雅思作文范文 雅思考试大作文范文 旅游类



Tourism can create jobs and other opportunitiesfor almost all communities. Therefore, Governmentsworldwide have worked out many incentives aimed atdeveloping overseas market. Personally I believe,tension is always accompanied with influxes of foreign visitors, which has alreadyovershadowed understanding achieved via travel.

Let me start by talking about the tension brought by international tourism. LastIndependence Day Festival , I , followed by a couple of friends, traveled to a small countylocated in Bolivia. Surprisingly we happened to see thousands of people singing and dancing onthe street. Three guys dressing in local costume swayed badly towards us, bringing drinkingbeer for us. Owing to our arrival in a totally new place, we declined to take any alcohol in caseof being entrapped. Unexpectedly quarrels occurred as a consequence of language barrier.What’s worse, one of them spitted on us, whose behavior turned our journey to be a trip ofhumiliation and resentment. As a matter of fact, the local residents were celebrating yearlyBeer Festival. Our refusal was regarded as a bad manner to look down upon them. For thisreason, I would infer that international tourists usually spend only one or two days staying inthe same place. It is impossible for them to thoroughly have a good knowledge of the localculture. Consequently misconception and disputes happen frequently between peoplesembodied with varied culture backgrounds.

Now let me turn to the discussion of understanding gained on the tour. Generally a westerntourist is fond of visiting different places with exploring different customs, particularly thoseprimitive cultures in remote mountainous areas. Such an exploration can expose himselfwith more opportunities of communicating with local people, which might be considered as agood way to better understand the local culture. However, different interpretation andreligion eventually would probably lead him to conclude that those odd traditions handeddown generation by generation in the destined region are no more than a superstitious belief.Such understanding does little good to maintain sound relationship between nations.

All in all, global travel should be discouraged until understanding amid peoplesoverwhelmingly outweighs negative effects like tension.


What is a culture? Although there is no an agreement about the definitionof culture, peoplegenerally consider it to be the ways people eat, play, dress, drink, think, and work. When oneperson travels in a foreign country, the foreign culture is not necessarily completelyincompatiblewith his or her native ways. Therefore, it is not always true to do in Rome as aRoman Does.

If one travels in a public culture, that is, where the social order, economic and otherrelationships between people are maintained by laws rather than by custom or kinship, it issafe for the traveler to do things in his or her own ways,because the public culture welcomesdifferent or even conflict opinions, people, and ways. Take New York, the big pot, as a typicalcase in point. In this city everybody has an angle and everyone has the right to do whateverdelights him or her in cast that it is not illegal.

If one travels in a folk culture, however, it is better to do in Rome as Romans do. A folkculture is a culture featured by clans, kinships, and customs. In a folk culture different ways ofdoing things are less welcomed. In such a culture, if one remains his or her own ways of doingthings, hardly can he or she be able to enjoy the journey. Worse, the traveler might be in thedeep troubled water.

Therefore, whether one must follow the new ways of doing things and whether one mustkeep the native culture depend on a variety of specific conditions.


The seemingly constructive proposal thatyoung people who have just accomplished theirhigh school career should be encouraged to work ortravel for one year has been warmly accepted byseveral educationists on the ground that this policywill really benefit the growth of these young in along run. But there are also many who oppose theidea, saying that the measure is unnecessary andits advantages can be generated by complimentarymeans during college. In what follows, I shall discussthe pros and cons of the policy.

Those who believe in the measure say that students benefit a lot from travelling orworking for a year before their formal university education. First, they can more broadlyacquainted themselves with the society, deepen their understanding of the outside world, andthus better coordinate their objectives of learning with the needs of the society. In contrast,by immediate entrance to university they can not steer the direction of their study well andmay display a poor combination of the theory with practice. Second, study at high school isreally exausting, especially when to win college admission. So it is necessary to grant thesechildren a relatively long period of relaxation or buffer, say, travelling or working for a year, toloosen the chords of their brain, so that when they go back to school later again, they canbecome completely refreshed and rejuvenated.

However, many others hold the opposite opinion that these young children should stick totheir usual life course. The first reason they cite is that there is always a proper time in one’slife for doing a proper thing and that the one year is just a golden period for advancedlearning, which simply can not afford any squandering. They also cast doubt on the view thatthe kids can gain social and working experience by questioning what kind of jobs thefledglings can find and what if our universities can offer the same opportunities. They furtherexpress their concern that the young, innocent and immature, may go astray and be misledwhen exposed to a world so trickily alluring. They are worried if the “sophisticated” mencould sit still in their classrooms when they come back to the campus.

雅思作文范文 雅思考试大作文范文 旅游类

To be frank, I believe we do not need to be so imaginative. The notion of travelling orworking for one year before college sounds flashy, but will bring about more troubles than wecan control. In my opinion, we may as well perfect our college education systems, for example,by creating more chances for social practice, to achieve the same benefits that the boldmeasure can contribute.


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