觉地认为所有时尚杂 志的编辑和作者都应该是女性,我相信 无论你是谁,只要你有这种天赋,你就可 以成为时尚的领导者。

A: If we want you to be responsible to some parts you don’t like, how will you deal with it?

A:如果我们想让你负责一些你不喜欢的版 块,你怎么来处理?

B: Personally speaking, I prefer the fashionable life style most, However, as an editor, we should broaden our view. I have confidence that new fields will not be an obstacle for me. Firstly, I will consult others more familiar with this field. Secondly, It is very important to exchange our ideas about It. Finally, when I finish my work, I will ask them for advice.

B:就个人而言,我最喜欢的是时尚的生活 风格。但是,作为一个编辑,我们必须拓 宽我们的眼界。我自信,新的领域不会 成为我的障碍。首先,我将咨询那些比 我更熟悉这个领域的人。然后,很重要 的一点是,我们相互交换我们的观点。 最后,当我完成工作之后,我会向他们征 询意见。

A: What do you think can make a good fashion magazine editor?


B: Besides the solid language bases, I believe the fashion magazine editors should have such kinds of characteristics as sense of fashion, sensitivity to the unique style, exploring spirit and creativity.

B:除了坚实的语言功底,我相信时尚杂志 的编辑必须要有以下的素质:对时尚的 意识、对独特风格的敏感度、开拓精神以及创造力。

A: Please make a judgment of the fashion magazine nowadays.


B: The popular fashion magazines usually copy each other either in style or in organization. That is maybe the result of overflow of the fashion-pursuing.

B:现在流行的时尚杂志通常在风格与组织 结构上互相抄袭。可能这是追求时尚之 风泛滥的结果。

A: It is true that most of the magazines are alike. In my opinion, there exist both advantage and disadvantage. On one side, similarity will give the consumers a quick guide to each part of the fashion life. On the other side, it will destroy creativity and imagination.丨 mean that fashion magazines nowadays need some new components.

A:的确,大多数的杂志很相像。我认为,这 样既有优点又有缺点。一方面,相同之 处可以让消费者很快地找到时尚生活的 各个部分。在另一个方面,太多的雷同 会毁了创造力和想象力。我的意思是现 在的时尚杂志需要新的元素。


A: Have you learned something about editing in English?


B: Certainly. I took the English editing course in university, and I learned a lot from this course.

B:当然,我在大学学英文编辑专业,从这些 课程中我学到了很多。

A: You mentioned in your resume that you were the vice chief editor of your department newspaper. Would you please tell me your duties in detail?

A:你的简历当中提及你担任过院报的副主 编,请你谈谈你的具体职责好吗?

B: As the vice chief editor, my duties mainly lie in helping the chief editor to mastermind the design of the pages, the distribution of content and the theme of every issue of the newspaper. I also covered some people, made features and organized feedback surveys regularly.

B:作为院报的副主编,我的主要职责是协 助主编策划每期报纸的版块设计、内容 分布和主题概念,采访相关人物制作专 栏,并定期组织读者的反馈调查。

英文面试情景对话 关于面试英文情景对话

A: During the time when you cooperated with your chief editor, were there occasion on which your opinions were conflicting?

A:在你与主编合作的过程中,是否发生过 你们的意见不合或观点有所冲突的情 况?

B: Such occasions did exist. On such an occasion, I would make a judgment. That is: if the point on which our opinions different was tribal, I would obey the chief editor’s orders; if it was very important, I would gather relative information to support my opinion and try to persuade the chief editor and if I failed to persuade him, I would ask related department bureau to coordinate.

B:这样的情况总是有的。在这种情况下我 会做一个判断,如果我们所争的内容并 不是十分重要的,那么作为副主编,我会 遵照主编的意见来执行;如果是一件较 关键的事情,我会首先搜集相关的材料 为我自己的观点寻找支持,力求说服主 编,如果仍然无法达成共识,我会提请院 学联相关干部来进行协调。

A: What ability do you think should be fostered in this process?

A:你认为你在这个过程中需要培养的能力 是什么?

B: It's the interpersonal skill. I have much faith in my literature skill as I was chosen as the editor. The biggest difficulty in my work was how to make effective personal profiles. Some of the people covered gave unlimited answers to my questions and some were quite beyond the point. But my theme had to be clear. So it challenged me a lot to focus the conversation on the theme effectively. And it also fostered my ability to communicate.

B:主要是与人交流沟通的能力。因为我能 够被选为兼职编辑,对自己的文学功底 还是比较自信的,而我在工作中面对的 最大的困难就是如何有效地进行人物专 访。有些被采访人针对我的提问可能会 回答得海阔天空甚至有些漫无边际,而 我的主题却必须是非常鲜明的,因此如 何有效地将被采访人的谈话内容锁定在 我的主题上,是个很大的挑战,不过这也 培养了我与人交流沟通的能力。


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