Joseph Addison
I chanced to rise very early one particular morning this summer,and took a walk into the country to divert myself among the fields and meadows, while the green was new, and the flowers in their bloom. As at this season of the year every lane is a beautiful walk, and every hedge full of nosegays, I lost myself, with a great deal of pleasure, among several thickets and bushes that were filled with a great variety of birds, and an agreeable confusion of notes,which formed the pleasantest scene in the word to one who had passed a whole winter in noise and smoke. The freshness of the dews that lay upon everything about me, with the cool breath of the morning,which inspired the birds with so many delightful instincts, created in me the same kind of animal pleasure,and made my heart overflow with such secret emotions of joy and satisfaction as are not to be described or accounted for. On this occasion I could not but reflect upon a beautiful simile in Milton: As one who long in populous city pent, Where houses thick and sewers annoy the air, Forth issuing on a summer's morn, to breathe, Among the pleasant villages and farms,Adjoin'd from each thing met conceived delight,The smell of grain,or tended grass, or kine, Or dairy, each rural sight, each rural sound.
Those who are conversant in the writings of polite authors receive an additional entertainment from the country, as it revives in (heir memories those charming descriptions, with which such authors do frequently abound.
I was thinking of the foregoing beautiful simile in Milton, and applying it to myself, when I observed to the windward of me a black cloud,falling to the earth in long trails of rain, which made me betake myself for shelter to a house saw at a little distance from the place where I was walking. As I sat in the porch,I heard the voices of two or three persons, who seemed very earnest in discourse. My curiosity was raised when I heard the names of Alexander the Great and Artaxerxes;and as their talk seemed to run on ancient heroes, I concluded there could not be any secret in it; for which reason thought I might very fairly listen to what they said.
After several parallels between great men,which appeared to me altogether groundless and chimerical,I was surprised to hear one say, that he valued the Black Prince more than the Duke of Venoms. How Duke of Vendos should become a rival of Black Prince,I couldn't conceive;and was more startled when I heard a second affirm, with great vehemence, that if the Emperor of Germany was not going off, he should like him better than either of them. He added,that though the season was so changeable, the Duke of Marlborough was in blooming beauty. I was wondering to myself from whence they had received this odd intelligence: especially when I heard them mention the names of several other great generals, as the Prince of Hess and the King of Sweden,who, they said, were both running away. To which they added, what I entirely agreed with them in, that the Crown of France was very weak, but that the Marshal Villars still kept his colors. At last, one of them told the company, if they would go along with him,he would show them a chimney-sweeper and a painted lady in the same bed,which he was sure would very much please them. The shower which had driven them as well as myself into the house, was now over; and as they were passing by me into the garden,I asked them to let me be one of their company.
他们先是比较了几个伟人。在我看来,这种比较根本毫无根据,纯属虚构。我十分诧异地听到其中一个人说,他认为黑 色王子远比旺多姆公爵好得多。旺多姆公爵和黑色王子怎么能作比较呢?我感到非常不解。然后,我又听到第二个人斩钉截 铁地说,如果德国皇帝不退位的话,那么他就最推崇德国皇帝。听到这里,我更是惊叹不已。这个人又补充说,尽管岁月如流水,但马尔伯勒公爵始终是风流调镜。他们从哪里知道的这些谬论,我绞尽脑汁也想不明白。还有比这更荒谬的:他们还谈到了几位将军,其中就有黑森王子和瑞典国王,他们说这两个人现在正在逃亡中。后来他们所说的,我是完全同意的。他们提到法国国王身体虚弱,维拉尔元帅却仍旧精神饱满。最后,他们当中的一个人说,如果大家同意跟他一起去,他会叫他们看到一个扫烟囱的人和一个美丽的少女“同床共枕”。他确信,这样的场景一定会令大家非常开心。我和他们都是跑到这家农舍来避雨的,此时大雨已经停了。当他们从我身旁经过,朝花园走去的时候,我便要求加入到他们的队伍之中。
The gentleman of the house told me,if I delighted in flowers, it would be worth my while;for that he believed he could show me such a blow of tulips as was not to be matched in the whole country.
