jk罗琳哈利波特新作品 《哈利波特》作者JK罗琳的11堂人生课

  So you didn’t have a perfect childhood? Sorry for your loss. What a great excuse you may have for not going all the way to make your dreams come true.


  Warning: today your excuses may be gone forever, no matter what your life looks like. After reading these golden nuggets of life delivered by JK Rowling to a graduating class at Harvard, you will be in on her life secrets. These mini lessons take you from any excuse to the life of your dreams. Read at your own risk. By the end of this post, you will have no reason left to stuff your big and little dreams under the mattress.


  A lightning idea struck, and she became a billionaire author. Are you ready to enter your magical life? Here are some of her life philosophies that you too can take on.


  1. “Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”


  Here is how JK perceived her rock bottom:


  “I had failed on an epic scale. An exceptionally short lived marriage had imploded and I was a jobless alone parent and as poor as it was possible to be in Britain without being homeless.”


  You too can build up from your own rock bottom, laying a foundation for your dreams and goals, no matter where you are at in this very moment.


  2. “Failure gave me an inner security that I have never had by passing examinations.”


  Does inner security comes from a job, money, getting an A? The perfect spouse or relationship?


  Not according to Jo. Her inner security came from failure.


  “Failure meant the stripping away of the inessential.”


  What can you strip away? What is inessential in your life? What will be left? What’s left is only what’s important to you along with inner security that you are choosing only a path that is right for you.


  3. ”Poverty itself is romanticized only by fools. It means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships.”

jk罗琳哈利波特新作品 《哈利波特》作者JK罗琳的11堂人生课


  Some people associate poverty with spirituality. Or they think that it’s romantic to be writhing in hunger and cold, scratching out your craft anyway, digging deep.


  Jo disagrees. Why romanticize humiliation and hardships?


  “I cannot criticize my parents for hoping I would never experience poverty. They had been poor themselves and I have since been poor. And I quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience.”


  It may be time for you to romanticize wealth and abundance, and look forward to bringing your gifts to this world, while satiated, with some extra money in the bank. Now that is ennobling.


  4. “Talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the fates.”


  So you have a college education or know you’re smart. That’s great, but as far as the fates, well as Jo says, “Your qualifications are not your life.” There’s no room for self-judgment here—life is what it is for all of us. Do what you can to get what you want. Keep on keeping on, and don’t give up.


  5. “The moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.”


  If you’re blaming someone else for you not finding your own dream and bringing it to life, grab the wheel; you’re old enough to drive.


  “I do not blame my parents…there is an expiry date for blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction. I discovered that I had a strong will and more discipline than I had suspected.”


  You have what it takes, so take it. The minute you stop blaming, you can start steering.


  6. “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.”


  Wouldn’t it be nice to have Harry or Hermione’s magic wand? Or to go into a wand shop and browse?


  If Jo tells you that you have magic and power inside yourself, then you do. Believe it, allow it to surface and get ready for a wild ride.




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