有关英语笑话故事带翻译:MODERN LIFE
Two old friends got together after many years and soon fell to discussing their husbands' faults.
"We've been married fifteen years," one woman said, "and every night after dinner my husband always complains about the food."
"How terrible!" exclaimed the other. "Does it bother you?"
"Why should it bother me?" her friend replied. "if he can't only stand his own cooking?"
有关英语笑话故事带翻译:I Wasn't Asleep
When a group of women got on the car, every seat was already occupied. The conductor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep,and fearing he might miss his stop, he nudged him and said: "Wake up, sir!"
"I wasn't asleep," the man answered.
"Not asleep? But you had your eyes closed."
"I know. I just hate to look at ladies standing up beside me in a crowded car."
有关英语笑话故事带翻译:DID YOUR DAD HELP YOU?
One day, Tim's mathematics teacher looked at his homework and saw that he had got all his sums right. The teacher was very pleased-and rather surprised. He called Tim to his desk and said to him, "You got all your homework right this time, Tim. What happened? Did your father help you?"
"No, sir. He was too busy last night, so I had to do it all myself," said Tim.
