不同形状different shapes
不同形状的设计 different shape foldable intraocu-lar lens
不同形状的地块 the block of different shapes
以不同的形状 in different shapes
认识不同的形状 Learn and identify the different types of shapes
不同的形状 various shapes
Light joints can be built in so they can be manually bent into different shapes.
Different shaped scaffolding can produce blood vessels or other forms of tissue.
"They seem to be able to discriminiate between different shapes, which might even mean theydiscriminate between different species of fish," he told BBC News.
He added: "We are also getting taller ever year, and guys are not only getting bigger but theyare also coming in different shapes which makes it harder for them to find clothes that fit.

They cut, slice, pull and even use a chopstick to create different noodle shapes.
Select leaves of as many different shapes and sizes as possible.
It comprises 20 functional modules of different shapes, bounded by the "sticks." They representItaly's 20 regions.
简单的艺术 -用一个小钉板,画出不同形状不同颜色的橡皮筋,直到所有挂钉都至少被用过一次。
Simple Art – Take a pegboard and stretch different color rubber bands in various shapes untilevery peg has been used at least once.
He and his colleagues have already embarked on experiments using different shapes of fin tocreate different water disturbances.
Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors.
Other games have people contorting to fit through different shapes and performing skateboardtricks.
The technique could eventually be used to design custom-shaped, nano-scale drug-deliverysystems and diagnostic devices.
Provide toys with different surfaces.
At the time, I guided her to the best organizationaltools I knew—a few dozen boxes of differentshapes and sizes, seven shoe racks, countless kitchen doodads.
The conventional 468 x 60 banner is slowly being replaced by larger and different shapeditems, that may for example run down the right-hand side of a screen, and have far more roomfor content.
Sweating under stage lights, magician Wang Xianbo takes six metal rings, bumps themtogether one by one and then links the rings into shapes: a flower, a rickshaw, an airplane.
The resulting shapes are proofs of principle, said Shih, and his process still needs to becomemore efficient and precise before it can be applied.
Every October, Mr Cummins, from Perryton, in Texas, America, stocks up on around 20pumpkins of varying shapes and sizes.
We bake 100 cookies in different shapes. We can share because we have plenty .
We bake 100 cookies in different shapes. We can share because we have plenty .
1. There were many models to choose from in different shapes and sizes.
2. Figure 8.21 shows a comparison of two hooks having different shapes.
3. In videotex, a display character which can have one of 128 different shapes.
4. As a result, each kanji gives difference as well as different meaning.
结果, 每一个汉字的不同形状都给与不同的含义.
5. With various interconvert massage heads, which provide multifarious massage mode.
配送不同形状互换按摩头, 提供多种按摩方式.
6. There are a variety of flavors saltgold - leafed senbei.
7. Stickers available in various shapes and sizes.
8. We have supply many kinds of nail art rhinestone, with different shape and size, color.
我们供应多种艺术钻钉, 不同形状和大小, 颜色,请参阅我们的网站.
9. Different shaped scaffoldings scaffolding can produce blood vessels or other forms of tissue.
10. Avoid snakes, collect and navigate different shaped rooms and varied level goals to maximize the treasure.
避开蛇 、 收集超能盔甲,通过不同形状的房间和各种各样的宝藏.
11. Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds darting and dancing.
12. Lanterns of various shapes sizes are hung in the streets, attracting countless visitors.
不同形状和大小的灯笼会悬挂在街上, 吸引无数的游人.
13. Obstacle avoidance simulation, test robot objects of different shapes on the judgement of the situation.
避障仿真, 测试机器人对不同形状物体的判断情况.
14. We wish to buy quality cup and saucer of different shape, fully decorate with colored design.
15. Modular fixture is composed of standard parts with different shape, normalization and dimension.
组合夹具由不同形状 、 不同规格尺寸的标准元件组装而成.