flashlight 手电筒
fluorescent lamp 日光灯
electric calculator 计算器
tube 真空管
electric fan 电风扇
dictaphone, dictating machine 录音机
tape recorder 磁带
television 电视机
electric iron 电熨斗
electric foot warmer 暖脚器
electric shaver 电动剃须刀
electric cooker 电饭锅
electric heater 电暖气
electric vacuum cleaner 吸尘器
bulb 电灯泡
electronic oven 电烤箱

radio 收音机
microphone 麦克风
loud-speaker 扩音机
refrigerator 冰箱
air conditioning 空调
microwave oven 微波炉
dry cell 干电池
tap 电线搭接处
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