I accepted the offer, and immediately found that they had been talking in terms of gardening, and that the kings and generals they had mentioned were only so many tulips,to which the gardeners, according to their usual custom,had given such high titles and appellations of honor.
I was very much pleased and astonished at the glorious show of these gay vegetables,that arose in great profusion on all the banks about us. Sometimes I considered every leaf as an elaborate piece of tissue, in which the threads and fibers were woven together into different configurations,which gave a different coloring to the light as it glanced on the several parts of the surface. Sometimes I considered the whole bed of tulips, according to the notion of the greatest mathematician and philosopher that ever lived, as a multitude of optic instruments, designed for the separating light into all those various colors of which it is composed.
I was awakened out these my philosophical speculations, by observing the company often seemed to laugh at me. I accidentally praised a tulip as one of the finest I ever saw; upon which they told me, it was a common Fool's Coat. Upon that I praised another, which it seems was but another kind of Fool's Coat.
I had the same fate with two or three more,for which reason I desired the owner of the garden to let me know which were the finest of the flower; for that I was so unskillful in the art, that I thought the most beautiful were the most valuable, and that those which had the gayest colours were the most beautiful. The gentleman smiled at my ignorance. He seemed a very plain honest man,and a person of good sense, had not his head been touched with that distemper which Hippocrates calls the Tulippomania;in so much that he would talk very rationally on any subject in the world but a tulip.
He told me,that he valued the bed of flowers which lay before us, and was not above twenty yards in length and two in breadth,more than he would the best hundred acres of land in England, and added, that it would have been worth twice the money it is, if a foolish cook, maid of his had not almost ruined him in the last winter, by mistaking a handful of tulip roots for a heap of onions, and "by that means,”said he, "made me a dish of pottage that cost me above thousand pounds sterling." He then showed me what he thought the finest of his tulips, which I found received all their value from their rarity, and oddness, and put me in mind of our great fortunes, which are not always the greatest beauties.
I have often looked upon it as a piece of happiness,that I have never fallen into any of these fantastical tastes,nor esteemed anything the more for its being the uncommon and hard to be met with,For this reason I look upon the whole country in springtime as a spacious garden, and make as many visits to a spot of daisies or a bank of violets,as a florist does to his borders or parterres. There is not a bush in blossom within a mile of me,which I am not acquainted with,nor scarce a daffodil of cowslip that withers away in my neighborhood without my missing it, I walked home in this temper of mind through several fields and meadows with hand unspeakable pleasure, not without reflecting on the bounty of Providence which has made the most pleasing and most beautiful objects the most ordinary and most common.
A White Rose
Bing Xin
How come I stand alone by the river? The hazy sky is that dawn or dusk? Where can I inquire? I simply feel I am in an ocean of flowers, amid the flowers mixed a few white roses.
There she comes,she comes down from the hill. With a bunch of flowers in hands,she appears in a plain white dress with beautiful make up.
"Come hither,give you a white rose,you may pin on the lapel,”I say. She beams with a word,but I can not hear.However, I seem to no pick one,and she does not wear it,holding the flowers still, she walks forward.
Looking up the path she passed, I can see both sides of the path covered with blooming flowers, drooping flowers, and fallen flowers.
I suppose white flower is better than red flower all the time yet why didn't I pick one, and she didn't wear one?
What's the place forward? Why not go with her?
It's over, the flowers disappear, and the dream awakes,what may be ahead? If I had picked one, had she been wearing it?
To Rome by Pisa and Siena
Charles Dickens
There is nothing in Italy,more beautiful to me,than the coast-road between Genoa and Spezzia. On one side:sometimes far below, sometimes nearly on a level with the road,and often skirted by broken rocks of many shapes:there is the free blue sea,with here and there a picturesque felucca gliding slowly on;on the other side are lofty hills, ravines besprinkled with white cottages,patches of dark olive woods,country churches with their light open towers, and country houses gaily painted. On every bank and knoll by the wayside, the wild cactus and aloe flourish in exuberant profusion;and the gardens of the bright villages along the road,are seen,all blushing in the summer-time with clusters of the Belladonna, and are fragrant in the autumn and winter with golden oranges and lemons.
