职场生涯与生活态度 大学生涯必知生活方法


  College is the time to try new things, meet new people, and have new experiences. The things is, it can all fall apart if you don’t have a clear idea of what you are getting into. Be sure to make the best of it with these tips for new college students.


  1. Go to class 去上课

  Oh, it will be so tempting to sleep in. After all, you’re a college student! You can do what you want, right? Well, you sure can if you want to scramble to make up for it later on. It is much easier to hold a GPA than to attempt to bring it up!


  2. Know what you can handle course-wise 知道如何能明智地处理课程

  It is much better to finish a semester ‘late’ (who doesn’t these days?) than to have a nervous breakdown because of over-scheduling yourself. In the bigger picture, a few months or even a year does not make that much of a difference, unless you want to brag about how you finished school on time.


  3. Get involved 参与进去

  You might be attending school in a different state, or even in your own state. Either way you can afford to expand your interests and meet new people. College is an easy way to make contacts and new friends!


职场生涯与生活态度 大学生涯必知生活方法

  4. Make friends in your program who are ahead of you 结交班级里成绩比你好的朋友

  This way you might be able to borrow their old tests, notes and/or lab reports. This is not cheating, but using your resources and contacts wisely. Many sororities andfraternities have these resources available, some even in database form! You can trade off with this friend or do something nice like bake him/her cookies for their help.


  5. On that note, consider joining a sorority or fraternity 说到这里,可以考虑加入姐妹会或兄弟会

  Yes, you have to go to social events. Yes, you might get categorized as a snob or fill-in-the-inappropriate-name-blank, but you really can benefit from the social network and resources (such as old tests).


  6. Buy your books online or from a friend 从网上或朋友那里买书

  Holy cow, the universities make a boatload off of textbooks! Using one book for a semester (even with selling it back) can cost $100 plus! Many companies like Amazon sell textbooks cheaper than at universities and offer gift cards at a decent rate to sell them back.


  7. Keep in contact with your family 和家人保持联系

  Yes, you should make contacts and friends at college. This does not mean you should ignore your family who likely supports you, or encouraged you to get to where you are today. Give them a call, Skype them, send them a card, or do something during the semester to let them know you are thinking about them.




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 新人职场生涯规划   新人都需渡过“适应期”每个新人从象牙塔到职场,都逃不过一个“适应期”。而新人在初上岗的情况下,最容易出现的状况也就是没有能够适应工作环境,没有能够快速做到角色转换,在很多时候都太学生气。殊不知,

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