bigup什么意思 Big UP 咆哮歌词

  Big UP 咆哮 - 尚雯婕



  Big up big up big up amaze me

  Big up big up big up against me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Show them the strength in you


  Used to step back

  And watch yourself fall

  Afraid to dream out loud in the night


  You just couldn't see

  The chance that you could be

  The one that shines like star in the sky

  Now the heat is rising

  Rage is burning inside

  You know you're one of a kind

  You get what you wanted

bigup什么意思 Big UP 咆哮歌词

  Big up big up big up amaze me

  Big up big up big up against me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Show them the strength in you

  Big up big up big up inflame me

  Big up big up big up embrace me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Never hold back your fire


  You just couldn't see

  The chance that you could be

  The one that shines like star in the sky

  Now the heat is rising

  Rage is burning inside

  You know you're one of a kind

  You get what you wanted

  Big up big up big up amaze me

  Big up big up big up against me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Show them the strength in you

  Big up big up big up inflame me

  Big up big up big up embrace me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Never hold back your fire

  Break up chains and everything else

  You can make it through the places you want to step on

  Come on you can shine


  Used to step back

  And watch yourself fall

  But now u know u can

  Big up big up big up amaze me

  Big up big up big up against me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Show them the strength in you

  Big up big up big up inflame me

  Big up big up big up embrace me

  Light up the sky

  Light up your life

  Never hold back your fire



  尚雯婕(Laure Shang)

  1982年12月22日出生于上海,复旦大学法语系毕业。独立电子唱作人,融合电子音乐和时尚造型的先锋女歌手。 2006年参加“超级女声”以中国选秀史最高票数出道;2007年7月发行首张个人EP大碟《梦之浮桥》;同年10月发行个人首张专辑《在梵高的星空下》;2009年演唱电影《非诚勿扰》主题曲《信以为真》以及插曲;2010年演唱电影《唐山大地震》宣传曲《23秒32年》;同年,与尚·马龙创作并演唱上海世博会比利时展馆主题曲。 2011年推出《Nightmare魔》、《In》;同年参加环球青年领袖峰会创作并献唱主题曲,并获MusicRadio中国TOP排行榜“最佳女歌手”(蝉联三届)、“内地年度杰出艺人”与“最佳金曲”奖;2012年发行《最后的赞歌》;同年在巴黎举办个人音乐会,为首位被法国电视三台专题片推介的中国流行歌手,并凭《夜之缪斯》获第12届华语音乐传媒大奖最佳制作人、最佳编曲奖;2013年发行专辑《Graceland恩赐之地》;同年凭《最后的赞歌》获劲歌王金曲金榜内地最佳女歌手、最佳国语唱片年度金曲以及第11届华鼎奖最佳女歌手。 2011年至2014年六次受邀出席巴黎、纽约国际时装周,与时装设计师深入交流、多语采访。


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