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A guy was walking along the street one night, when he came upon a man一a theoretical physicist一on his hands and knees under a streetlight, searching the street. The fellow asked him what he was looking for, and the theoretician replied, "I' m looking for my car keys.” Being a helpful sort, the fellow started searching, too. After a time he asked, "Are you sure you lost them here?"


"Of course not,” replied the theoretician. "But at least there's light here.”




A doctor died and went to heaven. When he got to the gates, he found that there was a long line to get in. He went to the front of the line and told the angel that since he was a doctor and that doctors are important people, he should be allowed to bypass the line and go right in.


The angel replied: "Up here, everyone is equal. Now, please go to the end of the line and wait your turn.” The doctor grumbled but did what was requested. After a while, someone with a white smock and stethoscope walked right past the line and straight in. The doctor ran right back to the angel and said: "Hey, how come you let that doctor right in and not me” The angel replied : "That' s not a doctor; that is God playing Doctor.”




A Scotsman, carrying a huge suitcase, has been riding a London bus for five miles along its route, all the while attempting to avoid the ticket collector.


Finally, the conductor manages to corner him and tells him to pay up: "You've been on for five miles一that’ll be 50 pennies, please, and 10 pennies for your suitcase.”

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The Scotsman responds: "I haven’t, I want to have a penny fare,just got on this very moment.” They begin to argue, and the ticket collector become more and more enraged and finally, as the bus is passing over London bridge, he grabs the Scotsman’s suitcase, and hurls it out of the bus.


It lands in the river and sinks without a trace. The Scotsman stands shocked for a moment and says to the ticket collector, "Not only are you treat to overcharge me for the ticket一but now you're gone a drowned my boy Jenny.”




A big battle was going on during the First World War. Guns were firing, and shells and bullets were flying about everywhere. After an hour of this, one of the sol Biers decided that the fighting was getting too dangerous for him, so he left the front line and began to go away from the battle. After he had walked for an hour, he saw an officer coming towards him. The officer stopped him and said, "Where are you going?"


"I'm trying to get as far away as possible from the battle that' s going on behind us, sir,” the soldier answered.


"Do you know who I am?" the officer said to him angrily. "I'm your commanding officer.”


The soldier was very surprised when he heard this and said , "My God, I didn't know that I was so far back already !”



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英语笑话带翻译爆笑 爆笑英语笑话加翻译合集

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