Once upon a time, there lived an old couple in a village. The old couple prayed every day that they might have a baby. One day, an old woman moved into the house next door. The Old woman raisedlettuce that looked very tasty and delicious.
The old wife wanted to eat the lettuce from next door, and she constantly pestered her husband to let her eat that mouth-watering lettuce. "Dear, I want to have that lettuce." Without knowing what else to do, the husband crept next door and stole the old woman's lettuce.
However, the woman next door was a witch, and she noticed that the husband of her neighbor had stolen the lettuce. The witch said, "You dare to steal another's lettuce. You deserve to be punished." The husband said, "I am sorry, but my wife wants to have the lettuce very much."
The witch said, "Is that so? Then you can take as much as you want. But there is a condition." The husband asked, "What is it?" The witch said, "If a baby is born, you have to give me the child." After a while, his wife got pregnant and gave birth to a pretty girl. The witch swiftly crept off with the baby girl and disappeared into the forest.
She gave the name Rapunzel to the girl, and this child grew up fast to become a beautiful lady. Yet the witch was afraid of losing Rapunzel, so she locked her up in a tower.
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, please let down your golden hair." When Rapunzel dropped down her long hair, the witch would climb up in order to prevent Rapunzel from meeting other people.
One day, a Prince happened to pass by the tower. The Prince lost his heart to the beautiful singing voice of Rapunzel. "How can I climb up to the tower?" The Prince decided to wait under the tower until he saw an opportunity.
On the next day, the Prince saw that the witch climbed up to the tower on the lovely yellow hair of Rapunzel. After the witch left the tower, the Prince imitated the witch. He said, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, please let down your golden hair." Then the long hair was dropped from the inside of the tower.
Upon seeing Rapunzel, the Prince fell instantly in love with her. He said, "You are the most beautiful lady in the world." Rapunzel also lost her heart to the handsome prince. The twolovers met each other every night, hiding from the eyes of the witch.
However one day, the witch found out about these secret meetings, cut off the hair of Rapunzel, and sent her to a desert. Then the witch dropped down the cut hair to the Prince, as he came to see Rapunzel. When the Prince climbed up the tower, holding the cut hair, the witch cast off the ladder sending the Prince crashing to the ground.
He fell heavily on the earth at the base of the tower and became blind. The Prince gained strength by wandering around the land in order to find Rapunzel, and finally met her in the heart of the desert. Rapunzel recognized the Prince at once. Upon realizing that the Prince had become blind, Rapunzel's eyes filled with tears, which trickled down into the eyes of the Prince.
At that moment, the Prince gained his eyesight again with the power of love. Then the two people returned to the royal palace and lived happily ever after.
Mother Holle
Once upon a time, there lived a widow with two daughters. One was a beautiful and diligentstepdaughter, and the other was her ugly and lazy real daughter.
One day, the stepdaughter broke the mirror of her stepmother while cleaning the house. "Oh, no! What can I do?" The stepdaughter shed frightened tears thinking of the angry face of her stepmother. Then a strange sound came from the inside of the broken mirror.
"Please come in. You may come in." The stepdaughter peeped hesitantly into the mirror, at which moment the girl lost her wits in the glare of the shining light.
"Ah, where am I?" When she came to her senses, she was standing in a garden filled with shining sunlight and beautiful flowers. The girl kept walking dreamily among the flowers.
After a while, pieces of bread shouted out to the girl from a hot oven. "Wow! It's hot! It's too hot. Please take us from the oven." The girl took out all the pieces of bread from the oven despite theblazing heat, and kept walking.
"My arms are painful as they hold something heavy. Please shake my arms." A tree with apples hung in thick clusters begged the girl, crying, "My apples are fully ripened and are ready to eat. Please shake my arms by all means."
The girl stopped walking and shook the apple tree. The fruit dropped down from the apple tree as if it were raining. The girl collected all the apples that fell down.
Finally, she arrived at a small inn. The girl knocked on the door carefully saying, "Knock--knock! Is there anyone here?" Suddenly, the door was flung wide open, and an old lady appeared. The girl was frightened and tried to run away.
But the old lady said, "You don't have to be afraid of me. Would you like to live with me? You only have to shake off my bedding cleanly like flying feathers. Then the feathers will become the snow which is fallen on the ground. I am Mother Holle."
The girl did the housekeeping work very hard, and the bedding was shaken off with flying feathers like snowflakes. And although the old lady treated the girl very nicely, one day the child dropped tears saying, "I want to go home. I miss my stepmother and stepsister." The girl begged the old lady saying, "Dear Grandmother, please let me go home." The old lady then said smiling at her, "All right, you have indeed worked hard until now. I will let you go home."
