10 ways cats deliver love and affection to the people who matter most to them 喵星人对主人表达爱意的10种方式:
1. Lightly touching her forehead against you 用前额轻轻触碰你
This feline act of affection is delivered only to the A-listers in a cat's life. Your cat will face you, lower her head and lean forward so that the top of her head touches your forehead, face or other body part. This loving touch can often release feel-good hormones called endorphins in your cat and you。喵星人在它的短暂一生中,只会将这个动作展示给自己最亲爱的人。它会面对着你,低头将身子向前倾,使它的前额触碰到你的前额、脸颊或者身体的其他部位。这种表达爱意的触碰,会在你和它之间释放一种称为内啡肽的良性荷尔蒙。
2. Cheek rubbing you用脸颊磨蹭你
Think of your cat as a feline graffiti artist. To make her turf really feel like home, she will rub her cheeks against the corners of furniture and, possibly, your legs or hands when you pet her. This act secretes
oils from her facial glands. It's her way of claiming you as her own. Just be grateful that she does so by cheek rubbing, not spraying。把你家猫猫想成一位涂鸦大师,为了让它的皮毛真正感觉到家的味道,它会用自己的脸颊擦拭家具的角落,或当你爱抚它的时候磨蹭你的腿或手。这个动作会让它的面部腺体分泌油脂,它在用自己特有的方式在表达:主人你是我的。你该感到开心,毕竟它的方式只是脸颊磨蹭而不是喷射或分泌点别的东西。
3. Twitching the tip of her tail抽动尾巴尖
The feline tail acts like a mood barometer. The tail puffs out when your cat is frightened or agitated. Conversely, your cat expresses love to you when she approaches you with her tail hoisted lazily up in the air and the very tip twitches. In cat speak, she is saying, "You rock my world!"喵星人的尾巴就如一个心情晴雨表。尾巴竖起表示你的爱猫受到惊吓或感到焦虑。相反地,如果是想向主人表达爱意,猫猫会在走近你时懒洋洋地抬起自己的尾巴,尾尖还会抽动,就好似它在说:“你震撼了我的世界!”
4. Holding eye contact and sharing a soft blink保持眼神交流,眼睛温柔的眨巴眨巴
Don't expect a cat to maintain a steady eye-to-eye stare with a new houseguest. Cats save eye contact for people they know and trust, like you. The bond is accented when she blinks softly at you. This is the equivalent of a kitty kiss. Respond by softly blinking back。可别指望喵星人会对家里的新访客有眼神对视,它们只会与自己了解信任的人产生眼神交流。当它再给你来个温柔的眨眼时,你们的关系就更稳固了。这就是一只小猫给你的吻,快也对它眨眨眼睛以示回应吧!
5. Turning on the purr power发出呜呜呜的声音
This steady, rhythmic sound emitted when your cat inhales and exhales is often associated with contentment. But cats also purr when they need to self-calm or while nursing a litter; however, your cat saves the special full-bodied rumble as a smile directed to you. It is her way of saying, "I love you."当你的猫猫在呼吸时发出这种沉稳而又节奏的声音时,就表示它非常满足。但是喵星人在需要自我平静或产宝宝的时候也会发出呜呜的声音。然而,猫猫是用全身力量发出这种声音,就直接等于在向你微笑,它在用它的方式对你说:“我爱你”。