保持健康的方法英文 保持健康的方法


Walking,the world'smost natural exercise, is one of the best ways to keep healthy. It is less dangerous than running. Walking strengthens muscles without stretching them too much and it puts less pressure on bones and joints.Many people are active in what is called fitness walking .They take short walks a few times each week to improve their health .Fitness walking can be done almost anywhere and anytime No special equipment is needed.

Going down the pub could seriously affect men's health—but in a positive way, a study said. A Leeds University researcher said that the local watering hole's welcoming atmosphere helps men to get rid of the stresses of modern life and is vital for their psychological well-bein. .


Experts advise drinking a lof of liquids, especially water before and after each walk and also gently stretching the muscles and joints that are most likely to become tense during the exercise.


保持健康的方法英文 保持健康的方法

The most effective way to walk is the natural way. Keep your head high and your back straight .In fitness walking it is important to remember your foot steps should fall almost in a straight line.Bend your arms at elbows .Let them swing from the shoulders with each step.


Walking is good for the health of your body.And studies have provided details about the link between walking and your emotional health.A group of students were asked to describe their feelings of energy and tension before a ten-minute fast walk.When they returned,they felt less tired and more full of energy.This feeling lasted one hour .Even after 2 hours the students felt less tired than they had before the experiment.


Short walks can also help make personal problems seem less serious .One group of subjects described the seriousness of their personal problems such as job worries ,or failing marriage.They went for a ten-minute fast walk .When they came back,they said their problems seemed less threatening.Improvements were not observed everyday,but after 3 weeks,the differences became very clear.



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保持健康的方法 男人保持健康的方法和禁忌

   男人保持健康的方法和禁忌   1、冲凉要用坐浴  由于男性的会阴部解剖生理比较复杂,阴-茎、睾丸、前列腺、精囊等生殖器官都集中于此。因此如果采取坐浴的方式,把这些生殖器官都浸泡于热水之中,就可去除汗渍、细菌、霉

有助于睡眠的方法 有助于睡眠健康的方法

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亚健康自测 从头发自测亚健康的方法

  健康的头发顺滑柔顺,并且有光泽、粗细一致。没有过多油脂,没有头皮。如果你的头发‘亚健康’,那么头发正在警示你,身体也是亚健康。下面就介绍一下从头发自测亚健康的方法?  从头发自测亚健康的方法:  头发稀疏:可能是甲状腺分

中医亚健康调理 中医调理亚健康的方法

  其实亚健康是病态的前兆,是一种疾病前的量的积累,如果是不注意及时的进行家庭调护的话,亚健康慢慢的会演变成了病态了。接下来,爱华网小编为你分享中医调理亚健康的方法。  中医调理亚健康的方法  中医认为人体如果先要健康

男人保持年轻的秘诀 男人保持年轻健康的方法

  许多男性都在通过努力拼搏、忘我奋斗来获取成功,但成功的背后是健康的透支,随之而来的衰老便成了无法回避的现实。那么,男人如何保持年轻健康?接下来,爱华网小编为你分享男人保持年轻健康的方法。  男人如何保持年轻健康 

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