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Trendy grandfather Allan Bradbury is still a 'dedic-aged' follower of fashion - at the age of 70.


The former construction worker spends up to £160 a month on Gucci and Vivienne Westwood designs, including oversized shirts and funky pirate boots.

布拉德伯里退休前是一名建筑工人,他每月花在Gucci和Vivienne Westwood品牌服饰上的钱仍多达160英镑(约合人民币1688元)。他买的服饰包括超大号衬衫和时髦的海盗靴。

Mr Bradbury, from Bolton, who has two wardrobes at home to house his giant collection of flamboyantdesigner gear, is refusing to grow old gracefully. As a result, he says he regularly gets stopped in the street by onlookers admiring his quirky fashion sense.


He warned he would never give up his favourite ripped jeans for conventional ‘old man’ jumpers, no matter how old he is.


'Fashion is an expression of people’s personalities and I don’t think that should stop just because you have reached a certain age.'


'Age is just a number, it is nothing to do with fashion. It was Vivienne Westwood who said buy less but buy well.

“年龄只是一个数字,它与时尚无关。Vivienne Westwood 品牌曾有过一句名言:买的少但要买的好。”

'Nelson Mandela said we should not be subservient, but to shine, therefore we give people the opportunity to do the same, and I believe in that philosophy.'




China's new First Lady, Peng Liyuan, has become something of a global style icon on her first official state visit.


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Peng Liyuan, wife of the new Chinese president Xi Jinping, has become a surprise style sensation with her native fashion bloggers and style commentators around the world on her first official state visit.


Disembarking from her private plane in Moscow on Friday, Peng, 50, chose an elegant black double-breasted belted coat and ladylike handbag by Chinese fashion label Exception; a look which, teamed with her neatly pinned up hair, fresh-faced make-up and understated accessories, wouldn't have looked out of place in the front row at Paris Haute Couture Week.


"First ladies are ambassadors of the culture and the design and of the soft power of a country. I'm glad that she chose to wear Chinese and take up that role of spokesperson for Chinese design here," said Hong Huang, publisher of the fashion magazine iLook and one of the most popular microbloggers in China.

“第一夫人一直是一个国家的文化大使,通常代表的就是一种软实力。看到彭丽媛女士选择中国本土品牌我非常高兴,她充当了中国设计的发言人角色。” 中国时尚杂志《iLook》的出版人洪晃表示,她也是中国最著名的微博达人之一。

"It's the first time that China's first lady appears like a modern woman. I think she dressed very well, with taste and confidence," said Zhang Yu, editor of China's Vogue magazine. "After so many years, we finally have a first lady who can represent us so appropriately. I think it is a landmark event."


Online retailers have sought to associate their products with what news portals are terming the "Peng Liyuan style," with searches for those key words resulting in lists of handbags and trench coats, many of which did not even resemble the items she wore.


彭丽媛随习近平主席首次外访 中国第一夫人引广泛关注>>>

Heavy online traffic to Exception's website has caused it to crash since Friday, with it loading onlysporadically on Monday.


Chatter about her winning personal style quickly spread globally with U.S. newspaper's comparing her to Michelle Obama (both have daughters and are only a year apart in age), though we think her ladylike style is more reminiscent of ex First Lady of France, Carla Bruni.


Further fuelling the hype, Liyuan, who is also a United Nations ambassador for health joined her husband on a visit to Africa on Sunday, touching down at Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam sporting another 'on trend' look comprising a crisp white skirt suit, coordinating handbag and peep-toe crocodile court shoes.



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