澳大利亚北悉尼学院 澳大利亚总理在悉尼学院的毕业演讲

澳大利亚总理阿博特在悉尼学院对2014年毕业生致毕业演说。以经济建设的重要性为主题。他指出,没有强大的经济实力,就没有国家的强大与稳定。 经济增长是建设强大的社会实体,让人们生活幸福的必要手段。下面是小编为大家整理的澳大利亚总理在悉尼学院的毕业演讲,希望大家能够从中有所收获!



I have to say that this will be my most economically focused address because, without a strong economy, it’s impossible to have strong and sustainable communities.

Economic growth is the means to a stronger society and a happier people.

澳大利亚北悉尼学院 澳大利亚总理在悉尼学院的毕业演讲

That’s why my election pledge, endlessly repeated, was to build “a strong and prosperous economy” – not as an end in itself – but “for a safe and secure Australia”.

We’re striving to achieve a stronger budget because that’s the way to a stronger economy, to a stronger society and to make your life better and your job more secure.

On election night, I said that Australia was open for business – and every day since we’ve been working to implement our Economic Action Strategy.

We promised to abolish the carbon tax and the mining tax – and we won’t rest until they’re gone.

We promised to stop the boats – and to end the $11 billion border protection cost blow out; and for the past four months none have come, not a single one, compared to over 100 carrying more than 6000 people in the same period last year.

We said that we’d conclude free trade negotiations with Japan and Korea, and we have, and we’ve accelerated talks with China.

We promised a one-stop shop for approving big projects; that’s well underway and we’ve given the green light to new projects worth over $400 billion – yes, $400 billion worth of new projects have been given environmental approval since the election last year.

We promised to cut red tape costs by a billion dollars a year, every year. We’ve made a strong start taking some 50,000 pages off the statute book and the budget will do more.

We promised to crack down on union officials who rip off their members and that’s happening.

We promised an airport for Western Sydney; with the help of the New South Wales Government that’s happening too.

We said that we wouldn’t chase failing businesses waving blank cheques at them because the end of the age of entitlement should start with the end of business welfare.

Above all, in promising to deliver a strong and prosperous economy for a safe and secure Australia, we promised to get the budget back under control because you can’t fix the economy unless you fix the budget.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.aihuau.com/a/258761/353414480.html


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