美国脱口秀调侃奥巴马 美国晚间脱口秀笑话;奥巴马

"President Obama, if you take a look at it, has accomplished quite a lot in his first 100 days. By way of comparison, take a look at George W. Bush's first 100 days in office. This is in hismemoir. So, according to that, Bush spent 100 days in the Oval Office looking for the corner." --David Letterman


"We're getting close to President Obama's first 100 days in office, and he has had to deal with a lot of trouble, including a global financial crisis, pirates, and swine flu. Plus, Obama's got a live-in mother-in-law. I'm telling you, this guy cannot catch a break." --David Letterman


"Today marks 100 days of President Obama being in office, which is a big deal because 100 days is when his warranty runs out. We couldn't return him now if we wanted to." --Jimmy Kimmel


"Today was President Obama's 100th day in office. Isn't that amazing? Actually, when you think about it, George W. Bush was president for eight years, and he never came close to spending 100 days in the office. So, we're way ahead." --Jay Leno


美国脱口秀调侃奥巴马 美国晚间脱口秀笑话;奥巴马

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美国著名脱口秀节目 大盘点 美国著名黑人脱口秀

[奥普拉·温弗莉]The Oprah Winfrey Show《奥普拉脱口秀》(The Oprah WinfreyShow)由美国脱口秀女王奥普拉·温弗瑞制作并主持,是美国历史上收视率最高的脱口秀节目。同时,它也是美国历史上播映时间最长的日间电视脱口秀节目。从1986

第1169篇·脱口秀 ho1169

  脱口秀(Talkshow)节目本不是中国人的首创,中国过去舞台上独角戏或单口相声一类的还是属于表演,必须准备台本才能上台。无论观众看着怎么随意洒脱,也是表演者精心策划的,高手只是做得不露声色而已,看着像脱口而出。  脱口秀在美国如鱼

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