Some of the villages are inhabited, almost exclusively, by fishermen;and it is pleasant to see their great boats hauled up on the beach,making little patches of shade,where they lie asleep, or where the women and children sit romping and looking out to sea,while they mend their nets upon the shore.There is one town,Camoglia, with its little harbour on the sea,hundreds of feet below the road; where families of mariners live, who, time out of mind,have owned coasting-vessels in that place, and have traded to Spain and elsewhere. Seen from the road above, ii is like a tiny model on the margin of the dimpled water, shining in the sun. Descended into,by the winding mule-tracks it is a perfect miniature of a primitive seafaring town; the saltest, roughest, most piratical little place that ever was seen. Great rusty iron rings and mooring-chains, capstans, and fragments of old masts and spars,choke up the way;hardy rough-weather boats,and seamen's clothing,flutter in the little harbour or are drawn out on the sunny stones to dry;on the parapet of the rude pier, a few amphibious-looking fellows lie asleep,with their legs dangling over the wall,as though earth or water were all one to them, and if they slipped in, they would float away, dozing comfortably among the fishes;the church is bright with trophies of the sea,and votive offerings,in commemoration of escape from storm and shipwreck. The dwellings not immediately abutting on the harbour are approached by blind low archways,and by crooked steps, as if in darkness and in difficulty of access they should be like holds of ships, or inconvenient cabins under water; and everywhere,there is a smell of fish, and sea-weed, and old rope.
The coast-road whence Camoglia is described so far below,is famous, in the warm season,especially in some parts near Genoa, for fire-flies. Walking there on a dark night,[have seen it made one sparkling firmament by these beautiful insects:so that the distant stars were pale against the flash and glitter that spangled every olive wood and hillside, and pervaded the whole air.

It was not in such a season, however, that we traversed this road on our way to Rome. The middle of January was only just past, and it was very gloomy and dark weather; very wet besides. In crossing the fine pass of Bracco, we encountered such a storm of mist and rain,that we travelled in a cloud the whole way. There might have been no Mediterranean in the world,for anything that we saw of it there,except when a sudden gust of wind,clearing the mist before it, for a moment,showed the agitated sea at a great depth below, lashing the distant rocks and spouting up its foam furiously. The rain was incessant; every brook and torrent was greatly swollen;and such deafening leaping, and roaring, and thundering of water, I never heard the like of in my life.
Hence,when we came to Spezzia,we found that the Magra,an unbridged river on the high-road to Pisa, was too high to be safely crossed in the Ferry Boat, and were fain to wait until the afternoon of next day, when it had, in some degree, subsided. Spezzia,however, is a good place to tarry at; by reason,firstly, of its beautiful bay;secondly, of its ghostly Inn;thirdly, of the head-dress of the women, who wear, on one side of their head, a small doll's straw hat, stuck on to the hair; which is certainly the oddest and most roguish head-gear that ever was invested.
The Magra safely crossed in the Ferry Boat-the passage is not by any means agreeable, when the current is swollen and strong-we arrived at Carrara, within a few hours. In good time next morning, we got some ponies, and went out to see the marble quarries.
They are four or five great glens, running up into a range of lofty hills, until they can run no longer, and are stopped by being abruptly strangled by Nature. The quarries, or "caves,”as they call them there, are so many openings, high up in the hills, on either side of these passes,where they blast and excavate for marble: which may turn out good or bad:may make a man's fortune very quickly, or ruin him by the great expens of working what is worth nothing. Some of these caves were opened by the ancient Romans, and remain as they left them to this hour. Many others are being worked at this moment; others are to be begun tomorrow, next week,next month;others are unbought,unthought of and marble enough for more ages man has passed since the place was restored to,lies hidden everywhere:patiently awaiting its time of discovery.
