
以下是小编整理的情感类英语美文欣赏: 希望对你有所感触。

Virtue is like a rich stone,best plain set;and surely vitue is best,in a body that is comely,thoughnot of delicate features;and that hath rather dignity of presence,than beauty of aspect.


Neither is it almost seen,that very beautiful persons are otherwise of great virtue;as if naturewere rather busy,not to err,than in labor to produce excellency.And therefore they proveaccomplished,but not of great spirit;and study rather behavior,than virtue.But this holds notalways:for Augustus Caesar,Titus Vespasianus,Philip le Belle of France,Edward the Fourth ofEngland,Alcibiades of Athens,Ismael the Sophy of Persia,were all high and great spirits;and yetthe most beautiful men of their times.In beauty,that of favor,is more than that of color;and thatof decent and gracious motion,more than that of favor.



That is the best part of beauty,which a picture cannot express;no nor the first sight of thelife.There is no excellent beauty,that hath not some strangeness in the proportion.A mancannot tell whether Apelles,or Albert Durer,were the more trifler;whereof the one ,would make apersonage by geometrical proportions;the other,by taking the best parts out of divers faces,tomake one excellent.Such personages,I think,would please nobody,but the painter that madethem.


Not but I think a painter may make a better face than ever was;but he must do it by a kind offelicity(as a musician that maketh an excellent air in music),and not by rule.A man shall seefaces, that if you examine them part by part,you shall find never a good;and yet altogether dowell.


If it be true that the principal part of beauty is in decent motion,certainly it is nomarvel,though persons in years seem many times more amiable;pulchrorum autumnuspulcher;for no youth can be comely but by pardon,and considering the youth,as to make upthe comeliness.


Beauty is as summer fruits,which are easy to corrupt,and cannot last;and for the most part itmakes a dissolute youth,and an age a little out of countenance;but yet certainly again,if itlight well,it maketh virtue shine,and vices blush.



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