小学生讲故事比赛稿 小学生英语故事比赛文字素材



Autumn has come, Mr. bear corn harvest. Mr. bear breaking corn when accidentally fell off some corn kernels children. A frog followed him pick it up. "One, two, three ...... suddenly picked up so much gold ingot. My rich friends! A fortune! I'm going to buy a little fish house, a yacht, a car, a aircraft - with a fishpond Airbus ...... "

Ant heard, with a laugh. "Little ants, What are you laughing?" The Frog stretched out his long tongue to scare ants, "I have not seen gold ingot is not it?" "Not seen." Ant said, rubbing his stomach, "but I've seen corn kernels children. Ha ha ha ......" 'Corn child? "The Frog dumbfounded," You mean, so I picked up a large bag, not a gold ingot, but corn children?

Well ...... I can not when the rich! " Frog cried, ants and quickly fled. Now, a frog sitting on the grass, guarding a lot of corn kernels children. "Hey, there are ways." Frog thought, "little fish just do not like gold ingots it, I want to do a bunch for her ......"

Frog got a needle and thread, a grain of corn grain child string together, strung together a beautiful necklace. "Ha, a beautiful necklace ah! Little fish will like." Frog wants. However, such a heavy corn necklace worn on the neck of small fish, will make her uncomfortable? If I run across a large herring Xiong Baba, wearing a necklace of small fish can quickly run away?

To know that the great herring dreaming eat little fish, little fish just because slender, flexible movement, turned quickly, only to escape again and again large herring hunt. No, corn necklaces must not be given to small fish. Well, what in the end to send the little fish is good?

小学生讲故事比赛稿 小学生英语故事比赛文字素材

The cool wind blowing Sha La La corn leaf ring, like children playing beautiful song. Frogs have a solution. He scramble to put all the corn kernels child string together, strung together a corn chimes. "Little fish, this is for you corn chimes. Do you like it?"

Asked the frog. "Ah, I love!" Laughed the little fish. Little fish corn hung from the living room, since under the water, no wind, unable to pronounce the slightest sound of wind chimes corn, into a dumb chimes. Even dumb wind chimes, or a good little fish like: she could smell the faint scent of corn, this scent like beautiful music, as in the hearts of little fish flowing. The most fun is hungry little fish do not have to cook, eat a corn, well fed. A corn wind chimes, she could Mimi to eat for a long time yet.


A small group of partners, to the forest to find friends.

Find hedgehog cactus, cactus and pulling his hands and form a pair of barbed friends.

Davidia involucrata find little pigeon, dove laughed and said:. "Good. I called the nickname 'dove tree,' Welcome to my little pigeon house guest"

Ladybugs, very shy to make friends and flowers. His head down, quietly, he saw a mimosa. Ladybugs plucked up her courage and said: "? Mimosa sister, you are willing to make friends with me."

Mimosa, dropped his head, because she is very shy. Ladybugs happily sang: "You are shy, I'm shy, shy but also a good friend of a good friend, pulling hand, we have the most long-term friendship.."


There was once a little princess, she was playing with her golden ball at the well, her ball into the air, failed to catch the hand, golden ball fell into the well, she was very sad. She looked around, hoping someone can help her. At this time, there is a frog came before her. The frog said: "? Little Princess, why do you cry" little princess said: "

My golden ball fell into the well." The frog said: "If you are willing to work with me to eat a bowl of rice, sleep in the same bed and my friends, I can give you retrieve golden. "Princess do not care. Help her retrieve golden frog, she turned and ran back to the palace, a small frog had to jump back to the well.

The Frog Prince The next morning, the little princess was at the table having breakfast, small frogs hard knock on the door of the palace. Little Princess opened the door, turned the offending frog, she quickly shut the door, panting back to the previous table.

The king asked her: "? What's wrong with" the little princess after yesterday told the king. The king hear very angry and said: "They help you, how you gone back yet?"

Little princess had to open the door for small frogs come reluctantly and small frogs eat together, sleep. Finally, the little princess was angry, grabbed a small frog thrown into the wall. Frog Just a floor, suddenly turned into a handsome prince. Little princess prince to talk to his terrible experience: "There is an evil witch turned me into an ugly frog, I had to stay in the bottom of the well, only you can save me." Little Princess is very sympathetic to the prince encounter, and he agreed to be good friends.

Later, they became husband and wife, and lived a happy life.

I think a man can not speak not words, inconsistencies, be a man of honor.


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