##产检的英语说法1:antenatal care
英 [ˌæntiˈneitəl kɛə]
美 [ˌæntiˈnetl kɛr]
##产检的英语说法2:Production inspection
antenatel record
The Interference of Antenatal Care on the Increase of Body Mass Index Provided by gtcom
I am now11 weeks pregnant, and12 weeks is to go to hospital births seized it?
It's already late, and tomorrow morning I have to accompany my wife to apregnancy check-up, so I cannot write too much, but I do appreciate your help andencouragement here.
Something I recommend to all of my patients: Get a copy of your prenatal chartand a letter from your O.B. clearing you for travel, with your due date.

Each check-all accompanied his wife, afraid that his wife accidentally drop thewhere.
To39-year-old with a third child but unfortunately abortion, Singapore mediareported yesterday, she found the end of last month seized Dunei production offetal abnormalities, pain abortions. terms
However, so unfortunately, is only suffering from hepatitis B from mother Janeantemarital examination of the prosecution ignored the middle class, not to engagein normal children's immunization.
The rate of consulting a specialist for examination prior to giving birth reached 99.8per cent, and the average number of visits to the doctor for examination reached12.9 in urban areas and 11.7 in rural areas.
Methods 350 blood samples were analyzed for HbA_2 and HbF by HPLC 、electrophoresis and alkali denaturation methods.
Fetal gallstone or cholelithiasis is the gallstone, sludge, or echogenic fociin the gallbladder often detected prenatally by ultrasound during prenatal testing.