Life is full of small questions: What will I wear to my meeting? What’s for lunch? Subway orcab?
Small questions are important as they facilitate the day to day running of our lives. Theproblem is, most people do not pause to ask themselves the big questions. The real questions.The questions that will change our lives for the better. Often we do not take a moment andthink about what really matters to us and what our contribution to the world is. Our wise oldfriend Socrates said "an unexamined life is not worth living."
每天要问自己的5个问题Here are five questions that Susie Moore(Life Coach, New York City) asks her coaching clients tohelp them examine their lives. Take a few minutes, a quiet spot and ask these of yourself(warning: the answers might surprise you!):
1. How happy am I overall, today, out of 10?
Take into account all areas of your life when you do this. Whatever your number is, be honestabout it with yourself. Then you can get real about what you can do to increase it.
2. What type of life do I want to lead?
Think about your life 10 years from now. Are you satisfied with your life if it is to continueexactly as it currently is? Are you content with your relationships, work, health? Picture the ideallife you could be living. How is it different? Visualizing helps us understand what it is that wecan be doing differently now.
3. What does success look like to me?
For some people it is becoming an expert in their industry. For others it is taking one year off inevery five to seven to travel. For some it is raising a healthy and tight-knit family. Be clear onwhat it looks like to you and don't be swayed by others visions for themselves. Your life is yourpath to honor and actualize.
4. What brings me joy?
Is it writing, teaching, singing, volunteering, dancing? Whatever it is, make time for it!
5. What can I do in the next two weeks to bring more joy, passion and purpose to mylife?
This is the killer part right here. All of the above is important but it won't impact your life unlessyou take action. Start small. Write one blog. Take one dance class. Perhaps speak to a friend inEurope about a potential meet over the next few months. You know what it is that willgenerate excitement and happiness in your life. Don't put it off!
The answers are within us. We have everything we need to create the lives we want. Gettingclear is the starting point. An old proverb says, "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago.The second-best time is now." Get busy now sowing the seeds of the life you want to flourishover the coming years.
答案就在我们心中。我们完全有能力来创造自己想要的生活。明确方向是第一步。老话说:“种一棵树的最佳时机是20年前,再就是现在。” 现在就动起来,为你将来茂盛的生活大树播下种子。
爱是所有问题的答案Love is the answer to every question.Why are we here? —Love.
Where do we come from? —Love.
How do we create world peace? —Love.
It may sound overly simplistic to themodern human being, since we want to analyze and look for complex answers to questions.
We don't believe that life is simple and the answers to its problems can also be simple: love.
In truth, what are anger, sadness, pain but the soul's desire for love?
If we learn to love ourselves without reservation, and to love the world in the same way, theanswer is simple.
It is impossible, when filled with love, to be aggressive or hate-filled or violent.
When we know that we are beautiful and wonderful, we see the world through those eyes.
We see the beauty and wonder in all things around us.
We don't need to look outside ourselves for the love we seek. It has been there all along.
It is the voice of our self-esteem.
It is our anger saying, Hey this is not right for me. I don't want this in my life any longer.
Self-love is saying no to abuse and betrayal.
It is wanting the very best for yourself and accepting only that in your life.
It is healing the wounds that you have carried all your life.
Self-love is walking away from those who mistreat you, knowing that you deserve better.
It is taking the risk to pursue the career that will bring you joy.
It is listening to your own inner voice: the one that will always guide you to what is best.
It is trusting in yourself completely.
Self-love is following that little voice within that says, Oh I want to do that today.

Sometimes it means ignoring the voice of ‘shoulds' and ‘have-tos'.
It is believing that, when you seek what you desire and fill yourself with joy, you will also bespreading that joy to those around you.
Love will fill you up so you will know there is nothing missing in your life.
Love will lead you to every answer.