my hobby英语作文50词 my hobby英语作文带翻译

每个人的爱好都不相同,拥有爱好很重要。下面,小编帮你整理了my hobby英语作文带翻译,希望你喜欢!

my hobby英语作文带翻译篇1

I have a lot of hobbies. I like playing badminton, listening to music and playing the piano. They are fun. My sister likes playing the piano very much. But my parents don’t like this. I don't like fishing or playing chess. My sister also does not like this. My sister and I have some same hobbies. What are your favourite hobbies? Can you tell me?


my hobby英语作文带翻译篇2

I have many hobbies.In my spare time,I like listening to some pop music,especially the music played by some pop bands.It can make me relax and let me forget my unhappy moment. If I'm in good mood,I always read some history books,which I think is benefical to my study .Besides,surfing the Internet is another means of entertainment of mine.Through the Internet I can get some useful information and chat with my friends as well.The Internet has shortened our distance.


my hobby英语作文50词 my hobby英语作文带翻译

my hobby英语作文带翻译篇3

My hobby is playing basketball. I started to play basketball when I was 12 years old. After school, I would stay on the playground and play basketball with some friends of mine until it was dark . Since then I have taken it as my hobby because it is good to my health and I enjoy it very much. Now I work in a big foreign company. I am busy at work during the week so I don’t often play it, when there are some holidays for me to have a rest . I will find some old friends to go to the gym together to play basketball for 3 to 4 hours there. I will feel very happy and relaxed . This exercise is quite beneficial to me, because I am very, very strong now.



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