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初中英语黑板报大全:保护长城 Protect the Great Wall

The Great Wall is famous all over the world, it is one of the most remarkable symbols of China, it has long history. But as there are more and more people to visit the famous building, it has been damaged to some degree. In order to protect the great building, we should not throw away the rubbish and do not make some marks, so that we can enjoy the great building.



初中英语黑板报大全:善待坏学生 Be Kind to the Bad Students

In every class, there will be some bad students, they are very active and annoy other students. The bad students don’t want to study, they will interfere other students to listen to the class, which also bothers the teachers. Bad students are not welcomed everywhere, so students will stay away from them, some teachers even give up on them. But some day, when I went home after school, I found a bad student who was in my class carry a cat, he handed the cat to a woman, the woman said thank you to him for help her find the cat. I was surprised, I saw the good side of a bad student. I think I need to be nice to the bad students, they are not that bad, maybe they just want to attract other people’s attention. If we give them more chances, they will be good students.


初中英语黑板报大全:征服自己 Conquer Myself

In the 1920s, a man from England had finish climbing the Himalayas which was thought to the most difficult mountain to conquer. People spoke highly of him and asked him how he conquered the mountain. The man said calmly that he conquered nothing but himself. These words seem to be simple, but for me, they are meaningful. When we face the difficulties, we will give up because we think we can’t do it. With that thought, we have given up so many chances to try. Life is a journey, if we stop keeping moving on, how can we see the coming scenery. It is obvious that the problem is ourselves, we are afraid of failure and refuse to try. If we get over this thought and have a try, then we are heading to the road of success. When we conquer ourselves, we are successful.


初中黑板报大全 初中英语黑板报大全

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初中英语课堂小游戏1、“碰地雷”:在英语单词教学中,学生不太愿意跟读。用此法不错。在一个词下放一个地雷,这个词是不能读的,如果学生不小心跟读,就是踩到雷了。大家一起数one twothree,bomb,向他砸过去!有趣,气氛也好,学生在玩中也学得扎

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