
用作动词 (v.)
I hope to announce the winner shortly.
After these dry days, everyone hopes for rain.
I hope he will be adequate to the job.
And hope is what Yad Vashem is all about!
用作名词 (n.)
The doctors held out no hope of recovery.
I called in the hope of finding her at home.
Do you have any hope that he'll come?
hope的常用短语用作动词 (v.)
hope for (v.+prep.)
希望,希望得到 hope that sth will happen; want to get
hope for sth
We hope for an early spring.我们希望春天早早到来。
After this dry weather everyone hopes for rain.经过这段干旱天气之后,人人盼望下雨。
How I hope for his speedy recovery!我多么希望他早日康复啊!
We hope for foreign aid but cannot depend on it.我们希望有外援,但是我们不能依赖它。
This time they really hoped for better results.这次他们的确希望取得较好的成果。
We all hope for a better life.我们都希望生活得好些。
He still hopes for more.他还抱更多的期望。
用于 be ~ed 结构
A still larger attendance is hoped for.希望有更多的人出席。
An improvement in our meal is hoped for.大家希望改善一下伙食。
There is nothing to be hoped for.没什么可指望的了。
hope for sb/sth to-v
I hope for my son to become a doctor.我希望我儿子会成为一名医生。
I hope for this book to become a best seller.我希望这本书会成为一本畅销书。
I hope for the weather to improve soon.我希望天气会很快转好。
抱乐观态度,作最好的打算 be hopeful of success, a good result, a happy ending; believe in victory
hope for the best
Let us hope for the best.我们往最好处想吧。
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。
用作名词 (n.)
be beyond〔past〕 hope
(成功、痊愈等)毫无希望 have no chance of succeeding, recovering, etc.
They are trying to cure him of his drug addiction but he is beyond hope. 他们想戒除他的毒瘾,但是他已经不可救药了。
It is beyond all hope of repair. 它已无法修理了。
She is past hope of recovery. 她没有康复的希望了。