教师节手抄报内容资料 关于教师节的英语手抄报资料









In December 1981, Xi Zhongxun, Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, met with the representatives to participate in the national primary and middle school ideological and political work of trade union conference, Fang Ming Education Department Chengxian Zhang vice minister together to Xi proposed the establishment of teacher's day, Xi asked before liberation without teachers' day, Fangming told June 6, is teacher's day before liberation, and the liberation of Shanghai in 1949 June 6, Comrade Chen Yi celebrate Teacher's day situation. Xi after listen to advice the Ministry of national education and the union together to write report for instructions of the central.

In April 1982, leading Party group of the Ministry of education and National Education Union divided party United, by Chengxian Zhang and Fang Ming jointly issued "on the recovery 'teachers' Day' consult the report sent to the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPC, report and suggestions to the Marx's birthday, May 5, is teacher's day.

Party for joint, 1983 March CPPCC sixth a meeting on the square is progressive 18 CPPCC members put forward again to improve teachers' social status, resulting in respecting the social fashion, it is recommended to restore the teachers' day case ". The National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference review comments as follows:" proposed by the CPC Central Committee Propaganda Department in conjunction with the Ministry of education research. "In the same year in September, the Central Propaganda Department office sent a letter to the Ministry of Education Office, the CPPCC session of Fang Ming comrades proposal, agreed to resume the teacher's Day 1983 December by the Ministry of education he Dongchang's minister and co issued by the Ministry of education and National Education Union Party" on the recovery 'teachers' Day' instructions sent to the Central Propaganda Department.

The principle of 'Party Party 1984 October, Wan Li, Xi and other central leadership of the Ministry of education and National Education Union Party referrals redlining in 1984 December, the Ministry of education and National Education Union Party "on the establishment of the" Teachers Day report sent to the Central Secretariat and submitted to the State Council. The report said, "according to the central leading comrades of the spirit of the instructions, we conducted the study, it is recommended to determine the annual September 10th teacher's day in the new school year, a new school, that is to carry out activities of teacher. Such as the central and the State Council agreed to establish a' teacher ', we suggestions by the State Council submitted to the National People's Congress Standing Committee approved and promulgated.

In January 1985, premier of the State Council on the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress put forward proposal to establish the teachers' day, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress through the the bill, to determine the annual September 10 as teacher's day, 1985 September 10, for the new China's first teachers' day.

From 1981 to 1985, teacher's day develop back and forth five years experience. Ming excitedly said, "want to do one thing really is not easy ah!"


We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher's Day!


You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.


The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweet. -- James Angel

教育最主要的目的,不是教你懂得如何谋生,而是使每个人生活得更香甜。 -- 安吉儿

We all like having you as our teacher. You have our respect and gratefulness.


This is Teachers' Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers' Day.




A drunk stands up in a bar and shouts, "All Lawyers are scumbags". Another drunk stands up and yells, "Hey, I resent that remark". The first drunk yells. "Why are you a lawyer". "No", said the second drunk, "I’m a scumbag".


一喝醉了的人在一声酒吧呼喊,"所有的律师都是无赖" 。 另外的一个喝醉了的人站起来而且大叫,"嗨,我反对那一个评论". 开始的喝醉者大叫。 " 为什么你是一位律师?". "没有", 说那第二的喝醉了的,"我是一个无赖" 。





教师节手抄报内容资料 关于教师节的英语手抄报资料









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教师节手抄报内容资料 教师节手抄报的文字资料

   关于教师节手抄报的文字资料   教师节手抄报的资料  一、教师节的由来  1932年,民国政府曾规定6月6日为教师节,解放后废除了6月6日的教师节,改用“五一国际劳动节”为教师节。  1951年,教育部和全国教育工会曾宣

教师节手抄报内容资料 关于教师节的手抄报资料2015

   关于教师节的手抄报资料   教师节由来  “我也不知道为什么,那天早上一起床就忽然想到老师应该有自己的节日。”教师节的最早创意人、中科院院士王梓坤教授这样说。  那是1984年12月9日,王教授当天就把这个想法告

教师节手抄报内容资料 关于教师节的手抄报资料

   关于教师节的手抄报资料  1、一支粉笔,积淀千秋智慧  三尺讲台,寄托万世文明  2、兢兢业业汗水浇灌梅兰开花香四海  勤勤恳恳心血栽培桃李结果献九州  3、知理达理讲理世上真理千秋在  悟道行道传道天下

教师节手抄报资料大全 教师节手抄报内容资料大全

 教师节手抄报内容资料大全:  教师节诗歌朗诵  九月,献给老师  九月,如期而至。  世界因此灿烂。  我们歌唱九月,  因为这是您永恒的节日。  我们牢记九月,  因为这是我们真诚的表白。  九月,是只情满四

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