Carrara, shut in by great hills, is very picturesque and bold Few tourists stay there;and the people are nearly all connected,in one way or another, with the working of marble. There are also villages among the caves, where the workmen live. It contains a beautiful little Theatre,newly built; and it is an interesting custom there,to form the chorus of labourers in the marble quarries, who are self-taught and sing by ear. I heard them in a comic opera,and in an act of "Norms";and they acquitted themselves very well;unlike the common people of ltaly generally, who (with some exceptions among the Neapolitans) sing vilely out of tune, and have very disagreeable singing writes.
From the summit of a lofty hill beyond Carrara, the first view of the fertile plain in which the town of Pisa lies-with Leghorn,a purple spot in the flat distance-is enchanting. Nor is it only distance that lends enchantment to the view; for the fruitful country, and rich woods of olivetrees through which the road subsequently passes, render it delightful.
The moon was shining when we approached Pisa,and for a long time we could see, behind the wall, the leaning Tower,all awry in the uncertain light;the shadowy original of the old pictures in school-books, setting forth“The Wonders of the World".Like most things connected in their first associations with school-books and school-times, it was too small. I felt it keenly. It was nothing like so high above the wall as I had hoped. It was another of the many deceptions practiced by Mr.Harris,Bookseller, at the corner of St. Paul's Churchyard,London. His Tower was a fiction,but this was a reality-and,by comparison,a short reality. Still,it looked very well,and very strange, and was quite as much out of the perpendicular as Harris had represented it to be. The quiet air of Pisa too;the big guard-house at the gate, with only two little soldiers in it; the streets with scarcely any show of people in them;and the Arno, flowing quaintly through the center of the town;were excellent.So, I bore no malice in my heart against Mr. Harris (remembering his good intentions),but forgave him before dinner, and went out, full of confidence, to see the Tower next morning.
I might have known better; but, somehow, I had expected to see it, casting its long shadow on a public street where people came and went all day. It was a surprise to me to find it in a grave retired place,apart from the general resort, and carpeted with smooth green turf. But, the group of buildings, clustered on and about this verdant carpet: comprising the Tower, the Baptistery,the Cathedral, and the Church of the Campo Santo:is perhaps the most remarkable and beautiful in the whole world;and from being clustered there, together, away from the ordinary transactions and details of the town,they have a singularly venerable and impressive character. It is the architectural essence of a rich old city, with alt its common life and common habitations pressed out, and filtered away.
我本应对斜塔了解甚详的,可是我想象中的斜塔却是这样的:它将倒影落在大街上,在那里人们终日来来去去。我惊讶地发现,斜塔是在一座荒旧的墓地里,这与一般的观光胜地不同;塔的四周有郁郁葱葱的草地;草地四周有一些建筑群其 中有斜塔、洗礼堂、大教堂、圣广场教堂。或许,圣广场教堂是世界上最雄伟的、最显著的建筑物。它们都坐落于此,远离世俗与城市的喧嚣,给人异乎寻常的庄严和肃穆。它们是绝经沧桑的古老城市的建筑精华,渗透并浓缩了老城中的平凡生活和平凡居所。
If Pisa be the seventh wonder of the world in right of its Tower, it may claim to be, at least, the second or third in right of its beggars. They waylay the unhappy visitor at every turn,escort him to every door he enters at, and lie in wait for him,with strong reinforcements, at every door by which they know he must come out. The grating of the portal on its hinges is the signal for a general shout, and the moment he appears, he is hemmed in,and fallen on,by heaps of rags and personal distortions. The beggars seem to embody all the trade and enterprise of Pisa. Nothing else is stirring, but warm air. Going through the streets,the fronts of the sleepy houses look like backs. They are all so still and quiet, and unlike houses with people in them, that the greater part of the city has the appearance of a city at daybreak, or during a general siesta of the population. Or it is yet more like those backgrounds of houses in common prints, or old engravings, where windows and doors are squarely indicated,and one figure (a beggar of course)is seen walking off by itself into illimitable perspective.