全的英文怎么读 叶子的英文怎么读


叶子[yè zi]


leaf ; foliage

网 络leaf;leaves;foliage;leafage



Larch has small cones and needle-like leaves.


全的英文怎么读 叶子的英文怎么读


Locust had stripped the leaves off the trees.


I like to collect russet autumn leaves.


The leaves shrivelled (up) in the sun.


The leaves turn yellow in autumn.


The dying leaves became brown and curled up.


A lot of butterbur trees with big leaves looked very nice.


A leaf or a plant part that evolved from a leaf.


He improvised a bed out of leaves.

1. Its leaves drooped a little in the fierce heat of the sun. 它的叶子在灼热的阳光下微微耷拉着。

2. Peg down netting over the top to keep out leaves. 用销钉在顶上加固防护网,防止叶子落入。

3. The rose leaves have curled because of an attack by grubs. 玫瑰的叶子因为闹虫害而卷边了。

4. You are absolutely correct. The leaves are from a bay tree. 你说得很对,这是月桂树的叶子。

5. Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint. 它的大叶子往往带点紫色。

6. Dig it up once the foliage has died down. 叶子掉光后就把它挖出来。

7. The leaves are inclined to scorch in hot sunshine. 叶子在酷热的阳光下容易枯黄。

8. The foliage was soft and feathery. 叶子如羽毛般轻软柔和。

9. Choose a golden-orange-coloured pineapple with undamaged leaves. 挑一个叶子完好的橙黄色菠萝。

10. The plant has serrated and hairy leaves. 这棵植物长着锯齿状的毛茸茸的叶子。

11. The leaves trembled in the trees. 树上的叶子瑟瑟抖动。

12. Use both hands to scoop up the leaves. 用双手捧起叶子。

13. The trees are just coming into leaf . 树木正好在长叶子。

14. The leaves formed a dark green rosette. 这些叶子聚在一起,像是一朵深绿色的玫瑰。

15. The leaves on the plant had shrivelled up from lack of water. 因为缺水,植物的叶子已经枯萎了。

16. The leaves slowly unfurled. 叶子慢慢地展开了。

17. He pinched the leaf between his thumb and forefinger. 他将叶子捏在拇指和食指之间.

18. A profusion of leaves bursts out on trees in the springtime. 春天许许多多的叶子从树上冒出来.

19. This sudden warmth is bringing all the trees into leaf. 天气突然变暖,所有的树都长出了叶子.

20. The leaves of this tree have become dry and withered. 这棵树下的叶子干枯了.


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