双语主持人 主持人直播打瞌睡 双语

美国主持人塔克·卡尔森有些睡眠不足,他在节目《Fox & Friends》直播现场居然睡着了,与他一起制作节目的同事目睹了全过程。

Carlson, one of the three regular hosts of the Fox News morning show, claimed he had a good excuse - he was up late filling for Sean Hannity on the 9pm broadcast of his show. The conservative pundit's co-hosts didn't let him off the hook with that excuse, though.

卡尔森是福克斯早间直播节目三位常驻主持人之一,他自认为有个很充分的理由来解释这一状况:前一天晚上9点顶替Sean Hannity主持脱口秀节目,他睡得太晚了。但这位保守派评论员的同行却不让他用这个借口开脱。

As Carlson stretched awake after rousting himself from his slumber, Clayton Morris teased, 'Good to see you! Welcome to Fox & Friends.'

当卡尔森从沉睡中醒过来,舒展身体时,克莱顿·莫里森还开玩笑说:“见到你真高兴,欢迎回到《Fox & Friends》。”

Later he added: 'In 15 years of doing this program, I don't think that's ever happened.' Alisyn Camerota helpfully handed Carlson a venti cup of Starbucks coffee.

后来他还说:“我做这个节目15年了,从没想过会发生这种事。” 艾莉森·卡梅洛塔还递给卡尔森一大杯星巴克咖啡。

The host pleaded for sympathy. 'You know what it is, I sat in for Sean Hannity last night. It went late,' he said. And, all of a sudden I was sitting there and I was having these happy thoughts and I just dozed off.

双语主持人 主持人直播打瞌睡 双语

这位主持人还恳请他人理解同情一下自己。他说:“你们知道吗,我昨天晚上就在做《Sean Hannity》节目,直到很晚才结束。然后一恍惚我就突然坐在这里了,接着头脑里闪过许多愉快的想法,然后就睡过去了。”

'And then I heard one of our evil cameramen cackling in the background. I know which one of you it is.'


Carlson also thought he was fine to take a nap because the show was on a commercial break. Unfortunately, it appears he snoozed through the commercials. He was still nodded off in his seat when the cameras cut back to him.


'I know we're not on television, so it doesn't bother me,' he said. But, as it dawned on him that he was indeed on air, he gets a little red-faced.


'Wait, are we honestly live?' he asks. His co-hosts simply laugh.



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