27的英文:twenty-seven词组搭配:twenty-four seven
twenty to seven
27的英文例句:1. Cube three and you will get twenty - seven.
2. She was now a thin , though rugged, woman of twenty - seven .
她现在 二十七 岁, 虽然硬健,但形容消瘦.
3. He stripped himself , and I counted twenty - seven separate scars and gashes.
他脱去衣服, 我在他身上数出了 二十七 处瘢痕和深深的伤口.
4. She was twenty - seven perhaps , plump, and in a coarse fashion pretty.
她大约有二十七岁, 体态丰满,长得虽然俗气, 倒挺漂亮.
5. Twenty - seven percent of the net employment gain during the 1980 s was in those two categories.
6. He was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of twenty - seven .
他是在风华正茂之年就弃世了,当时他只有27 岁.
7. Tubers will not form if the soil temperature reaches twenty - seven degrees.
8. Sarah lived to be a hundred and twenty - seven years old.
9. I really wasn't ready to endure the twenty - seven mile race.
10. Kim Dading Twenty - seven years ( 1187 ) zong you monks rebuilt, renamed this name.

金大定二十七年 ( 1187年 ) 寺僧宗佑重修, 改称今名.
11. Lieutenant Colonel McSally commands twenty - seven aircraft and more than sixty crew members.
12. According to this manifest there were twenty seven crew members on board.
13. Well , there are twenty - seven people in your party. Is that correct?
你们一共是27位, 对 吗 ?
14. Three cubed is twenty - seven.
15. T - SHIRT MAN : You owe me twenty - seven - fifty!
卖T 恤衫 的人: 你欠我 二十七 块五!