The old lady stood in front of the mirror holding her hands, and said, "Pretty Girl, you may find your way home after you pass through this mirror. And you can take these with you as you have worked hard." At that moment, gold and silver money and valuables were showered down into the breast of the girl from heaven. The grateful child said, "Thank you, Grandmother." Finally, she arrived back at home.
"Mother, Mother!" The stepmother was surprised to see the girl bringing in a great load of gold and silver money and valuables. The girl told her what happened, and upon hearing the story, the stepmother believed that her real daughter might have such luck as well.
The stepmother deliberately broke the mirror which was held by her real daughter. There was a sound from the mirror saying, "Please come in. You may come in." The stepmother pushed her rather ugly and lazy real daughter into the mirror. She also happened to walk among the fields like her younger sister.
Pieces of bread shouted out to her from an oven saying, "Wow! It's hot. It's too hot. Please take us out of the oven." But the girl kept walking saying, "Hum! I am busy. And I may get hurt if I touch hot pieces of bread." A crying apple tree begged her, and saying, "My arms are too painful. Please shake my arms." But the girl kept walking again saying, "It is indeed troublesome. I don't want to have any fruit like an apple."
Finally, an inn appeared. "Ah, this is the place!" The door was open, and an old lady appeared saying, "It is good to have someone to work for me. All you have to do is to shake off my bedding." The girl agreed to do so, but was tired of working after one or two days.
The girl spent every day idly without working hard to shake off the bedding. The threshing old lady was not satisfied with the lazy girl. Then she said, "My Girl, you may stop working for me and return home. Here is the compensation for your work."
Gladly, the girl waited for gold and silver money and valuables in front of the mirror. "Mother, Mother!" The lazy girl called to her mother. Upon seeing her daughter returned home, the mother of the girl shouted in dismay. "Oh, no!" There were all sorts of dirty insects and worms attached to the body of the lazy girl, who was forced to live with those dirty insects and worms attached to her body all her life.
The Singing Bone
There was a land that had a big concern, because of a wild boar that was digging up the field biting people and killing them.
The Singing Bone
"This is a terrible thing. Everyday the people are shaking in fear." The king walked around the room here and there, everyday. "I will give a big reward for the person who catches the boar." However, the boar had such a big body and was so wild that no one dared to go near it.
At the same time, the King announced that whoever caught the boar would marry his daughter. Slowly people began to gather.
Even two poor brothers were willing to try this dangerous job. The sneaky and money making older brother said, "I will catch it and marry the princess." The kind and friendly younger brother said, "If I can get rid of the people's worry, then I will try."
The two brothers went their separate ways to catch the boar. "Brother, be careful!" The younger brother was concerned for his older brother. However, the older brother did not even listen and went into the forest.
The younger brother did not go far. When he found a dwarf who's beard was caught in a tree branch. "Please help me. I can't get up, because my beard is stuck." The younger brother quickly brought down the dwarf from the tree.
"Thank you. You have truly a kind heart. Take this net. When the boar appears, throw it at him right away." The younger brother thanked the dwarf. He carried the net and walked into the forest looking for the boar.
"Roar!" When the boar saw the younger brother, it ran to him with great power. The younger brother threw the net that was on his shoulder, at the boar.
The boar that was running forward, got cut from the sharp net and his head split into two. The younger brother tied the boar onto his shoulders and headed for the castle.
Meanwhile, the older brother that went in the opposite direction found a drinking house in the forest. "Alright, I will have a drink here and work up my courage." Just then, across from him, he saw his younger brother coming out carrying the boar. "My goodness, how did he." The greedy brother was boiling with rage.
"Little brother, come on in over here. Since you have caught the boar, have a drink of wine and rest." Without suspecting anything, the little brother drank the wine.
"Big brother! Let's go to the castle and share this happiness." The little brother, being so tired, fell asleep after drinking the wine.
The older brother was jealous of his little brother for catching the boar. The older brother dragged the sleeping younger brother and threw him below the bridge, where he died.
And pretending that he had caught the boar, he tied it onto his shoulders and went to the king.

"You are truly a great young man. As I promised I will make you my son-in-law." The older brother became the king's son-in-law.
After a few years a shepherd was walking below the bridge when he saw a bone that was white as snow. "I will make a flute with that bone." The shepherd took the bone and made amagnificent flute. However, before the shepherd had a chance to play it, the flute started to play on its own.
"Listen people, listen people. Listen to my song. Long time ago, my older brother killed me and threw me under the bridge. Then he took the boar that I had caught and married the princess." The song caused pain to the hearts of the people.
"This is a very strange flute." The shepherd took the strange flute to the king. In front of the king, the flute sang again. After hearing the words of the song, the king went under that bridge and dug up the ground. Inside, the bones of the younger brother was there.
"Go and capture that man." The king ordered the capture of the older brother. "A brave young man has died for no good reason!" The king mourned the death of the younger brother and buried his bones in a sunny place.